set g_balance_vore_swallow_delay 0.5 "how many seconds must pass before you can swallow someone again"\r
set g_balance_vore_regurgitate_delay 0.135 "regurgitation delay"\r
set g_balance_vore_regurgitate_velocitylimit 1200 "when a predator is going faster than this, the prey is squeezed out of them"\r
+set g_balance_vore_regurgitate_force 500 "regurgitated players rocket out at this speed when released"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_damage 4 "amount of damage applied to victims during digestion"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire 1 "amount of health you gain from each enemy during digestion"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire_stable 150 "you stop gaining health past this point (best to keep equal or lower than g_balance_health_rotstable)"\r
e.solid = e.vore_oldsolid;\r
e.alpha = 0; // best way of hiding / showing the eaten player\r
e.view_ofs_z *= 2; // best positioning for the stomach model\r
+ e.velocity = randomvec() * cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_force");\r
e.stat_eaten = FALSE;\r
PlayerSound(e.eater, playersound_regurgitate, CHAN_PAIN, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND);\r