set sv_gibhealth 100 "Minus health a dead body must have in order to get gibbed"
// use default physics
-set sv_friction_on_land 0
-set sv_friction_slick 0.5
+set sv_friction_on_land 0 "movement friction applied for half a second upon landing on the ground"
+set sv_friction_slick 0.5 "movement friction while on slick surfaces"
-set sv_slick_applygravity 0
+set sv_slick_applygravity 0 "apply a downward force while on slick surfaces to simulate slippery slopes"
set sv_aircontrol_backwards 0 "apply forward aircontrol options to backward movement"
set sv_aircontrol_sidewards 0 "apply forward aircontrol options to sideward movement"
set sv_track_canjump 0 "track if the player released the jump key between 2 jumps to decide if they are able to jump or not"
set sv_jumpvelocity_crouch 0 "jump height while crouching, set to 0 to use regular jump height"
-set sv_precacheplayermodels 1
-set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier 1.5
-set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier_min 1
-set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier_max 5
+set sv_precacheplayermodels 1 "preload all the player models at game start, to avoid delays during gameplay"
+set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier 1.5 "base movement speed factor of spectators, all movement settings scale off this"
+set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier_min 1 "minimum movement speed factor for spectators as determined by scrolling"
+set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier_max 5 "maximum movement speed factor for spectators as determined by scrolling"
set sv_spectate 1 "if set to 1, new clients are allowed to spectate or observe the game, if set to 0 joining clients spawn as players immediately (no spectating)"
set sv_defaultcharacter 0 "master switch, if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all player models, skins and colors is taken from the sv_defaultplayermodel, sv_defaultplayerskin and sv_defaultplayercolors variables"
set sv_defaultcharacterskin 0 "if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all skins is taken from the sv_defaultplayerskin variables"
set sv_defaultplayermodel "models/player/erebus.iqm" "default model selection, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; you may append a :<skinnumber> suffix to model names; you can specify multiple, separated by space, and a random one will be chosen"
set sv_defaultplayerskin 0 "each model has 1 or more skins (combination of model and skin = character), set which skin of the model you wish the default character to have, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; can be overridden by :<skinnumber> suffix in sv_defaultplayermodel"
set sv_defaultplayermodel_red "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
-set sv_defaultplayerskin_red 0
+set sv_defaultplayerskin_red 0 "skin to use on the red team, set to 0 to instead use sv_defaultplayerskin"
set sv_defaultplayermodel_blue "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
-set sv_defaultplayerskin_blue 0
+set sv_defaultplayerskin_blue 0 "skin to use on the blue team, set to 0 to instead use sv_defaultplayerskin"
set sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
-set sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow 0
+set sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow 0 "skin to use on the yellow team, set to 0 to instead use sv_defaultplayerskin"
set sv_defaultplayermodel_pink "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
-set sv_defaultplayerskin_pink 0
+set sv_defaultplayerskin_pink 0 "skin to use on the pink team, set to 0 to instead use sv_defaultplayerskin"
set sv_defaultplayercolors "" "set to 16*shirt+pants to force a color, note: it does NOT depend on defaultcharacter! Set to \"\" to disable"
set sv_autoscreenshot 0 "if set to 1, the server forces all clients to create a local screenshot once the map ended"
net_messagetimeout 30
set bot_wander_enable 1 "Have bots wander around if they are unable to reach any useful goal. Disable only for debugging purposes."
