static mempool_t *texturemempool;
// note: this must not conflict with TEXF_ flags in r_textures.h
-// cleared when a texture is uploaded
-#define GLTEXF_UPLOAD 0x00010000
// bitmask for mismatch checking
-// set when image is uploaded and freed
-#define GLTEXF_DESTROYED 0x00040000
// dynamic texture (treat texnum == 0 differently)
#define GLTEXF_DYNAMIC 0x00080000
typedef struct gltexture_s
- // this field is exposed to the R_GetTexture macro, for speed reasons
- // (must be identical in rtexture_t)
+ // this portion of the struct is exposed to the R_GetTexture macro for
+ // speed reasons, must be identical in rtexture_t!
int texnum; // GL texture slot number
+ qboolean dirty; // indicates that R_RealGetTexture should be called
+ int gltexturetypeenum; // used by R_Mesh_TexBind
// dynamic texture stuff [11/22/2007 Black]
- // used to hold the texture number of dirty textures
- int dirtytexnum;
updatecallback_t updatecallback;
void *updatacallback_data;
// --- [11/22/2007 Black]
// dont do anything if the texture is already dirty (and make sure this *is* a dynamic texture after all!)
- if( !glt->dirtytexnum && glt->flags & GLTEXF_DYNAMIC ) {
- glt->dirtytexnum = glt->texnum;
+ if (glt->flags & GLTEXF_DYNAMIC)
+ {
// mark it as dirty, so R_RealGetTexture gets called
- glt->texnum = 0;
+ glt->dirty = true;
glt->flags |= GLTEXF_DYNAMIC;
glt->updatecallback = updatecallback;
glt->updatacallback_data = data;
- glt->dirtytexnum = 0;
static void R_UpdateDynamicTexture(gltexture_t *glt) {
- glt->texnum = glt->dirtytexnum;
- // reset dirtytexnum again (not dirty anymore)
- glt->dirtytexnum = 0;
- // TODO: now assert that t->texnum != 0 ?
+ glt->dirty = false;
if( glt->updatecallback ) {
glt->updatecallback( (rtexture_t*) glt, glt->updatacallback_data );
Host_Error("R_FreeTexture: texture \"%s\" not linked in pool", glt->identifier);
- if (!(glt->flags & GLTEXF_UPLOAD))
+ if (glt->texnum)
qglDeleteTextures(1, (GLuint *)&glt->texnum);CHECKGLERROR
for (glt = pool->gltchain;glt;glt = glt->chain)
// only update already uploaded images
+ if (glt->texnum && !(glt->flags & (TEXF_FORCENEAREST | TEXF_FORCELINEAR)))
oldbindtexnum = R_Mesh_TexBound(0, gltexturetypebindingenums[glt->texturetype]);
qglBindTexture(gltexturetypeenums[glt->texturetype], glt->texnum);CHECKGLERROR
for (glt = pool->gltchain;glt;glt = glt->chain)
glsize = R_CalcTexelDataSize(glt);
- isloaded = !(glt->flags & GLTEXF_UPLOAD);
+ isloaded = glt->texnum != 0;
pooltotalt += glsize;
pooltotalp += glt->inputdatasize;
for (glt = pool->gltchain;glt;glt = glt->chain)
// only update already uploaded images
- if ((glt->flags & (GLTEXF_UPLOAD | TEXF_MIPMAP)) == TEXF_MIPMAP)
+ if (glt->texnum && (glt->flags & TEXF_MIPMAP) == TEXF_MIPMAP)
oldbindtexnum = R_Mesh_TexBound(0, gltexturetypebindingenums[glt->texturetype]);
prevbuffer = colorconvertbuffer;
- if ((glt->flags & (TEXF_MIPMAP | TEXF_PICMIP | GLTEXF_UPLOAD)) == 0 && glt->inputwidth == glt->tilewidth && glt->inputheight == glt->tileheight && glt->inputdepth == glt->tiledepth && (fragx != 0 || fragy != 0 || fragwidth != glt->tilewidth || fragheight != glt->tileheight))
+ // upload the image - preferring to do only complete uploads (drivers do not really like partial updates)
+ if ((glt->flags & (TEXF_MIPMAP | TEXF_PICMIP)) == 0 && glt->inputwidth == glt->tilewidth && glt->inputheight == glt->tileheight && glt->inputdepth == glt->tiledepth && (fragx != 0 || fragy != 0 || fragwidth != glt->tilewidth || fragheight != glt->tileheight))
// update a portion of the image
if (fragx || fragy || fragz || glt->inputwidth != fragwidth || glt->inputheight != fragheight || glt->inputdepth != fragdepth)
Host_Error("R_Upload: partial update not allowed on initial upload or in combination with PICMIP or MIPMAP\n");
- // upload the image for the first time
- glt->flags &= ~GLTEXF_UPLOAD;
// cubemaps contain multiple images and thus get processed a bit differently
if (glt->texturetype != GLTEXTURETYPE_CUBEMAP)
glt = (gltexture_t *)rt;
if (glt->flags & GLTEXF_DYNAMIC)
- if (glt->flags & GLTEXF_UPLOAD)
- {
- qglGenTextures(1, (GLuint *)&glt->texnum);CHECKGLERROR
- R_Upload(glt, glt->inputtexels, 0, 0, 0, glt->inputwidth, glt->inputheight, glt->inputdepth);
- if (glt->inputtexels)
- {
- Mem_Free(glt->inputtexels);
- glt->inputtexels = NULL;
- glt->flags |= GLTEXF_DESTROYED;
- }
- else if (glt->flags & GLTEXF_DESTROYED)
- Con_Printf("R_GetTexture: Texture %s already uploaded and destroyed. Can not upload original image again. Uploaded blank texture.\n", glt->identifier);
- }
return glt->texnum;
glt->inputwidth = width;
glt->inputheight = height;
glt->inputdepth = depth;
- glt->flags = flags | GLTEXF_UPLOAD;
+ glt->flags = flags;
glt->textype = texinfo;
glt->texturetype = texturetype;
glt->inputdatasize = size;
glt->bytesperpixel = texinfo->internalbytesperpixel;
glt->sides = glt->texturetype == GLTEXTURETYPE_CUBEMAP ? 6 : 1;
glt->texnum = 0;
+ glt->dirty = false;
+ glt->gltexturetypeenum = gltexturetypeenums[glt->texturetype];
// init the dynamic texture attributes, too [11/22/2007 Black]
- glt->dirtytexnum = 0;
glt->updatecallback = NULL;
glt->updatacallback_data = NULL;