14:49:13 @divVerent | BTW, what license is OsirionPack?
14:49:38 Ingar | GPL/CC/make your pick
14:49:54 Ingar | I wrote it, so if you want to included it you have all my permissions
14:50:17 @divVerent | I then take this as your permission to release it as part of NetRadiant, thus under GPL :P
14:50:27 @divVerent | this will mean my builds will include it then :P
14:50:31 Ingar | that's fine ^^
14:50:35 @divVerent | free promotion :P
pack DarkPlacesPack GPL svn https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant.gamepacks/DarkPlacesPack/branches/1.5/
pack NexuizPack GPL gitdir git://git.icculus.org/divverent/nexuiz.git misc/netradiant-NexuizPack master
pack OpenArenaPack unknown zip1 http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/gtkradiant/gamepacks/OpenArenaPack.zip
-pack OsirionPack proprietary zip1 http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/gtkradiant/gamepacks/OsirionPack.zip
+pack OsirionPack GPL zip1 http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/gtkradiant/gamepacks/OsirionPack.zip
pack Q3Pack proprietary svn https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant.gamepacks/Q3Pack/trunk/ -r29
pack Quake2Pack proprietary zip1 http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/gtkradiant/gamepacks/Quake2Pack.zip
pack Quake2WorldPack GPL svn svn://jdolan.dyndns.org/quake2world/trunk/gtkradiant