entity spawn_spot = M_ARGV(1, entity);
vector spawn_score = M_ARGV(2, vector);
+ //LOG_INFOF("Spawn_Score player: %s %v spawn_spot: %v spawn_score: %f\n", player.netname, player.origin, spawn_spot.origin, spawn_score);
if(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint == 1 || (autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint == 2 && player.cvar_cl_spawn_near_teammate))
else if(player.team == spawn_spot.team)
spawn_score.x += SPAWN_PRIO_NEAR_TEAMMATE_SAMETEAM; // prefer same team, if we can't find a spawn near teammate
+ //LOG_INFOF("Spawn_Score ret %v", spawn_score);
M_ARGV(2, vector) = spawn_score;
entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
entity spawn_spot = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ LOG_INFOF("PlayerSpawn for player: %s %v spawn_spot: %v\n", player.netname, player.origin, spawn_spot.origin);
+ /*
int num_red = 0, num_blue = 0, num_yellow = 0, num_pink = 0;
if(num_red == 1 || num_blue == 1 || num_yellow == 1 || num_pink == 1)
return; // at least 1 team has only 1 player, let's not give the bigger team too much of an advantage!
+ */ // // TODO DEBUGING
// Note: when entering this, fixangle is already set.
if(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint == 1 || (autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint == 2 && player.cvar_cl_spawn_near_teammate))
player.msnt_timer = time + autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay_death;
entity best_mate = NULL;
- vector best_spot = '0 0 0';
+ vector best_pos = '0 0 0';
float pc = 0, best_dist = 0, dist = 0;
- if((autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_check_health >= 0 && it.health >= autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable) || autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_check_health == 0)
- if(!IS_DEAD(it))
- if(it.msnt_timer < time)
- if(SAME_TEAM(player, it))
- if(time > it.spawnshieldtime) // spawn shielding
- if(!forbidWeaponUse(it))
- if(STAT(FROZEN, it) == 0)
- if(it != player)
+ LOG_INFOF(" for client: %s %v\n", it.netname, it.origin);
+ //if (!SAME_TEAM(player, it)) continue; // TODO DEBUGING
+ if (autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_check_health >= 0 && it.health < autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable) continue;
+ if (IS_DEAD(it)) continue;
+ if (time < it.msnt_timer) continue;
+ if (time < it.spawnshieldtime) continue;
+ if (forbidWeaponUse(it)) continue;
+ if (STAT(FROZEN, it)) continue;
+ if (it == player) continue;
+ // TODO all tracing: proper dphitcontentsmask???
+ // TODO check for nades
+ pc = pointcontents(trace_endpos + '0 0 1');
+ LOG_INFOF(" pointcontents %f\n", pc);
+ if(pc == CONTENT_EMPTY)
- tracebox(it.origin, STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - '0 0 100', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- if(trace_fraction != 1.0)
- if(!(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY))
+ // TODO ignore vertical velocity
+ // TODO higher limit - don't spawn in front of player when strafing slowly - or detect where he's looking?
+ if(vdist(it.velocity, >, 5)) {
+ fixedmakevectors(vectoangles(vec2(it.velocity)));
+ LOG_INFOF(" using velocity\n");
+ }
+ else
+ fixedmakevectors(it.angles);
+ // TODO go up - fix uneven surfaces
+ for(pc = 0; pc < 4; ++pc) // test 4 diffrent spots close to mate
- pc = pointcontents(trace_endpos + '0 0 1');
- if(pc == CONTENT_EMPTY)
+ switch(pc)
- if(vdist(it.velocity, >, 5))
- fixedmakevectors(vectoangles(it.velocity));
- else
- fixedmakevectors(it.angles);
+ case 0:
+ tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin + v_right * 128, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_right * 128 , MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin + v_right * 128 - v_forward * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_right * 128 - v_forward * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ break;
+ //case 4:
+ //tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_forward * 128, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
+ //break;
+ }
+ vector prev_endpos = trace_endpos;
- for(pc = 0; pc < 4; ++pc) // test 4 diffrent spots close to mate
- {
- switch(pc)
- {
- case 0:
- tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin + v_right * 128, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- break;
- case 1:
- tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_right * 128 , MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- break;
- case 2:
- tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin + v_right * 128 - v_forward * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- break;
- case 3:
- tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_right * 128 - v_forward * 64, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- break;
- //case 4:
- //tracebox(it.origin , STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), it.origin - v_forward * 128, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- //break;
- }
+ te_lightning1(NULL, it.origin, trace_endpos);
+ LOG_INFOF(" pc: %d trace_fraction %f\n", pc, trace_fraction);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1.0)
+ {
+ traceline(trace_endpos + '0 0 4', trace_endpos - '0 0 100', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it); // TODO tracebox to make sure enough space
+ te_lightning2(NULL, prev_endpos, trace_endpos);
+ LOG_INFOF(" trace_fraction2 %f\n", trace_fraction);
- if(trace_fraction == 1.0)
+ if(trace_fraction != 1.0) // TODO not skybox or hurttriggers
+ {
+ if(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_closetodeath)
- traceline(trace_endpos + '0 0 4', trace_endpos - '0 0 100', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it);
- if(trace_fraction != 1.0)
+ dist = vlen(trace_endpos - player.msnt_deathloc);
+ LOG_INFOF(" dist: %f, best_dist %f\n", dist, best_dist);
+ if(dist < best_dist || best_dist == 0)
- if(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_closetodeath)
- {
- dist = vlen(trace_endpos - player.msnt_deathloc);
- if(dist < best_dist || best_dist == 0)
- {
- best_dist = dist;
- best_spot = trace_endpos;
- best_mate = it;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- setorigin(player, trace_endpos);
- player.angles = it.angles;
- player.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to
- it.msnt_timer = time + autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay;
- return;
- }
+ LOG_INFOF(" new best dist - pos: %v\n", trace_endpos);
+ best_dist = dist;
+ best_pos = trace_endpos;
+ best_mate = it;
+ else // TODO random to avoid favoring players who joined early
+ {
+ setorigin(player, trace_endpos);
+ player.angles = it.angles;
+ player.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to
+ it.msnt_timer = time + autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay;
+ LOG_INFOF(" PlayerSpawn return %v\n", player.origin);
+ if (player.origin != trace_endpos) LOG_WARNF("wrong origin\n");
+ return;
+ }
- setorigin(player, best_spot);
+ tracebox(best_pos, STAT(PL_MIN, NULL), STAT(PL_MAX, NULL), best_pos + '0 0 1', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, player);
+ if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction != 1.0) LOG_WARNF("bad spawn? %d %f", trace_startsolid, trace_fraction);
+ setorigin(player, best_pos);
+ LOG_INFOF("PlayerSpawn best_dist: pos: %v\n", best_pos);
+ if (player.origin != best_pos) LOG_WARNF("wrong origin: %v", player.origin);
player.angles = best_mate.angles;
player.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to
best_mate.msnt_timer = time + autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay;
sprint(player, "angles: ", vtos(player.angles), "\n");
+ LOG_INFOF("PlayerSpawn end player: %s %v spawn_spot: %v\n", player.netname, player.origin, spawn_spot.origin);
MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(spawn_near_teammate, PlayerDies)