set help_msg_0 "Big Admin is watching you, so please be friendly or feel their almighty ban-hammer!"
-set help_msg_1 "If you want to become better at Xonotic, read ^1'Halogene's Newbie Corner' ( ${help_cfg_prefix}as it explains movement and all the weapons and helps improve your gameplay."
+set help_msg_1 "If you want to become better at Xonotic, read ^1'Halogene's Newbie Corner' ( ${help_cfg_prefix}as it explains movement and all the weapons in detail."
set help_msg_2 "Please watch out for balanced teams and change by pressing F5 (teammenu) or F6 (auto join 'best' team)."
set help_msg_3 "When trying to bunny-hop you can simply ^1keep holding the jump button${help_cfg_prefix}. Pressing and releasing it for every jump works but often makes players lose some speed. Holding it also works on stairs."
set help_msg_4 "When a vote is called you can accept it via F1 or reject it via F2 (default keys)."