set bot_typefrag 0 "Allow bots to shoot players while they're typing"
// general bot AI cvars
-set bot_ai_thinkinterval 0.05
+set bot_ai_thinkinterval 0.05 "Frame rate at which bots update their navigation and aiming, scales by skill"
set bot_ai_strategyinterval 7 "How often a new objective is chosen"
set bot_ai_strategyinterval_movingtarget 5.5 "How often a new objective is chosen when current objective can move"
set bot_ai_enemydetectioninterval 2 "How often bots pick a new target"
set bot_ai_dangerdetectioninterval 0.25 "How often scan for waypoints with dangers near"
set bot_ai_dangerdetectionupdates 64 "How many waypoints will be considered for danger detection"
set bot_ai_aimskill_blendrate 2 "How much correction will be applied to the aiming angle"
-set bot_ai_aimskill_fixedrate 15
+set bot_ai_aimskill_fixedrate 15 "Distance based scale from which correction will be applied to the aiming angle"
set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance 0 "enable fire tolerance"
-set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_distdegrees 100
+set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_distdegrees 100 "Rate at which the aiming angle is updated, scales by skill"
set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_mindegrees 2 "Minimum angle tolerance. Used on large distances"
set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_maxdegrees 60 "Maximum firing angle. Used on close range"
set bot_ai_aimskill_mouse 1 "How much of the aiming filters are applied"
set bot_ai_timeitems_minrespawndelay 25 "bots run to items with this minimum respawn delay before respawning"
// waypoint editor enable
-set g_waypointeditor 0
+set g_waypointeditor 0 "Enables display and placement of bot navigation waypoints, use g_waypointeditor_saveall when done"
set g_waypointeditor_auto 0 "Automatically create waypoints for bots while playing; BEWARE, this currently creates too many of them"
set g_waypointeditor_symmetrical 0 "Enable symmetrical editing of waypoints on symmetrical CTF maps (NOTE: it assumes that the map is perfectly symmetrical). 1: automatically determine origin of symmetry; -1: use custom origin (g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_origin); 2: automatically determine axis of symmetry; -2: use custom axis (g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis)"
set g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_allowload 1 "Allow loading symmetry settings from waypoint files into g_waypointeditor_symmetrical* cvars on map start"
set g_grab_range 200 "distance at which dragable objects can be grabbed"
set g_cloaked 0 "display all players mostly invisible"
-set g_player_alpha 1
+set g_player_alpha 1 "default opacity of players"
set g_player_brightness 0 "set to 2 for brighter players"
-set g_balance_cloaked_alpha 0.25
+set g_balance_cloaked_alpha 0.25 "opacity of cloaked players"
set g_playerclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against playerclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
set g_botclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against botclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
// spam (frag/capture) log
set sv_eventlog 0 "the master switch for efficiency reasons"
-set sv_eventlog_console 1
-set sv_eventlog_files 0
-set sv_eventlog_files_timestamps 1
-set sv_eventlog_files_counter 0
-set sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix xonotic
-set sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix .log
+set sv_eventlog_console 1 "print event log entries to the console as well"
+set sv_eventlog_files 0 "save the event log to individual files instead of the main server log"
+set sv_eventlog_files_timestamps 1 "include timestamps in the log file names"
+set sv_eventlog_files_counter 0 "internal counter cvar, do not modify"
+set sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix xonotic "prefix of individual log file names"
+set sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix .log "suffix of individual log file names"
set nextmap "" "override the maplist when switching to the next map"
-set lastlevel ""
+set lastlevel "" "for singleplayer use, shows the menu once the match has ended"
set quit_when_empty 0 "set to 1, then the server exits when the next level would start but is empty"
set quit_and_redirect "" "set to an IP to redirect all players at the end of the match to another server. Set to \"self\" to let all players reconnect at the end of the match (use it to make seamless engine updates)"
set quit_and_redirect_timer 1.5 "set to number of seconds after quit before performing the connect operation of quit_and_redirect"
alias sv_fbskin_off "sv_defaultcharacter 0; sv_defaultplayerskin 0; sv_defaultplayercolors \"\""
-set sv_servermodelsonly 1
+set sv_servermodelsonly 1 "enable to prevent players from using playermodels that don't exist on the server"
sv_curl_defaulturl ""
set sv_curl_serverpackages_auto 1 "automatically add packs with *.serverpackage files to sv_curl_serverpackages"
-set sv_motd ""
+set sv_motd "" "additional information to show on the welcome screen that greets joining players"
set g_waypoints_for_items 0 "make waypoints out of items, values: 0 = never, 1 = unless the mapper prevents it by worldspawn.spawnflags & 1, 2 = always"
set g_maplist_votable 6 "number of maps that are shown in the map voting at the end of a match"
set g_maplist_votable_keeptwotime 15 "show only 2 options after this amount of time during map vote screen"
set g_maplist_votable_timeout 30 "timeout for the map voting; must be below 50 seconds!"
