trailspacing 16
velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_green
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0x40ff9b 0x40ff9b
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 3 3
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_green
+ type smoke
+ alpha 30 30 150
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -10
+ size 15 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 8
+effect nade_green
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x40ff9b 0x40ff9b
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_brown
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0xa85400 0xa85400
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 3 3
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_brown
+ type smoke
+ alpha 30 30 150
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -10
+ size 15 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 8
+effect nade_brown
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0xa85400 0xa85400
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_purple
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0x540054 0x540054
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 3 3
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_purple
+ type smoke
+ alpha 30 30 150
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -10
+ size 15 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 8
+effect nade_purple
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x540054 0x540054
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
effect nade_red_burn
type smoke
alpha 100 100 250
tex 71 73
trailspacing 16
velocityjitter 10 10 10
+effect nade_green_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xff3c00
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 5 5
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_green_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 200 200 1000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -30
+ size 45 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 64
+effect nade_green_burn
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xff3c00
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_green_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 300 900 1500
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xff3c00
+ originjitter 2 2 2
+ rotate -180 180 20 -20
+ sizeincrease -40
+ size 15 25
+ tex 71 73
+ trailspacing 16
+ velocityjitter 10 10 10
+effect nade_brown_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0xa85400 0xff3c00
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 5 5
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_brown_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 200 200 1000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -30
+ size 45 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 64
+effect nade_brown_burn
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0xa85400 0xff3c00
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_brown_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 300 900 1500
+ color 0xa85400 0xff3c00
+ originjitter 2 2 2
+ rotate -180 180 20 -20
+ sizeincrease -40
+ size 15 25
+ tex 71 73
+ trailspacing 16
+ velocityjitter 10 10 10
+effect nade_purple_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 100 100 250
+ color 0x540054 0xff3c00
+ sizeincrease -1
+ size 5 5
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 1
+effect nade_purple_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 200 200 1000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ notunderwater
+ sizeincrease -30
+ size 45 25
+ tex 65 65
+ trailspacing 64
+effect nade_purple_burn
+ type bubble
+ alpha 256 256 256
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x540054 0xff3c00
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 4
+ size 1 1
+ tex 62 62
+ trailspacing 16
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 16 16 16
+effect nade_purple_burn
+ type smoke
+ alpha 300 900 1500
+ color 0x540054 0xff3c00
+ originjitter 2 2 2
+ rotate -180 180 20 -20
+ sizeincrease -40
+ size 15 25
+ tex 71 73
+ trailspacing 16
+ velocityjitter 10 10 10
effect nade_blue_explode
type decal
alpha 256 256 0
size 20 40
tex 71 73
velocityjitter 324 324 324
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type decal
+ alpha 256 256 0
+ countabsolute 1
+ lightcolor 100 20 20
+ lightradiusfade 1500
+ lightradius 300
+ originjitter 26 26 26
+ size 88 88
+ tex 8 16
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 80 80 650
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ countabsolute 1
+ sizeincrease 1800
+ size 32 32
+ tex 33 33
+ velocitymultiplier 44
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 30
+ alpha 400 656 2000
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xa647d3
+ count 16
