rtexture_t *r_shadow_blankglosstexture;
rtexture_t *r_shadow_blankwhitetexture;
-cvar_t r_shadow_lightattenuationpower = {0, "r_shadow_lightattenuationpower", "2"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_lightattenuationscale = {0, "r_shadow_lightattenuationscale", "2"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_lightattenuationpower = {0, "r_shadow_lightattenuationpower", "0.5"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_lightattenuationscale = {0, "r_shadow_lightattenuationscale", "1"};
cvar_t r_shadow_lightintensityscale = {0, "r_shadow_lightintensityscale", "1"};
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime = {0, "r_shadow_realtime", "0"};
cvar_t r_shadow_gloss = {0, "r_shadow_gloss", "1"};
cvar_t r_shadow_debuglight = {0, "r_shadow_debuglight", "-1"};
cvar_t r_shadow_scissor = {0, "r_shadow_scissor", "1"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap = {0, "r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap", "4"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture = {0, "r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture", "4"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture = {0, "r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture", "0"};
cvar_t r_shadow_shadownudge = {0, "r_shadow_shadownudge", "1"};
void R_Shadow_ClearWorldLights(void);
for (x = 0;x < 128;x++)
- v[0] = (x + 0.5f) * (2.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f;
- v[1] = (y + 0.5f) * (2.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f;
+ v[0] = (x + 0.5f) * (2.0f / (128.0f - 8.0f)) - 1.0f;
+ v[1] = (y + 0.5f) * (2.0f / (128.0f - 8.0f)) - 1.0f;
v[2] = 0;
intensity = 1.0f - sqrt(DotProduct(v, v));
if (intensity > 0)
void R_Shadow_DiffuseLighting(int numverts, int numtriangles, const int *elements, const float *svectors, const float *tvectors, const float *normals, const float *texcoords, const float *relativelightorigin, float lightradius, const float *lightcolor, rtexture_t *basetexture, rtexture_t *bumptexture, rtexture_t *lightcubemap)
- int renders, mult;
- float scale, colorscale;
+ int renders;
+ float color[3];
rmeshstate_t m;
memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
if (!bumptexture)
m.tex[2] = 0;
m.tex[3] = 0;
- qglColorMask(1,1,1,1);
+ qglColorMask(1,1,1,0);
qglBlendFunc(GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
if (lightcubemap)
R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_LightCubeMap(varray_texcoord[1], numverts, varray_vertex, relativelightorigin);
- colorscale = r_colorscale * r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value;
- for (mult = 1, scale = ixtable[mult];mult < 64 && (lightcolor[0] * scale * colorscale > 1 || lightcolor[1] * scale * colorscale > 1 || lightcolor[2] * scale * colorscale > 1);mult++, scale = ixtable[mult]);
- colorscale *= scale;
- GL_Color(lightcolor[0] * colorscale, lightcolor[1] * colorscale, lightcolor[2] * colorscale, 1);
- for (renders = 0;renders < mult;renders++)
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_colorscale * r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color[0] > 0 || color[1] > 0 || color[2] > 0);renders++, color[0] = max(0, color[0] - 1.0f), color[1] = max(0, color[1] - 1.0f), color[2] = max(0, color[2] - 1.0f))
+ {
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ }
m.texcombinergb[0] = GL_MODULATE;
m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_MODULATE;
- qglColorMask(1,1,1,1);
+ qglColorMask(1,1,1,0);
qglBlendFunc(GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
if (lightcubemap)
R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_LightCubeMap(varray_texcoord[1], numverts, varray_vertex, relativelightorigin);
- colorscale = r_colorscale * r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value;
- for (mult = 1, scale = ixtable[mult];mult < 64 && (lightcolor[0] * scale * colorscale > 1 || lightcolor[1] * scale * colorscale > 1 || lightcolor[2] * scale * colorscale > 1);mult++, scale = ixtable[mult]);
