-d darkplaces client bug: make sure QuakeDoneQuick works (Chris Kemp)
-d darkplaces client: add GAME_PRYDON mode which would make vore spike trails blue as they're used for ice (Urre, -Harb, FrikaC)
-d darkplaces client: add a config saving command (Speeds)
--d darkplaces client: add ability to load gfx/particlefont.tga (Vermeulen, -frightfan, -Error)
+-d darkplaces client: add ability to load gfx/particlefont.tga (Vermeulen, -frightfan, Error)
-d darkplaces client: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to enable converting id1 blood effects to TE_BLOOD style (Alex Boveri)
-d darkplaces client: add cvars for sbar alpha (background and foreground) (Throvold@uboot.com)
-d darkplaces client: add gl_polyblend cvar to control amount of viewblend effect (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
-d darkplaces input bug: figure out what's wrong with ctrl key in Linux, hitting character keys tends to do nothing, and holding a character key and then hitting ctrl tends to leave the character key stuck on, this sounds like a window manager issue, but somehow quake3 works around it (Baalz)
-d darkplaces input: key repeat should work in menus, for example scrolling quickly through options (Up2nOgOoD)
-d darkplaces loading: make it only reload rtlights when current map changes, not when restarting renderer or reloading same map (Stribbs)
--d darkplaces loading: make sure .skin files work on md3 models that have no default shaders but do have mesh names (VorteX)
-d darkplaces menu: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to menu (Alex Boveri)
-d darkplaces menu: add graphics options menu and put realtime lighting stuff in it (Antti)
-d darkplaces menu: add slowmo to options menu (Cristian Beltramo)
d darkplaces filesystem: darkplaces-glx -path transfusion crashes, fix the crash even though it's not going to work anyway (Todd)
d darkplaces input: allow typing characters > 128 into console to allow Latin1 fonts to be used properly, already works in text messages (Urre)
d darkplaces loading: fix bumpmapping, there's something quite mixed up about the svectors and tvectors (Randi)
+d darkplaces loading: make sure .skin files work on md3 models that have no default shaders but do have mesh names (VorteX)
d darkplaces menu: add sv_maxrate cvar to server setup menu
d darkplaces physics: make players step down stairs rather than just flying off (Riot)
d darkplaces physics: repeatedly jumping against a wall can cause a fall to your death (MoALTz)