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 50 50 50
+ rotate -180 180 -9 9
+ sizeincrease 555
+ size 20 24
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 320 320 320
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction -9
+ alpha 1500 3000 13000
+ color 0x40ff9b 0xff4200
+ count 8
+ sizeincrease 40
+ size 60 90
+ stretchfactor 80
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 30 30 30
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 0.040000
+ alpha 128 328 390
+ blend alpha
+ color 0x222222 0x000000
+ count 32
+ gravity 0.400000
+ originjitter 50 50 10
+ rotate -180 180 2 -2
+ sizeincrease 50
+ size 60 30
+ tex 0 7
+ velocityjitter 200 200 200
+ velocityoffset 0 0 180
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type bubble
+ alpha 128 256 64
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x404040 0x808080
+ count 32
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 0.250000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 3 6
+ tex 62 62
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 196 196 196
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 1
+ alpha 644 956 484
+ bounce 1.600000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ gravity 1
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 0.700000
+ alpha 644 956 684
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 16
+ gravity 0.500000
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_green_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 644 956 2500
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 64 64 64
+ rotate -180 180 -100 100
+ size 20 40
+ tex 71 73
+ velocityjitter 324 324 324
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type decal
+ alpha 256 256 0
+ countabsolute 1
+ lightcolor 100 20 20
+ lightradiusfade 1500
+ lightradius 300
+ originjitter 26 26 26
+ size 88 88
+ tex 8 16
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 80 80 650
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ countabsolute 1
+ sizeincrease 1800
+ size 32 32
+ tex 33 33
+ velocitymultiplier 44
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 30
+ alpha 400 656 2000
+ color 0xa85400 0xa647d3
+ count 16
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 50 50 50
+ rotate -180 180 -9 9
+ sizeincrease 555
+ size 20 24
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 320 320 320
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction -9
+ alpha 1500 3000 13000
+ color 0xa85400 0xff4200
+ count 8
+ sizeincrease 40
+ size 60 90
+ stretchfactor 80
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 30 30 30
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 0.040000
+ alpha 128 328 390
+ blend alpha
+ color 0x222222 0x000000
+ count 32
+ gravity 0.400000
+ originjitter 50 50 10
+ rotate -180 180 2 -2
+ sizeincrease 50
+ size 60 30
+ tex 0 7
+ velocityjitter 200 200 200
+ velocityoffset 0 0 180
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type bubble
+ alpha 128 256 64
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x404040 0x808080
+ count 32
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 0.250000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 3 6
+ tex 62 62
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 196 196 196
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 1
+ alpha 644 956 484
+ bounce 1.600000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ gravity 1
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 0.700000
+ alpha 644 956 684
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 16
+ gravity 0.500000
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_brown_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 644 956 2500
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 64 64 64
+ rotate -180 180 -100 100
+ size 20 40
+ tex 71 73
+ velocityjitter 324 324 324
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type decal
+ alpha 256 256 0
+ countabsolute 1
+ lightcolor 100 20 20
+ lightradiusfade 1500
+ lightradius 300
+ originjitter 26 26 26
+ size 88 88
+ tex 8 16
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 80 80 650
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ countabsolute 1
+ sizeincrease 1800
+ size 32 32
+ tex 33 33
+ velocitymultiplier 44
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 30
+ alpha 400 656 2000
+ color 0x540054 0xa647d3
+ count 16
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 50 50 50
+ rotate -180 180 -9 9
+ sizeincrease 555
+ size 20 24
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 320 320 320
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction -9
+ alpha 1500 3000 13000
+ color 0x540054 0xff4200
+ count 8
+ sizeincrease 40
+ size 60 90
+ stretchfactor 80
+ tex 48 55
+ velocityjitter 30 30 30
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type smoke
+ airfriction 0.040000
