-.vector spawnpoint_score;
.string netname_previous;
-void spawnfunc_info_player_survivor (void)
- spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch();
-void spawnfunc_info_player_start (void)
- spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch();
-void spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch (void)
- self.classname = "info_player_deathmatch";
- relocate_spawnpoint();
-void spawnpoint_use()
- if(teamplay)
- if(have_team_spawns > 0)
- {
- self.team = activator.team;
- some_spawn_has_been_used = 1;
- }
-// Returns:
-// _x: prio (-1 if unusable)
-// _y: weight
-vector Spawn_Score(entity spot, float mindist, float teamcheck)
- float shortest, thisdist;
- float prio;
- entity player;
- prio = 0;
- // filter out spots for the wrong team
- if(teamcheck >= 0)
- if(spot.team != teamcheck)
- return '-1 0 0';
- if(race_spawns)
- if(spot.target == "")
- return '-1 0 0';
- if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
- {
- if(spot.restriction == 1)
- return '-1 0 0';
- }
- else
- {
- if(spot.restriction == 2)
- return '-1 0 0';
- }
- shortest = vlen(world.maxs - world.mins);
- FOR_EACH_PLAYER(player) if (player != self)
- {
- thisdist = vlen(player.origin - spot.origin);
- if (thisdist < shortest)
- shortest = thisdist;
- }
- if(shortest > mindist)
- spawn_score = prio * '1 0 0' + shortest * '0 1 0';
- spawn_spot = spot;
- // filter out spots for assault
- if(spot.target != "") {
- entity ent;
- float found;
- found = 0;
- for(ent = world; (ent = find(ent, targetname, spot.target)); )
- {
- ++found;
- if(ent.spawn_evalfunc)
- {
- entity oldself = self;
- self = ent;
- spawn_score = ent.spawn_evalfunc(oldself, spot, spawn_score);
- self = oldself;
- if(spawn_score_x < 0)
- return spawn_score;
- }
- }
- if(!found)
- {
- dprint("WARNING: spawnpoint at ", vtos(spot.origin), " could not find its target ", spot.target, "\n");
- return '-1 0 0';
- }
- }
- return spawn_score;
-void Spawn_ScoreAll(entity firstspot, float mindist, float teamcheck)
- entity spot;
- for(spot = firstspot; spot; spot = spot.chain)
- spot.spawnpoint_score = Spawn_Score(spot, mindist, teamcheck);
-entity Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(entity firstspot, float mindist, float teamcheck)
- entity spot, spotlist, spotlistend;
- spotlist = world;
- spotlistend = world;
- Spawn_ScoreAll(firstspot, mindist, teamcheck);
- for(spot = firstspot; spot; spot = spot.chain)
- {
- if(spot.spawnpoint_score_x >= 0) // spawning allowed here
- {
- if(spotlistend)
- spotlistend.chain = spot;
- spotlistend = spot;
- if(!spotlist)
- spotlist = spot;
- }
- }
- if(spotlistend)
- spotlistend.chain = world;
- return spotlist;
-entity Spawn_WeightedPoint(entity firstspot, float lower, float upper, float exponent)
- // weight of a point: bound(lower, mindisttoplayer, upper)^exponent
- // multiplied by spot.cnt (useful if you distribute many spawnpoints in a small area)
- entity spot;
- RandomSelection_Init();
- for(spot = firstspot; spot; spot = spot.chain)
- RandomSelection_Add(spot, 0, string_null, pow(bound(lower, spot.spawnpoint_score_y, upper), exponent) * spot.cnt, (spot.spawnpoint_score_y >= lower) * 0.5 + spot.spawnpoint_score_x);
- return RandomSelection_chosen_ent;
-Finds a point to respawn
-entity SelectSpawnPoint (float anypoint)
- float teamcheck;
- entity spot, firstspot;
- spot = find (world, classname, "testplayerstart");
- if (spot)
- return spot;
- if(anypoint || autocvar_g_spawn_useallspawns)
- teamcheck = -1;
- else if(have_team_spawns > 0)
- {
- if(have_team_spawns_forteam[self.team] == 0)
- {
- // we request a spawn for a team, and we have team
- // spawns, but that team has no spawns?