-set g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2
-set g_maplist_votable_suggestions_override_mostrecent 0
+set g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2 "number of maps a player is allowed to suggest for the map voting screen"
+set g_maplist_votable_suggestions_override_mostrecent 0 "allow players to suggest maps that have been played recently"
set g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0 "nodetail only shows total count instead of all vote counts per map, so votes don't influence others that much"
set g_maplist_votable_abstain 0 "when 1, you can abstain from your vote"
set g_maplist_votable_screenshot_dir "maps levelshots" "where to look for map screenshots"
set sv_vote_gametype 0 "show a vote screen for gametypes before map vote screen"
set sv_vote_gametype_keeptwotime 10 "show only 2 options after this amount of time during gametype vote screen"
set sv_vote_gametype_options "dm tdm ctf" "Keep the identifiers short, otherwise you'll run into issues with too long alias names (max is 31 characters) when using sv_vote_gametype_hook_*"
-set sv_vote_gametype_timeout 20
+set sv_vote_gametype_timeout 20 "how long the gametype vote screen lasts"
set sv_vote_gametype_default_current 1 "Keep the current gametype if no one votes"
set g_chat_flood_spl 3 "normal chat: seconds between lines to not count as flooding"
set g_nick_flood_penalty_yellow 3 "number of changes to allow before warning and movement blocking"
set g_nick_flood_penalty_red 30 "number of changes to allow before totally disorienting the player"
-set sv_waypointsprite_deployed_lifetime 10
-set sv_waypointsprite_deadlifetime 1
-set sv_waypointsprite_limitedrange 5120
+set sv_waypointsprite_deployed_lifetime 10 "default lifetime of temporary waypoints"
+set sv_waypointsprite_deadlifetime 1 "fade out lifetime of waypoints being removed"
+set sv_waypointsprite_limitedrange 5120 "default maximum viewing distance of waypoints (if set by the waypoint)"
set sv_itemstime 1 "enable networking of time left until respawn for items such as mega health/armor and powerups"
set g_banned_list_idmode "1" "when set, the IP banning system always uses the ID over the IP address (so a user in a banned IP range can connect if they have a valid signed ID)"
// useful vote aliases
-set timelimit_increment 5
-set timelimit_decrement 5
-set timelimit_min 5
-set timelimit_max 60
+set timelimit_increment 5 "number of minutes added to the timer when voting for extendmatchtime"
+set timelimit_decrement 5 "number of minutes removed from the timer when voting for reducematchtime"
+set timelimit_min 5 "shortest match time achieveable with reducematchtime votes"
+set timelimit_max 60 "maximum match time achieveable with extendmatchtime votes"
sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 0
sv_gameplayfix_q2airaccelerate 1
sv_gameplayfix_stepdown 2
// delay for "kill" to prevent abuse
-set g_balance_kill_delay 2
-set g_balance_kill_antispam 5
+set g_balance_kill_delay 2 "timer before death when using the kill command"
+set g_balance_kill_antispam 5 "additional time added to the kill delay if used repeatedly"
// this feature is currently buggy in the engine (it appears to PREVENT any dropping in lots of maps, leading to weirdly aligned entities, and in some cases even CAUSES them to drop through solid, like in facing worlds nex)
sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0
// Quake-Joule: 1 qJ = 1 qN * 1 qu
// Quake-Pascal: 1 qPa = 1 qN / 1 qu^2
-set g_ballistics_mindistance 2 // enable ballistics starting from 2 qu
-set g_ballistics_density_player 0.50 // players are 2x as easy to pass as walls
-set g_ballistics_density_corpse 0.10 // corpses are 10x as easy to pass as walls
+set g_ballistics_mindistance 2 "enable ballistics starting from 2 qu"
+set g_ballistics_density_player 0.50 "players are 2x as easy to pass through as walls"
+set g_ballistics_density_corpse 0.10 "corpses are 10x as easy to pass through as walls"
set g_ballistics_penetrate_clips 0 "allow ballistics to pass through weapon clips"
sv_status_show_qcstatus 1 "Xonotic uses this field instead of frags"
exec physics.cfg
if_dedicated exec help-xonotic.cfg
-set sv_join_notices ""
-set sv_join_notices_time 15
+set sv_join_notices "" "special alerts to show joining players"
+set sv_join_notices_time 15 "how long the alert is shown on the player's screen"
set sv_simple_items 1 "allow or forbid client use of simple items"