+ alpha 128 328 390
+ blend alpha
+ color 0x222222 0x000000
+ count 32
+ gravity 0.400000
+ originjitter 50 50 10
+ rotate -180 180 2 -2
+ sizeincrease 50
+ size 60 30
+ tex 0 7
+ velocityjitter 200 200 200
+ velocityoffset 0 0 180
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type bubble
+ alpha 128 256 64
+ bounce 1.500000
+ color 0x404040 0x808080
+ count 32
+ gravity -0.125000
+ liquidfriction 0.250000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 3 6
+ tex 62 62
+ underwater
+ velocityjitter 196 196 196
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 1
+ alpha 644 956 484
+ bounce 1.600000
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ gravity 1
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type spark
+ airfriction 0.700000
+ alpha 644 956 684
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 16
+ gravity 0.500000
+ liquidfriction 0.800000
+ originjitter 16 16 16
+ size 1 2
+ tex 40 40
+ velocityjitter 424 424 624
+ velocityoffset 0 0 80
+effect nade_purple_explode
+ type smoke
+ alpha 644 956 2500
+ color 0xff0000 0xffa2a2
+ count 8
+ notunderwater
+ originjitter 64 64 64
+ rotate -180 180 -100 100
+ size 20 40
+ tex 71 73
+ velocityjitter 324 324 324
effect shockwave_attack
type spark
airfriction 1
EFFECT(0, SPAWN_YELLOW, "spawn_event_yellow")
EFFECT(0, SPAWN_PINK, "spawn_event_pink")
EFFECT(0, SPAWN_NEUTRAL, "spawn_event_neutral")
+EFFECT(0, SPAWN_GREEN, "spawn_event_green")
+EFFECT(0, SPAWN_BROWN, "spawn_event_brown")
+EFFECT(0, SPAWN_PURPLE, "spawn_event_purple")
entity EFFECT_SPAWN(int teamid)
switch (teamid) {
nade(yellow, "0xFFFF0F", "0xFFFF0F", "0xFFFF0F", "0xFFFF0F")
nade(pink, "0xFF0FFF", "0xFF0FFF", "0xFF0FFF", "0xFF0FFF")
nade(neutral, "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF")
+nade(green, "0x40ff9b", "0x40ff9b", "0x40ff9b", "0xffa2a2")
+nade(brown, "0xa85400", "0xa85400", "0xa85400", "0xffa2a2")
+nade(purple, "0x540054", "0x540054", "0x540054", "0xffa2a2")
#undef nade
#define nade_burn(name, colormin1, colormax1, colormin2, colormax2) \
nade_burn(yellow, "0xFFFF0F", "0xFFFF0F", "0xFFFF0F", "0xFFFF0F")
nade_burn(pink, "0xFF0FFF", "0xFF0FFF", "0xFF0FFF", "0xFF0FFF")
nade_burn(neutral, "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF")
+nade_burn(green, "0x40ff9b", "0x40ff9b", "0x40ff9b", "0xffa2a2")
+nade_burn(brown, "0xa85400", "0xa85400", "0xa85400", "0xffa2a2")
+nade_burn(purple, "0x540054", "0x540054", "0x540054", "0xffa2a2")
#undef nade_burn
#define nade_explode(name, colorlight, colormin1, colormax1, colormin2, colormax2, colormin3, colormax3) \
nade_explode(yellow, '100.0 20.0 20.0', "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2", "0xFFFF0F", "0xFFFF0F", "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2")
nade_explode(pink, '100.0 20.0 20.0', "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2", "0xFF0FFF", "0xFF0FFF", "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2")
nade_explode(neutral, '100.0 20.0 20.0', "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2")
+nade_explode(green, '100.0 20.0 20.0', "0x40ff9b", "0xffa2a2", "0x40ff9b", "0x40ff9b", "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2")
+nade_explode(brown, '100.0 20.0 20.0', "0xa85400", "0xffa2a2", "0xa85400", "0xa85400", "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2")
+nade_explode(purple, '100.0 20.0 20.0', "0x540054", "0xffa2a2", "0x540054", "0x540054", "0xff0000", "0xffa2a2")
#undef nade_explode
#include <common/effects/all.qh>
+//LegendGuard adds purple nade parts 08-02-2021
+//LegendGuard adds green nade parts 11-02-2021
+//LegendGuard adds brown nade parts 13-02-2021
EFFECT(0, NADE_EXPLODE_RED, "nade_red_explode")
EFFECT(0, NADE_EXPLODE_BLUE, "nade_blue_explode")
EFFECT(0, NADE_EXPLODE_YELLOW, "nade_yellow_explode")
EFFECT(0, NADE_EXPLODE_PINK, "nade_pink_explode")
EFFECT(0, NADE_EXPLODE_NEUTRAL, "nade_neutral_explode")
+EFFECT(0, NADE_EXPLODE_GREEN, "nade_green_explode")
+EFFECT(0, NADE_EXPLODE_BROWN, "nade_brown_explode")
+EFFECT(0, NADE_EXPLODE_PURPLE, "nade_purple_explode")
entity EFFECT_NADE_EXPLODE(int teamid)
switch (teamid) {
EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_YELLOW, "nade_yellow")
EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_PINK, "nade_pink")
EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_NEUTRAL, "nade_neutral")
+EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_GREEN, "nade_green")
+EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_BROWN, "nade_brown")
+EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_PURPLE, "nade_purple")
entity EFFECT_NADE_TRAIL(int teamid)
switch (teamid) {
EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_BURN_YELLOW, "nade_yellow_burn")
EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_BURN_PINK, "nade_pink_burn")
EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_BURN_NEUTRAL, "nade_neutral_burn")
+EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_BURN_GREEN, "nade_green_burn")
+EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_BURN_BROWN, "nade_brown_burn")
+EFFECT(1, NADE_TRAIL_BURN_PURPLE, "nade_purple_burn")
entity EFFECT_NADE_TRAIL_BURN(int teamid)
switch (teamid) {
+//LegendGuard writes Emerald nade code 01-03-2021
+ this.m_color = '0.33 1 0.66';
+ this.m_name = _("Emerald grenade");
+ this.m_icon = "nade_emerald";
+#ifdef GAMEQC
+//LegendGuard writes Ammo nade code 13-02-2021
+ this.m_color = '0.66 0.33 0';
+ this.m_name = _("Ammo grenade");
+ this.m_icon = "nade_ammo";
+#ifdef GAMEQC
+//LegendGuard writes Dark nade code 08-02-2021
+ this.m_color = '0.23 0 0.23';
+ this.m_name = _("Dark grenade");
+ this.m_icon = "nade_dark";
+#ifdef GAMEQC
\ No newline at end of file
return true;
+ if (STAT(AMMUNITIONING_ORB) > time) //LegendGuard adds new nade STAT ORB (keep in mind: qcsrc/common/stats.qh) 13-02-2021
+ {
+ M_ARGV(0, vector) = NADE_TYPE_AMMO.m_color;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (STAT(DARK_ORB) > time) //LegendGuard adds new nade STAT ORB (keep in mind: qcsrc/common/stats.qh) 08-02-2021
+ {
+ M_ARGV(0, vector) = NADE_TYPE_DARK.m_color;
+ M_ARGV(1, float) = STAT(DARK_ORB_ALPHA);
+ return true;
+ }
return false;
MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_nades, Ent_Projectile)
settouch(orb, nade_veil_touch);
orb.colormod = NADE_TYPE_VEIL.m_color;
+/**************LEGENDGUARD NEW NADES: EMERALD, AMMO AND DARK NADES functions "cl_nade_type 10", "cl_nade_type 11" and "cl_nade_type 12" *** //more ideas: SPAWNING MINI SPIDERS NADE, SPARKING NADE ***********************/
+// All nade icons are in these directories, samples: gfx/hud/default/nade_emerald.tga and gfx/hud/luma/nade_emerald.tga 02-03-2021
+// Mario suggests to rename itemdrop nade name to "emerald" nade 02-03-2021
+void nade_emerald_dropitem(entity e, vector org, entity itm)
+ Item_SetLoot(e, true);
+ e.reset = SUB_Remove;
+ e.noalign = true;
+ StartItem(e, itm);
+ e.gravity = 1;
+ setorigin(e, org);
+ e.velocity = randomvec() * 175 + '0 0 325';
+ e.item_spawnshieldtime = time + 0.7;
+ SUB_SetFade(e, time + autocvar_g_nades_emerald_lifetime, 1);
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_LARGE, e.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ //EFFECT_SMOKE_LARGE is like a small white smoke
+ //See effect MACROS in qcsrc/common/effects/
+void nade_emerald_randomitem(entity e, vector org)
+ float a = random();
+ float b = random();
+ float c = random();
+ float d = random();
+ if (a > b)
+ {
+ if (a > 0.5)
+ nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ((random() > 0.5) ? ITEM_ArmorSmall : ITEM_HealthSmall));
+ else
+ nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ((random() > 0.5) ? ITEM_Shells : ITEM_Bullets));
+ }
+ else if (c > d)
+ {
+ if (c > 0.5)
+ nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ((random() > 0.5) ? ITEM_Shells : ITEM_Bullets));
+ else
+ nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ((random() > 0.5) ? ITEM_Rockets : ITEM_Cells));
+ }
+ else if (autocvar_g_nades_emerald_powerupjetpack_randomdrop)
+ {
+ if (a < 0.5)
+ nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ((random() > 0.5) ? ITEM_Jetpack : ITEM_JetpackFuel));
+ else
+ nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ((random() > 0.5) ? ITEM_Shield : ITEM_Strength));
+ }
+ else
+ return;
+void nade_emerald_allammoitemdrop(entity e, vector org)
+ float wa = random();
+ float wb = random();
+ if (wa > wb)
+ {
+ if (wa > 0.5)
+ nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ((random() > 0.5) ? ITEM_Shells : ITEM_Bullets));
+ else
+ nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ((random() > 0.5) ? ITEM_Rockets : ITEM_Cells));
+ }
+ else
+ return;
+void nade_emerald_dropping(vector org)
+ //look item MACROS in qcsrc/server/items/items.qc
+ //ITEM_Shells; ITEM_Bullets; ITEM_Rockets; ITEM_Cells; ITEM_Plasma; ITEM_JetpackFuel;
+ //ITEM_Strength; ITEM_Shield;
+ int itemcount = autocvar_g_nades_emerald_spawncount;
+ for(int j = 0; j < itemcount; ++j)
+ {
+ entity e = spawn();
+ e.spawnfunc_checked = true;
+ //int cvar which manages the ONLY dropping per each type of item 14-03-2021
+ switch (autocvar_g_nades_emerald_dropitemselect)
+ {
+ case 0: nade_emerald_randomitem(e, org); return;
+ case 1: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_HealthSmall); return;
+ case 2: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_ArmorSmall); return;
+ case 3: nade_emerald_allammoitemdrop(e, org); return;
+ case 4: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_Shells); return;
+ case 5: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_Bullets); return;
+ case 6: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_Rockets); return;
