#xonotic.insta - Insta channel
#xonotic.ninjaz - Xonotic Ninjaz (former Nexuiz Ninjaz)
#xonotic.pickup - Pickup channel
+#xonotic.translate - Channel to discuss translation issues
#exile.xonotic.cup - Cup channel
#xdf - Xonotic DeFrag
#dietunichtguten - Die Tunichtguten
#eatseakittens - Eat Sea Kittens
#exile.xonotic - eXiLe
+#lovers - Lovers
#menintux - Men in Tux
#mon.xonotic - Monks of Nexuiz
#nsb.nexuiz - NSB - The Dyslexic Loser Mob
#pb.xonotic - PeaceBrothers
#profoundvelocity - Profound Velocity
#ps.xonotic - Paradox Space
#sh.nexuiz - Shell
#smb - Super Mario Brothers
#smokebreak - Smoke Break
-#teamos - OHSNAP!
-#unconnected.xonotic - Unconnected
+#unconnected.xonotic - unconnected
h4(. Server channels
#hoctf - House of CTF
#lcbx.cts - Xonotic DeFrag server
#mon.sa - MoN servers (Overkill + Vehicle)
-#prophets.minsta - Prophets Minsta 1v1 server
-#prophets.xdf - Propehts DeFrag server
+#Prophets.Duel - Prophets Minsta 1v1 server
+#Prophets.XDF - Propehts DeFrag server
#uc.xon - Unconnected servers