killtarget: remove all entities with this targetname when triggered
+/*QUAKED trigger_secret (.5 .5 .5) ?
+Variable sized secret trigger. Can be targeted at one or more entities.
+Basically, it's a trigger_once that additionally updates the number of secrets found.
+-------- KEYS --------
+sounds: 1 to play misc/secret.wav, 2 to play misc/talk.wav, 3 to play misc/trigger1.wav (default: 1)
+noise: path to sound file, if you want to play something else
+target: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered
+message: print this message to the player who activated the trigger instead of the standard 'You found a secret!'
+killtarget: remove all entities with this targetname when triggered
+-------- NOTES --------
+You should create a common/trigger textured brush covering the entrance to a secret room/area.
+Trigger secret can only be trigger by a player's touch and can not be a target itself.
/*QUAKED trigger_swamp (.5 .5 .5) ?
Players getting into the swamp will get slowed down and damaged
-------- KEYS --------