+ case 7: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_Cells); return;
+ case 8: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_Jetpack); return;
+ case 9: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_JetpackFuel); return;
+ case 10: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_Shield); return;
+ case 11: nade_emerald_dropitem(e, org, ITEM_Strength); return;
+ default: nade_emerald_randomitem(e, org); return;
+ }
+ }
+void emerald_ball_think(entity this)
+ if(round_handler_IsActive())
+ if(!round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
+ {
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(time > this.pushltime)
+ {
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ vector midpoint = ((this.absmin + this.absmax) * 0.5);
+ if(pointcontents(midpoint) == CONTENT_WATER)
+ {
+ this.velocity = this.velocity * 0.5;
+ if(pointcontents(midpoint + '0 0 16') == CONTENT_WATER)
+ { this.velocity_z = 200; }
+ }
+ this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity);
+ nade_emerald_dropping(this.origin);
+ this.nextthink = time + 0.1;
+void nade_emerald_ball(entity this)
+ entity proj;
+ vector kick;
+ proj = new(grenade);
+ proj.bot_dodge = true;
+ set_movetype(proj, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE);
+ setmodel(proj, MDL_Null);
+ proj.scale = 1;//0.5;
+ setsize(proj, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4');
+ setorigin(proj, this.origin);
+ setthink(proj, emerald_ball_think);
+ proj.nextthink = time;
+ proj.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ kick.x =(random() - 0.5) * 2 * autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_spread;
+ kick.y = (random() - 0.5) * 2 * autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_spread;
+ kick.z = (random()/2+0.5) * autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_spread;
+ proj.velocity = kick;
+ proj.pushltime = time + autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_lifetime;
+ proj.angles = vectoangles(proj.velocity);
+ proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
+ IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, proj);
+ IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, proj);
+ proj.missile_flags = MIF_SPLASH | MIF_PROXY | MIF_ARC;
+ //CSQCProjectile(proj, true, PROJECTILE_NAPALM_FIRE, true);
+void emerald_fountain_think(entity this)
+ if(round_handler_IsActive())
+ if(!round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
+ {
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(time >= this.ltime)
+ {
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_SMALL, this.origin + '0 0 1', '0 0 0', 1);
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ vector midpoint = ((this.absmin + this.absmax) * 0.5);
+ if(pointcontents(midpoint) == CONTENT_WATER)
+ {
+ this.velocity = this.velocity * 0.5;
+ if(pointcontents(midpoint + '0 0 16') == CONTENT_WATER)
+ { this.velocity_z = 200; }
+ UpdateCSQCProjectile(this);
+ }
+ this.nextthink = time + 0.1;
+ if(time >= this.nade_special_time)
+ {
+ this.nade_special_time = time + autocvar_g_nades_emerald_fountain_delay;
+ nade_emerald_ball(this);
+ }
+void nade_emerald_boom(entity this)
+ for (int c = 0; c < autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_count; c++)
+ nade_emerald_ball(this);
+ entity fountain = new(nade_emerald_fountain);
+ fountain.owner = this.owner;
+ fountain.realowner = this.realowner;
+ fountain.origin = this.origin;
+ fountain.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
+ IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, fountain);
+ IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, fountain);
+ setorigin(fountain, fountain.origin);
+ setthink(fountain, emerald_fountain_think);
+ fountain.nextthink = time;
+ fountain.ltime = time + autocvar_g_nades_emerald_fountain_lifetime;
+ fountain.pushltime = fountain.ltime;
+ =;
+ //nade model maintaining
+ setmodel(fountain, MDL_PROJECTILE_GRENADE);
+ entity timer = new(nade_timer);
+ setmodel(timer, MDL_NADE_TIMER);
+ setattachment(timer, fountain, "");
+ timer.colormap = this.colormap;
+ timer.glowmod = this.glowmod;
+ setthink(timer, nade_timer_think);
+ timer.nextthink = time;
+ timer.wait = fountain.ltime;
+ timer.owner = fountain;
+ = 10;
+ set_movetype(fountain, MOVETYPE_TOSS);
+ fountain.bot_dodge = true;
+ fountain.nade_special_time = time;
+ setsize(fountain, '-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16');
+ CSQCProjectile(fountain, true, PROJECTILE_NADE_EMERALD_BURN, true);
+ nade_emerald_dropping(fountain.origin);
+//LegendGuard develops ammo nade 13-02-2021
+void nade_ammo_touch(entity this, entity toucher)
+ float maxammo = 999;
+ float ammo_factor;
+ float amshells = GetResource(toucher, RES_SHELLS);
+ float ambullets = GetResource(toucher, RES_BULLETS);
+ float amrockets = GetResource(toucher, RES_ROCKETS);
