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+h1. Dpm models for Xonotic
+1st you need dpm compiler, get it from http://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/files , search for dpmodel(blahblah).zip, try to get latest one
+2nd you need hl2 smd exporter for your modeling application:
+> > > 3dsmax version 6-8 : http://www.chaosincarnate.net/cannonfodder/3dsmax.php
+> > > Maya : check here http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Maya
+> > > Blender : there was working smd exporter fixed by div0 at Xonotic forums but now its not available
+there are 2 types of smd files
+>reference smd, that contain bones and mesh and uv coords
+>animation smd, that contain only animation data, each animation is in separate file
+if you are using same skeleton for many models you can share animation files
+dpmodel converter takes these smd files and make single dpm file that contains all model info and animations inside, lately it started to generate .[[framegroups]] file too, we will need this one, it will spit lots of other strange file but you wont need them
+dpmodel need configuration file, its just simple text file
+it looks like that:
+@# save the model as box.dpm@
+@model box@
+@# move the model this much before saving@
+@origin 0 0 0@
+@# rotate the model 0 degrees around vertical@
+@rotate 0@
+@# scale the model by this amount, 0.5 would be half size and 2.0 would be doule size@
+@scale 1@
+@# allows .framegroups file generation@
+@# load the mesh file, first reference then animation files@
+@scene ref.smd@
+@scene idle.smd fps 30@
+@scene pain.smd fps 30 noloop@
+@scene death.smd fps 10 noloop@
+I think that comments explained it all quite well :)
+you run dpmodel.exe configfile.txt
+and that all