set g_healthsize_weapon_scalefactor 1 "Amount by which player size resizes the view weapon model"\r
set g_healthsize_weapon_scalefactor_pos 10 "Amount by which the view model is moved vertically based on player size"\r
set g_healthsize_vore_shrinkdeadprey 0.5 "Dead prey will be shrunken by this amount, the closer it gets to the digestion limit"\r
-set g_healthsize_vore_pos 1 "Amount by which view height changes for prey, based on the size difference between them and their predator"\r
set g_healthsize_min 50 "Player size may not drop below this amount of health"\r
set g_healthsize_max 150 "Player size may not grow past this amount of health"\r
// since prey have their predators set as an aiment, view_ofs will specify the real origin of prey, not just the view offset\r
head.view_ofs = origin_apply;\r
- head.view_ofs_z *= pred.scale; // stomach center depends on predator scale\r
- // change prey height based on scale\r
- float prey_height;\r
- prey_height = (head.scale - pred.scale) * cvar("g_healthsize_vore_pos");\r
- head.view_ofs_z += prey_height;\r