+ float amcells = GetResource(toucher, RES_CELLS);
+ float amplasma = GetResource(toucher, RES_PLASMA);
+ if(IS_PLAYER(toucher) || IS_MONSTER(toucher))
+ if(!IS_DEAD(toucher))
+ if(!STAT(FROZEN, toucher))
+ {
+ ammo_factor = autocvar_g_nades_ammo_rate*frametime/2;
+ if ( toucher != this.realowner )
+ {
+ if ( SAME_TEAM(toucher,this) )
+ {
+ ammo_factor *= autocvar_g_nades_ammo_friend;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ammo_factor *= autocvar_g_nades_ammo_foe;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ammo_factor > 0 )
+ {
+ if (amshells < maxammo)
+ {
+ GiveResourceWithLimit(toucher, RES_SHELLS, ammo_factor, maxammo);
+ }
+ if (ambullets < maxammo)
+ {
+ GiveResourceWithLimit(toucher, RES_BULLETS, ammo_factor, maxammo);
+ }
+ if (amrockets < maxammo)
+ {
+ GiveResourceWithLimit(toucher, RES_ROCKETS, ammo_factor, maxammo);
+ }
+ if (amcells < maxammo)
+ {
+ GiveResourceWithLimit(toucher, RES_CELLS, ammo_factor, maxammo);
+ }
+ if (amplasma < maxammo)
+ {
+ GiveResourceWithLimit(toucher, RES_PLASMA, ammo_factor, maxammo);
+ }
+ if (this.nade_show_particles)
+ {
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_HEALING, toucher.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ammo_factor < 0 )
+ {
+ //Foe drops ammo points
+ if (amshells > 0)
+ {
+ SetResource(toucher, RES_SHELLS, amshells + ammo_factor);
+ }
+ if (ambullets > 0)
+ {
+ SetResource(toucher, RES_BULLETS, ambullets + ammo_factor);
+ }
+ if (amrockets > 0)
+ {
+ SetResource(toucher, RES_ROCKETS, amrockets + ammo_factor);
+ }
+ if (amcells > 0)
+ {
+ SetResource(toucher, RES_CELLS, amcells + ammo_factor);
+ }
+ if (amplasma > 0)
+ {
+ SetResource(toucher, RES_PLASMA, amplasma + ammo_factor);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( IS_REAL_CLIENT(toucher) || IS_VEHICLE(toucher) )
+ {
+ entity show_brown = (IS_VEHICLE(toucher)) ? toucher.owner : toucher;
+ STAT(AMMUNITIONING_ORB, show_brown) = time+0.1;
+ STAT(AMMUNITIONING_ORB_ALPHA, show_brown) = 0.75 * (this.ltime - time) / this.orb_lifetime;
+ }
+void nade_ammo_boom(entity this)
+ entity orb = nades_spawn_orb(this.owner, this.realowner, this.origin, autocvar_g_nades_ammo_time, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius);
+ settouch(orb, nade_ammo_touch);
+ orb.colormod = '0.66 0.33 0';
+//remember to put an image in gfx/hud/luma and gfx/hud/default per each nade_blabla.tga
+//dark nade does damage like a normal nade but the damage is minor
+//TODO: add Dark smoke effect when exploded 28-02-2021
+void dark_damage(entity this, float radius, float damage)
+ entity e;
+ if ( damage < 0 )
+ return;
+ for(e = WarpZone_FindRadius(this.origin, radius, true); e; e = e.chain)
+ if(!IS_DEAD(e))
+ if(e.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM)
+ if(!IS_PLAYER(e) || !this.realowner || DIFF_TEAM(e, this) || !IS_MONSTER(e))
+ if(!STAT(FROZEN, e))
+ {
+ Damage(this, this, this.realowner, damage, DEATH_NADE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0');
+ Damage_DamageInfo(this.origin, damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage,
+ radius, '1 1 1' * 0, DEATH_NADE.m_id, 0, this);
+ }
+void nade_dark_fountain_think(entity this)
+ if(round_handler_IsActive())
+ if(!round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
+ {
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(time >= this.ltime)
+ {
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_SMALL, this.origin + '0 0 1', '0 0 0', 1);
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.nextthink = time + 0.1;
+ // gaussian
+ float randomr;
+ randomr = random();
+ randomr = exp(-5*randomr*randomr)*autocvar_g_nades_dark_radius;
+ float randomw;
+ randomw = random()*M_PI*2;
+ vector randomp;
+ randomp.x = randomr*cos(randomw);
+ randomp.y = randomr*sin(randomw);
+ randomp.z = 1;
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_SMALL, this.origin + randomp, '0 0 0', 1);
+ if(time >= this.nade_special_time)
+ {
+ this.nade_special_time = time + 0.7;
+ Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_SMALL, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
+ }
+void DarkBlinking(entity e);
+//copy of the special.qc function contents for DarkBlinking
+void nade_dark_touch(entity this, entity toucher)
+ if ( IS_REAL_CLIENT(toucher) || IS_VEHICLE(toucher) || IS_MONSTER(toucher) )
+ {
+ entity show_tint = (IS_VEHICLE(toucher)) ? toucher.owner : toucher;
+ float tint_alpha = 0.75;
+ if(SAME_TEAM(toucher, this.realowner) || SAME_TEAM(toucher, this))
+ {
+ tint_alpha = 0.45;
+ if(!STAT(DARK_ORB, show_tint))
+ {
+ toucher.nade_dark_prevalpha = toucher.alpha;
+ toucher.alpha = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tint_alpha = 0.45;
+ if(!STAT(DARK_ORB, show_tint))
+ {
+ DarkBlinking(toucher);
+ dark_damage(toucher, autocvar_g_nades_dark_radius, autocvar_g_nades_dark_damage);
