It was too super bouncy ball and annoying to chase in more complex maps
because usually everyone is shooting near it.
For reference CTF flags use 2, but CTF is typically played in more
spacious maps than KA.
set g_keepaway_noncarrier_selfforce 1 "self force if you don't have the ball"
set g_keepawayball_effects 8 "Add together the numbers you want: EF_ADDITIVE (32) / EF_NODEPTHTEST (8192) / EF_DIMLIGHT (8)"
set g_keepawayball_trail_color 254 "particle trail color from player/ball"
-set g_keepawayball_damageforcescale 3 "Scale of force which is applied to the ball by weapons/explosions/etc"
+set g_keepawayball_damageforcescale 2 "Scale of force which is applied to the ball by weapons/explosions/etc"
set g_keepawayball_respawntime 10 "if no one picks up the ball, how long to wait until the ball respawns"