- if(have_team_spawns_forteam[0])
- // try noteam spawns
- teamcheck = 0;
- else
- // if not, any spawn has to do
- teamcheck = -1;
- }
- else
- teamcheck = self.team; // MUST be team
- }
- else if(have_team_spawns == 0 && have_team_spawns_forteam[0])
- teamcheck = 0; // MUST be noteam
- else
- teamcheck = -1;
- // if we get here, we either require team spawns but have none, or we require non-team spawns and have none; use any spawn then
- // get the entire list of spots
- firstspot = findchain(classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
- // filter out the bad ones
- // (note this returns the original list if none survived)
- if(anypoint)
- {
- spot = Spawn_WeightedPoint(firstspot, 1, 1, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- float mindist;
- if (g_arena && arena_roundbased)
- mindist = 800;
- else
- mindist = 100;
- firstspot = Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(firstspot, mindist, teamcheck);
- // there is 50/50 chance of choosing a random spot or the furthest spot
- // (this means that roughly every other spawn will be furthest, so you
- // usually won't get fragged at spawn twice in a row)
- if (random() > autocvar_g_spawn_furthest)
- spot = Spawn_WeightedPoint(firstspot, 1, 1, 1);
- else
- spot = Spawn_WeightedPoint(firstspot, 1, 5000, 5); // chooses a far far away spawnpoint
- }
- if (!spot)
- {
- if(autocvar_spawn_debug)
- GotoNextMap(0);
- else
- {
- if(some_spawn_has_been_used)
- return world; // team can't spawn any more, because of actions of other team
- else
- error("Cannot find a spawn point - please fix the map!");
- }
- }
- return spot;
--- /dev/null
- self.last_spawn_time = time;
- Spawn_Send_Think;
+float Spawn_Send(entity to, float sf)
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf);
+ if(sf & 1)
+ {
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.team);
+ WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_x);
+ WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_y);
+ WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_z);
+ }
+ if(sf & 2)
+ {
+ WriteLong(MSG_ENTITY, self.last_spawn_time);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
++void Spawn_Think(void)
++ self.nextthink = 0;
++ if(self.send_spawn < 0)
++ {
++ self.SendFlags |= 1;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ self.last_spawn_time = self.send_spawn;
++ self.SendFlags |= 2;
++ }
+void spawnpoint_use()
+ if(teamplay)
+ if(have_team_spawns > 0)
+ {
+ self.team = activator.team;
+ some_spawn_has_been_used = 1;
+ }
+ print("spawnpoint was used!\n");
- //self.think = Spawn_Send_Think;
- //self.nextthink = time;
++ self.send_spawn = time;
++ self.nextthink = time;
+void relocate_spawnpoint()
+ // nudge off the floor
+ setorigin(self, self.origin + '0 0 1');
+ tracebox(self.origin, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, self.origin, TRUE, self);
+ if (trace_startsolid)
+ {
+ vector o;
+ o = self.origin;
+ self.mins = PL_MIN;
+ self.maxs = PL_MAX;
+ if (!move_out_of_solid(self))
+ objerror("could not get out of solid at all!");
+ print("^1NOTE: this map needs FIXING. Spawnpoint at ", vtos(o - '0 0 1'));
+ print(" needs to be moved out of solid, e.g. by '", ftos(self.origin_x - o_x));
+ print(" ", ftos(self.origin_y - o_y));
+ print(" ", ftos(self.origin_z - o_z), "'\n");
+ if (autocvar_g_spawnpoints_auto_move_out_of_solid)
+ {
+ if (!spawnpoint_nag)
+ print("\{1}^1NOTE: this map needs FIXING (it contains spawnpoints in solid, see server log)\n");
+ spawnpoint_nag = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setorigin(self, o);
+ self.mins = self.maxs = '0 0 0';
+ objerror("player spawn point in solid, mapper sucks!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ self.use = spawnpoint_use;
+ self.team_saved = self.team;
+ if (!self.cnt)
+ self.cnt = 1;
+ if (have_team_spawns != 0)
+ if (self.team)
+ have_team_spawns = 1;
+ have_team_spawns_forteam[self.team] = 1;
+ if (autocvar_r_showbboxes)
+ {
+ // show where spawnpoints point at too
+ makevectors(self.angles);
+ entity e;
+ e = spawn();
+ e.classname = "info_player_foo";
+ setorigin(e, self.origin + v_forward * 24);
+ setsize(e, '-8 -8 -8', '8 8 8');
+ e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ }
- if (arena_roundbased && !g_ca)
++ self.think = Spawn_Think;
++ self.nextthink = time;
+ Net_LinkEntity(self, FALSE, 0, Spawn_Send);
+void spawnfunc_info_player_survivor (void)
+ spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch();
+void spawnfunc_info_player_start (void)
+ spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch();
+void spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch (void)
+ self.classname = "info_player_deathmatch";
+ relocate_spawnpoint();
+// Returns:
+// _x: prio (-1 if unusable)
+// _y: weight