+ }
+ }
+ STAT(DARK_ORB, show_tint) = time + 0.1;
+ STAT(DARK_ORB_ALPHA, show_tint) = tint_alpha * (this.ltime - time) / this.orb_lifetime;
+ }
+void nade_dark_boom(entity this)
+ entity orb = nades_spawn_orb(this.owner, this.realowner, this.origin, autocvar_g_nades_dark_time, autocvar_g_nades_dark_radius);
+ entity fountain = new(nade_dark_fountain);
+ fountain.owner = this.owner;
+ fountain.realowner = this.realowner;
+ fountain.origin = this.origin;
+ fountain.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
+ IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, fountain);
+ IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, fountain);
+ setorigin(fountain, fountain.origin);
+ setthink(fountain, nade_dark_fountain_think);
+ fountain.nextthink = time;
+ fountain.ltime = time + autocvar_g_nades_dark_time;
+ fountain.pushltime = fountain.wait = fountain.ltime;
+ =;
+ fountain.bot_dodge = false;
+ setsize(fountain, '-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16');
+ fountain.nade_special_time = time + 0.3;
+ fountain.angles = this.angles;
+ settouch(orb, nade_dark_touch);
+ orb.colormod = NADE_TYPE_DARK.m_color;
+ //CSQCProjectile(fountain, true, PROJECTILE_NADE_DARK_BURN, true);
void nade_boom(entity this)
entity expef = NULL;
nade_blast = false;
+ case NADE_TYPE_EMERALD: //LegendGuard adds nade case 11-02-2021
+ nade_blast = false;
+ break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_AMMO: //LegendGuard adds nade case 13-02-2021
+ nade_blast = false;
+ break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_DARK: //LegendGuard adds nade case 08-02-2021
+ nade_blast = false;
+ break;
case NADE_TYPE_MONSTER: nade_monster_boom(this); break;
case NADE_TYPE_ENTRAP: nade_entrap_boom(this); break;
case NADE_TYPE_VEIL: nade_veil_boom(this); break;
+ case NADE_TYPE_EMERALD: nade_emerald_boom(this); break; //LegendGuard adds the register of new nade 11-02-2021
+ case NADE_TYPE_AMMO: nade_ammo_boom(this); break; //LegendGuard adds the register of new nade 13-02-2021
+ case NADE_TYPE_DARK: nade_dark_boom(this); break; //LegendGuard adds the register of new nade 08-02-2021
IL_EACH(g_projectiles, it.classname == "grapplinghook" && it.aiment == this,
player.alpha = player.nade_veil_prevalpha;
+ //LegendGuard adds nade if STAT DARK_ORB 08-02-2021
+ if(STAT(DARK_ORB, player) && STAT(DARK_ORB, player) <= time)
+ {
+ STAT(DARK_ORB, player) = 0;
+ if(player.vehicle)
+ player.vehicle.alpha = player.vehicle.nade_dark_prevalpha;
+ else
+ player.alpha = player.nade_dark_prevalpha;
+ }
if (!(frametime && IS_PLAYER(player)))
mon.alpha = mon.nade_veil_prevalpha;
STAT(VEIL_ORB, mon) = 0;
+ //LegendGuard adds nade if STAT ORB 08-02-2021
+ if (STAT(DARK_ORB, mon) && STAT(DARK_ORB, mon) <= time)
+ {
+ mon.alpha = mon.nade_dark_prevalpha;
+ STAT(DARK_ORB, mon) = 0;
+ }
STAT(VEIL_ORB, client) = STAT(VEIL_ORB, spectatee);
+ STAT(AMMUNITIONING_ORB, client) = STAT(AMMUNITIONING_ORB, spectatee); //LegendGuard adds nade STAT client 13-02-2021
+ STAT(DARK_ORB, client) = STAT(DARK_ORB, spectatee); //LegendGuard adds nade STAT client 08-02-2021
+ STAT(DARK_ORB_ALPHA, client) = STAT(DARK_ORB_ALPHA, spectatee);
MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, BuildMutatorsString)
float autocvar_g_nades_entrap_time = 10;
float autocvar_g_nades_veil_time = 8;
float autocvar_g_nades_veil_radius = 300;
+float autocvar_g_nades_emerald_lifetime = 5; //LegendGuard adds new nade cvars 28-02-2021
+float autocvar_g_nades_emerald_spawncount = 1;
+float autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_spread = 0.5;
+float autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_lifetime = 1; //if much time, many items will spawn
+float autocvar_g_nades_emerald_fountain_delay = 5;
+float autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_count = 3;
+float autocvar_g_nades_emerald_fountain_lifetime = 1; //if much time, fountain will remain
+bool autocvar_g_nades_emerald_powerupjetpack_randomdrop = 0;
+int autocvar_g_nades_emerald_dropitemselect = 0; //admin/user selects which item wants to drop in-game, if not will be random
+float autocvar_g_nades_ammo_time = 5; //LegendGuard adds new nade cvars 13-02-2021
+float autocvar_g_nades_ammo_rate = 30;
+float autocvar_g_nades_ammo_friend = 1;
+float autocvar_g_nades_ammo_foe = -2;
+float autocvar_g_nades_dark_damage = 25; //LegendGuard adds new nade cvars 08-02-2021
+float autocvar_g_nades_dark_time = 13;
+float autocvar_g_nades_dark_radius = 700;
string autocvar_g_nades_pokenade_monster_type;
float autocvar_g_nades_pokenade_monster_lifetime;
const int PROJECTILE_NADE_VEIL = 86;
+const int PROJECTILE_NADE_EMERALD = 88; //LegendGuard adds new nade MACROS 11-02-2021
+const int PROJECTILE_NADE_AMMO = 90; //LegendGuard adds new nade MACROS 13-02-2021
+const int PROJECTILE_NADE_DARK = 92; //LegendGuard adds new nade MACROS 08-02-2021
