set g_br_ring_wait 30 "wait time before each ring stage"
set g_br_ring_center_factor 0.25 "factor by which the ring can deviate from the center of the map, 0 means always completely centered, 1 means completely random within world bounds"
set g_br_ring_fadedistance 2000 "distance at which the ring slowly becomes visible until it reaches g_br_ring_alpha when standing right in front of it"
+set g_br_ring_exitvehicle 0 "players can't use vehicles outside of the ring"
bool autocvar_g_br_squad_colors = true;
float autocvar_g_br_drop_acceleration = 1200;
bool autocvar_g_br_startweapons = false;
+bool autocvar_g_br_ring_exitvehicle = false;
.vector br_drop_velocity;
.vector br_drop_angles;
Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_BR_RING_WARN);
- if (player.vehicle) // if a player is controlling vehicles
+ if(player.vehicle && autocvar_g_br_ring_exitvehicle) // if the player is controlling a vehicle
vehicles_exit(player.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE); // begone!
Damage(player, ring, ring, ring.strength * frametime, DEATH_RING.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, player.origin, '0 0 0'); // ring damage