+vector Spawn_Score(entity spot, float mindist, float teamcheck)
+ float shortest, thisdist;
+ float prio;
+ entity player;
+ prio = 0;
+ // filter out spots for the wrong team
+ if(teamcheck >= 0)
+ if(spot.team != teamcheck)
+ return '-1 0 0';
+ if(race_spawns)
+ if(spot.target == "")
+ return '-1 0 0';
+ if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
+ {
+ if(spot.restriction == 1)
+ return '-1 0 0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(spot.restriction == 2)
+ return '-1 0 0';
+ }
+ shortest = vlen(world.maxs - world.mins);
+ FOR_EACH_PLAYER(player) if (player != self)
+ {
+ thisdist = vlen(player.origin - spot.origin);
+ if (thisdist < shortest)
+ shortest = thisdist;
+ }
+ if(shortest > mindist)
+ spawn_score = prio * '1 0 0' + shortest * '0 1 0';
+ spawn_spot = spot;
+ // filter out spots for assault
+ if(spot.target != "") {
+ entity ent;
+ float found;
+ found = 0;
+ for(ent = world; (ent = find(ent, targetname, spot.target)); )
+ {
+ ++found;
+ if(ent.spawn_evalfunc)
+ {
+ entity oldself = self;
+ self = ent;
+ spawn_score = ent.spawn_evalfunc(oldself, spot, spawn_score);
+ self = oldself;
+ if(spawn_score_x < 0)
+ return spawn_score;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!found)
+ {
+ dprint("WARNING: spawnpoint at ", vtos(spot.origin), " could not find its target ", spot.target, "\n");
+ return '-1 0 0';
+ }
+ }
+ return spawn_score;
+void Spawn_ScoreAll(entity firstspot, float mindist, float teamcheck)
+ entity spot;
+ for(spot = firstspot; spot; spot = spot.chain)
+ spot.spawnpoint_score = Spawn_Score(spot, mindist, teamcheck);
+entity Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(entity firstspot, float mindist, float teamcheck)
+ entity spot, spotlist, spotlistend;
+ spotlist = world;
+ spotlistend = world;
+ Spawn_ScoreAll(firstspot, mindist, teamcheck);
+ for(spot = firstspot; spot; spot = spot.chain)
+ {
+ if(spot.spawnpoint_score_x >= 0) // spawning allowed here
+ {
+ if(spotlistend)
+ spotlistend.chain = spot;
+ spotlistend = spot;
+ if(!spotlist)
+ spotlist = spot;
+ }
+ }
+ if(spotlistend)
+ spotlistend.chain = world;
+ return spotlist;
+entity Spawn_WeightedPoint(entity firstspot, float lower, float upper, float exponent)
+ // weight of a point: bound(lower, mindisttoplayer, upper)^exponent
+ // multiplied by spot.cnt (useful if you distribute many spawnpoints in a small area)
+ entity spot;
+ RandomSelection_Init();
+ for(spot = firstspot; spot; spot = spot.chain)
+ RandomSelection_Add(spot, 0, string_null, pow(bound(lower, spot.spawnpoint_score_y, upper), exponent) * spot.cnt, (spot.spawnpoint_score_y >= lower) * 0.5 + spot.spawnpoint_score_x);
+ return RandomSelection_chosen_ent;
+Finds a point to respawn
+entity SelectSpawnPoint (float anypoint)
+ float teamcheck;
+ entity spot, firstspot;
+ spot = find (world, classname, "testplayerstart");
+ if (spot)
+ return spot;
+ if(anypoint || autocvar_g_spawn_useallspawns)
+ teamcheck = -1;
+ else if(have_team_spawns > 0)
+ {
+ if(have_team_spawns_forteam[self.team] == 0)
+ {
+ // we request a spawn for a team, and we have team
+ // spawns, but that team has no spawns?
+ if(have_team_spawns_forteam[0])
+ // try noteam spawns
+ teamcheck = 0;
+ else
+ // if not, any spawn has to do
+ teamcheck = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ teamcheck = self.team; // MUST be team
+ }
+ else if(have_team_spawns == 0 && have_team_spawns_forteam[0])
+ teamcheck = 0; // MUST be noteam
+ else
+ teamcheck = -1;
+ // if we get here, we either require team spawns but have none, or we require non-team spawns and have none; use any spawn then
+ // get the entire list of spots
+ firstspot = findchain(classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
+ // filter out the bad ones
+ // (note this returns the original list if none survived)
+ if(anypoint)
+ {
+ spot = Spawn_WeightedPoint(firstspot, 1, 1, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float mindist;
++ if(g_arena && arena_roundbased)
+ mindist = 800;
+ else
+ mindist = 100;
+ firstspot = Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(firstspot, mindist, teamcheck);
+ // there is 50/50 chance of choosing a random spot or the furthest spot
+ // (this means that roughly every other spawn will be furthest, so you
+ // usually won't get fragged at spawn twice in a row)
+ if (random() > autocvar_g_spawn_furthest)
+ spot = Spawn_WeightedPoint(firstspot, 1, 1, 1);
+ else
+ spot = Spawn_WeightedPoint(firstspot, 1, 5000, 5); // chooses a far far away spawnpoint
+ }
+ if (!spot)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_spawn_debug)
+ GotoNextMap(0);
+ else
+ {
+ if(some_spawn_has_been_used)
+ return world; // team can't spawn any more, because of actions of other team
+ else
+ error("Cannot find a spawn point - please fix the map!");
+ }
+ }
+ return spot;