.float toss_time;
.float nade_show_particles;
.float nade_veil_prevalpha;
+.float nade_dark_prevalpha; //LegendGuard adds new nade .variable 08-02-2021
bool orb_send(entity this, entity to, int sf);
+REGISTER_NET_TEMP(TE_CSQC_DARKBLINKING); //LegendGuard registers dark blinking nade feature 09-02-2021
#ifdef CSQC
float cvar_cl_nade_type;
string cvar_cl_pokenade_type;
+//LegendGuard sets variables for dark nade 09-02-2021
+float autocvar_hud_panel_darkradar_maximised_zoom_scale = 1;
+float dark_appeartime;
+float dark_fadetime;
+void HUD_DarkBlinking()
+ // vectors for top right, bottom right, bottom and bottom left corners
+ //vector topright = vec2(vid_conwidth, 0);
+ //vector bottom = vec2(vid_conwidth / 2, vid_conheight);
+ vector bottomright = vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight);
+ //vector bottomleft = vec2(0, vid_conheight);
+ /*
+ drawfill function parameters (qcsrc/dpdefs/menudefs.qc):
+ float drawfill(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag)
+ */
+ drawfill('0 0 0', bottomright, '0.23 0 0.23', 0.98, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+#elif defined(SVQC)
+void DarkBlinking(entity e)
+ if(e == NULL)
+ return;
+ int accepted = VerifyClientEntity(e, true, false);
+ if(accepted > 0)
+ {
+ msg_entity = e;
+ }
+#ifdef CSQC
+const int MAX_QUADRATIC2 = 25;
+vector quadratic2_slots[MAX_QUADRATIC2];
+vector quadratic2_dirs[MAX_QUADRATIC2];
+const float QUADRATIC2_SPEED = 150;
+const float QUADRATIC2_TURNSPEED = 0.35;
+const float QUADRATIC2_SIZE = 24;
+const float QUADRATIC2_CHANCE = 0.35;
+float quadratic2_spawntime, quadratic2_fadetime;
+bool quadratic2;
+void HUD_Quadratic2()
+ for(int j = MAX_QUADRATIC2 - 1; j >= 0; --j)
+ {
+ vector slot = quadratic2_slots[j];
+ vector dirs = quadratic2_dirs[j];
+ float oldz = slot.z;
+ if(slot)
+ slot += quadratic2_dirs[j] * QUADRATIC2_SPEED * frametime;
+ slot.z = oldz;
+ //if(slot.z)
+ //slot.z = sin(QUADRATIC2_TURNSPEED * M_PI * time);
+ if(slot.y > vid_conheight || slot.x > vid_conwidth)
+ slot = '0 0 0';
+ if(slot == '0 0 0')
+ {
+ if(time > quadratic2_spawntime && random() <= QUADRATIC2_CHANCE) // low chance to spawn!
+ {
+ slot.x = bound(0, (random() * vid_conwidth + 1), vid_conwidth);
+ slot.y = bound(0, (random() * vid_conheight + 1), vid_conheight);
+ slot.z = 0;
+ dirs = vec2(randomvec());
+ quadratic2_spawntime = time + bound(0.05, random() * 0.5, 0.4); // prevent spawning another one for this amount of time!
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vector splash_size = vec2(QUADRATIC2_SIZE, QUADRATIC2_SIZE);
+ if(time > dirs.z)
+ {
+ if(random() <= 0.05)
+ slot.z = -1;
+ else
+ slot.z = floor(random() * 9) + 1;
+ dirs.z = time + QUADRATIC2_TURNSPEED;
+ }
+ string chosen_number = ((slot.z == -1) ? "NOOB" : ftos(rint(slot.z)));
+ draw_beginBoldFont();
+ drawcolorcodedstring(vec2(slot), chosen_number, splash_size, 0.95, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ draw_endBoldFont();
+ }
+ quadratic2_slots[j] = slot;
+ quadratic2_dirs[j] = dirs;
+ }
+bool darkblink;
+ localcmd("\nalias solve_quadratic2 \"cl_cmd solve_quadratic2 ${* ?}\"\n");
+REGISTER_MUTATOR(cl_darkblink, true);
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_darkblink, DrawScoreboard)
+ return darkblink;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_darkblink, HUD_Draw_overlay)
+ if(!darkblink && !quadratic2)
+ return false;
+ if(time <= dark_fadetime && autocvar_hud_panel_darkradar_maximised_zoom_scale == 1)
+ {
+ HUD_DarkBlinking();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ darkblink = false;
+ if(time <= quadratic2_fadetime)
+ {
+ HUD_Quadratic2();
+ // don't return true, we want regular HUD effects!
+ }
+ else
+ quadratic2 = false;
+ return false;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_darkblink, CSQC_ConsoleCommand)
+ if(MUTATOR_RETURNVALUE) // command was already handled?
+ return;
+ string cmd_name = M_ARGV(0, string);
+ //int cmd_argc = M_ARGV(2, int);
+ if(cmd_name == "solve_quadratic2")
+ {
+ quadratic2 = true;
+ quadratic2_fadetime = time + 5;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return = true;
+ if(darkblink)
+ return;
+ localcmd("play2 sound/misc/blind\n");
+ darkblink = true;
+ dark_appeartime = time;
+ dark_fadetime = time + 9;
+#ifdef CSQC
bool Projectile_isnade(int proj); // TODO: remove
void DrawAmmoNades(vector myPos, vector mySize, bool draw_expanding, float expand_time); // TODO: mutator
REGISTER_STAT(ROUNDSTARTTIME, float, round_starttime)
REGISTER_STAT(OVERTIMESTARTTIME, float, overtime_starttime)
REGISTER_STAT(OVERTIMESADDED, float, checkrules_overtimesadded)
+REGISTER_STAT(AMMUNITIONING_ORB, float) //LegendGuard registers new STAT 11-02-2021
+REGISTER_STAT(DARK_ORB, float) //LegendGuard registers new STAT 08-02-2021
#ifdef SVQC
float autocvar_sv_showfps = 0;