- colorscale *= scale;
- GL_Color(lightcolor[0] * colorscale, lightcolor[1] * colorscale, lightcolor[2] * colorscale, 1);
- for (renders = 0;renders < mult;renders++)
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_colorscale * r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color[0] > 0 || color[1] > 0 || color[2] > 0);renders++, color[0] = max(0, color[0] - 1.0f), color[1] = max(0, color[1] - 1.0f), color[2] = max(0, color[2] - 1.0f))
+ {
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ }
void R_Shadow_SpecularLighting(int numverts, int numtriangles, const int *elements, const float *svectors, const float *tvectors, const float *normals, const float *texcoords, const float *relativelightorigin, const float *relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, const float *lightcolor, rtexture_t *glosstexture, rtexture_t *bumptexture, rtexture_t *lightcubemap)
- int renders, mult;
- float scale, colorscale;
+ int renders;
+ float color[3];
rmeshstate_t m;
memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
if (!bumptexture)
m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(glosstexture);
m.texcubemap[1] = R_GetTexture(lightcubemap);
- qglColorMask(1,1,1,1);
+ qglColorMask(1,1,1,0);
qglBlendFunc(GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
memcpy(varray_texcoord[0], texcoords, numverts * sizeof(float[4]));
if (lightcubemap)
R_Shadow_GenTexCoords_LightCubeMap(varray_texcoord[1], numverts, varray_vertex, relativelightorigin);
- colorscale = r_colorscale * r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value;
- for (mult = 1, scale = ixtable[mult];mult < 64 && (lightcolor[0] * scale * colorscale > 1 || lightcolor[1] * scale * colorscale > 1 || lightcolor[2] * scale * colorscale > 1);mult++, scale = ixtable[mult]);
- colorscale *= scale;
- GL_Color(lightcolor[0] * colorscale, lightcolor[1] * colorscale, lightcolor[2] * colorscale, 1);
- for (renders = 0;renders < mult;renders++)
+ VectorScale(lightcolor, r_colorscale * r_shadow_lightintensityscale.value, color);
+ for (renders = 0;renders < 64 && (color[0] > 0 || color[1] > 0 || color[2] > 0);renders++, color[0] = max(0, color[0] - 1.0f), color[1] = max(0, color[1] - 1.0f), color[2] = max(0, color[2] - 1.0f))
+ {
+ GL_Color(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
+ }
cvar_t r_editlights_cursorpushoff = {0, "r_editlights_pushoff", "4"};
cvar_t r_editlights_cursorgrid = {0, "r_editlights_grid", "4"};
cvar_t r_editlights_quakelightsizescale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_editlights_quakelightsizescale", "0.8"};
+cvar_t r_editlights_rtlightssizescale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_editlights_rtlightssizescale", "0.7"};
+cvar_t r_editlights_rtlightscolorscale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_editlights_rtlightscolorscale", "2"};
worldlight_t *r_shadow_worldlightchain;
worldlight_t *r_shadow_selectedlight;
vec3_t r_editlights_cursorlocation;
e = Mem_Alloc(r_shadow_mempool, sizeof(worldlight_t));
VectorCopy(origin, e->origin);
- VectorCopy(color, e->light);
- e->lightradius = radius;
- VectorCopy(origin, e->mins);
- VectorCopy(origin, e->maxs);
- e->cullradius = 0;
+ VectorScale(color, r_editlights_rtlightscolorscale.value, e->light);
+ e->lightradius = radius * r_editlights_rtlightssizescale.value;
+ e->cullradius = e->lightradius;
+ e->mins[0] = e->origin[0] - e->lightradius;
+ e->maxs[0] = e->origin[0] + e->lightradius;
+ e->mins[1] = e->origin[1] - e->lightradius;
+ e->maxs[1] = e->origin[1] + e->lightradius;
+ e->mins[2] = e->origin[2] - e->lightradius;
+ e->maxs[2] = e->origin[2] + e->lightradius;
e->style = style;
e->next = r_shadow_worldlightchain;
r_shadow_worldlightchain = e;
if (e->maxs[1] > e->origin[1] + e->lightradius) e->maxs[1] = e->origin[1] + e->lightradius;
if (e->mins[2] < e->origin[2] - e->lightradius) e->mins[2] = e->origin[2] - e->lightradius;
if (e->maxs[2] > e->origin[2] + e->lightradius) e->maxs[2] = e->origin[2] + e->lightradius;
