vector teamscore_size;
vector teamscore_fontsize;
vector teamname_fontsize;
-bool autocvar_hud_spectatorteamdisplay = true; //LegendGuard adds a bool to enable/disable team display HUD 06-04-2021
-bool autocvar_hud_spectatorplayernamedisplay = true; //LegendGuard adds a bool to enable/disable player name display HUD 06-04-2021
void HUD_SpectHUD_Export(int fh)
drawcolorcodedstring(tmp, tmp_str, teamname_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+void HUD_SpectHUD_drawDuelScore(vector pos, entity pl, bool invert)
+ if(!pl) return;
+ vector tmp, tmp_in;
+ string tmp_str;
+ vector health_sz = vec2((vid_conwidth - 1) / 6, teamscore_size.y * 0.4);
+ vector armor_sz = vec2(health_sz.x, health_sz.y / 4);
+ float health = 0;
+ float armor = 0;
+ entity entcs = entcs_receiver(pl.sv_entnum);
+ if(entcs.m_entcs_private) {
+ health = (entcs.healthvalue / autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_maxhealth) * health_sz.x;
+ armor = (GetResource(entcs, RES_ARMOR) / autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_maxarmor) * armor_sz.x;
+ }
+ // Player score
+ tmp_str = ftos(pl.(scores(ps_primary)));
+ if(invert)
+ pos.x -= teamscore_size.x;
+ drawfill(pos, teamscore_size, '0 0 0', 0.3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ tmp = pos;
+ tmp.x += (teamscore_size.x - stringwidth(tmp_str, true, teamscore_fontsize)) / 2;
+ tmp.y += (teamscore_size.y - teamscore_fontsize.y) / 2;
+ draw_beginBoldFont();
+ drawstring(tmp, tmp_str, teamscore_fontsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ draw_endBoldFont();
+ // Player health/armor
+ tmp_in = pos;
+ tmp_in.y += ((teamscore_size.y / 2) - health_sz.y) / 2;
+ // Background
+ tmp = tmp_in;
+ if(invert)
+ tmp.x -= health_sz.x;
+ else
+ tmp.x += teamscore_size.x;
+ drawfill(tmp, health_sz, '0 0 0', 0.3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ // Bars
+ if(health) {
+ tmp = tmp_in;
+ if(invert)
+ tmp.x -= health;
+ else
+ tmp.x += teamscore_size.x;
+ drawfill(tmp, vec2(health, health_sz.y), '1 0 0', 0.7, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ if(armor) {
+ tmp = tmp_in;
+ tmp.y += health_sz.y - armor_sz.y;
+ if(invert)
+ tmp.x -= armor;
+ else
+ tmp.x += teamscore_size.x;
+ drawfill(tmp, vec2(armor, armor_sz.y), '0 1 0', 0.7, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ // Player name
+ tmp_str = entcs_GetName(pl.sv_entnum);
+ tmp = pos;
+ if(invert)
+ tmp.x -= stringwidth_colors(tmp_str, teamname_fontsize) + teamname_fontsize.x * 0.5;
+ else
+ tmp.x += teamscore_size.x + teamname_fontsize.x * 0.5;
+ tmp.y += ((teamscore_size.y / 2) - teamname_fontsize.y) / 2;
+ tmp.y += teamscore_size.y / 2;
+ drawcolorcodedstring(tmp, tmp_str, teamname_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
void HUD_SpectHUD()
if(!spectatee_status) return;
- if(!teamplay) return;
- if (autocvar_hud_spectatorteamdisplay)
+ if (teamplay && autocvar_hud_spectatorteamdisplay)
// Set vars
teamscore_fontsize = hud_fontsize * 3;
pos = panel_pos + vec2(vid_conwidth - 1, (vid_conheight + 450) / 4 + hud_fontsize.y);
HUD_SpectHUD_drawTeamPlayers(pos, tm, rgb, true);
+ } else if(gametype == MAPINFO_TYPE_DUEL && autocvar_hud_spectatordueldisplay) {
+ // Set vars
+ teamscore_fontsize = hud_fontsize * 3;
+ teamname_fontsize = hud_fontsize * 1.5;
+ teamscore_size = vec2(teamscore_fontsize.x * 1.5, teamscore_fontsize.y * 1.25);
+ timer_width = stov(cvar_string("hud_panel_timer_size")).x * vid_conwidth;
+ entity pl_left = players.sort_next;
+ entity pl_right = pl_left.sort_next;
+ // Left player
+ pos = panel_pos + vec2((vid_conwidth - 1) / 2, 0);
+ pos.x -= (timer_width * 1.3) / 2;
+ HUD_SpectHUD_drawDuelScore(pos, pl_left, true);
+ // Right player
+ pos = panel_pos + vec2((vid_conwidth - 1) / 2, 0);
+ pos.x += (timer_width * 1.3) / 2;
+ HUD_SpectHUD_drawDuelScore(pos, pl_right, false);