"as","techassault","7","8","30",,"g_campaign_forceteam 1","Assault: Techassault","You are in the attacking team and you have to destroy all objects. There will be new rooms/ways if you destroy an object."
"dm","oilrig","6","8","15",,,"Deathmatch: Oilrig","In this DM game you are going to face 8 'Assassin' bots!"
"cts","courtfun","0","0","6000",,,"Race CTS: Courtfun","Race CTS (Complete The Stage) is similar to the Race mode, just that you only need to reach the finish in CTS. You have to beat it within 1 minute though."
-"dm","xoylent","4","6","10",,"g_weaponarena blaster","[Special] Deathmatch: Xoylent","Blaster only: This time you get only the Blaster, so try to push the enemies of the map! But don't let them push you, because you need only 10 frags to win.\nWatch your step!"
+"dm","xoylent","4","6","10",,"g_weaponarena blaster","[Special] Deathmatch: Xoylent","Blaster only: This time you get only the Blaster, so try to push the enemies off the map! But don't let them push you, because you need only 10 frags to win.\nWatch your step!"
"ctf","space-elevator","7","9","5",,,"Capture the Flag: Space Elevator","CTF versus a team of 'Unhuman' bots! 5 captures to win."
"dm","darkzone","5","9","15",,"g_new_toys 1; g_cloaked 1","[Special] Deathmatch: Darkzone","New Toys: In this mutator some fancy weapons like the Mine Layer, the Heavy Laser Assault Cannon (HLAC) or the T.A.G. Seeker will spawn.\nAlso you're experiencing another mutator: almost invisible players."
"ctf","dance","7","10","3",,"g_instagib 1; g_grappling_hook 1","[Special] Capture the Flag: Dance","InstaGib in CTF this time. Also you will experience here how to play with the off-hand Grappling Hook (Press 'e' or Mouse1 to use it)!"