- Con_Printf("%f %f %f, %f %f %f, %f, %f, %d, %d\n", e->mins[0], e->mins[1], e->mins[2], e->maxs[0], e->maxs[1], e->maxs[2], e->cullradius, e->lightradius, e->numleafs, e->numsurfaces);
- // clip shadow volumes against eachother to remove unnecessary
- // polygons (and sections of polygons)
maxverts = 256;
verts = NULL;
// now that we have the buffers big enough, construct shadow volume mesh
memcpy(verts, castmesh->verts, castmesh->numverts * sizeof(float[4]));
- R_Shadow_ProjectVertices(verts, castmesh->numverts, e->origin, 1000000.0f);//, e->lightradius);
+ R_Shadow_ProjectVertices(verts, castmesh->numverts, e->origin, 10000000.0f);//, e->lightradius);
R_Shadow_MakeTriangleShadowFlags(castmesh->elements, verts, castmesh->numtriangles, trianglefacinglight, e->origin, e->lightradius);
tris = R_Shadow_BuildShadowVolumeTriangles(castmesh->elements, castmesh->neighbors, castmesh->numtriangles, castmesh->numverts, trianglefacinglight, shadowelements);
// add the constructed shadow volume mesh
l += mesh->numtriangles;
Con_Printf("static shadow volume built containing %i triangles\n", l);
+ Con_Printf("%f %f %f, %f %f %f, %f, %f, %d, %d\n", e->mins[0], e->mins[1], e->mins[2], e->maxs[0], e->maxs[1], e->maxs[2], e->cullradius, e->lightradius, e->numleafs, e->numsurfaces);
void R_Shadow_FreeWorldLight(worldlight_t *light)
int n, a, style;
char name[MAX_QPATH], cubemapname[MAX_QPATH], *lightsstring, *s, *t;
float origin[3], radius, color[3];
+ if (cl.worldmodel == NULL)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("No map loaded.\n");
+ return;
+ }
COM_StripExtension(cl.worldmodel->name, name);
strcat(name, ".rtlights");
lightsstring = COM_LoadFile(name, false);
char line[1024];
if (!r_shadow_worldlightchain)
+ if (cl.worldmodel == NULL)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("No map loaded.\n");
+ return;
+ }
COM_StripExtension(cl.worldmodel->name, name);
strcat(name, ".rtlights");
bufchars = bufmaxchars = 0;
buf = NULL;
for (light = r_shadow_worldlightchain;light;light = light->next)
- sprintf(line, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %s\n", light->origin[0], light->origin[1], light->origin[2], light->lightradius, light->light[0], light->light[1], light->light[2], light->style, light->cubemapname ? light->cubemapname : "");
+ sprintf(line, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %s\n", light->origin[0], light->origin[1], light->origin[2], light->lightradius / r_editlights_rtlightssizescale.value, light->light[0] / r_editlights_rtlightscolorscale.value, light->light[1] / r_editlights_rtlightscolorscale.value, light->light[2] / r_editlights_rtlightscolorscale.value, light->style, light->cubemapname ? light->cubemapname : "");
if (bufchars + strlen(line) > bufmaxchars)
bufmaxchars = bufchars + strlen(line) + 2048;
int n, a, style;
char name[MAX_QPATH], *lightsstring, *s, *t;
float origin[3], radius, color[3], subtract, spotdir[3], spotcone, falloff, distbias;
+ if (cl.worldmodel == NULL)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("No map loaded.\n");
+ return;
+ }
COM_StripExtension(cl.worldmodel->name, name);
strcat(name, ".lights");
lightsstring = COM_LoadFile(name, false);
float origin[3], radius, color[3], light, scale, originhack[3], overridecolor[3];
const char *data;
+ if (cl.worldmodel == NULL)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("No map loaded.\n");
+ return;
+ }
data = cl.worldmodel->entities;
if (!data)
void R_Shadow_UpdateWorldLightSelection(void)
+ R_Shadow_SetCursorLocationForView();
if (r_editlights.integer)
- R_Shadow_SetCursorLocationForView();
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_editlights_rtlightssizescale);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_editlights_rtlightscolorscale);
Cmd_AddCommand("r_editlights_clear", R_Shadow_EditLights_Clear_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("r_editlights_reload", R_Shadow_EditLights_Reload_f);
Cmd_AddCommand("r_editlights_save", R_Shadow_EditLights_Save_f);