config.add_forbidden_view(forbidden, renderer="forbidden.mako")
+ config.add_route("login", "/login")
+ config.add_view(login, route_name="login", check_csrf=True, renderer="json")
config.add_route("merge", "/merge")
config.add_view(route_name="merge", renderer="merge.mako", permission="admin")
from xonstat.views.main import main_index, top_players_by_time, top_servers_by_players
from xonstat.views.main import top_servers_by_players, top_maps_by_times_played
-from xonstat.views.admin import forbidden
+from xonstat.views.admin import forbidden, login
from pyramid.response import Response
-from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden
+from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden, HTTPFound
+from pyramid.security import remember, forget
+from pyramid_persona.views import verify_login
+from xonstat.models import *
def forbidden(request):
'''A simple forbidden view. Does nothing more than set the status and then
gets the heck out of dodge. The forbidden.mako template does the work.'''
request.response.status = 403
return {}
+def login(request):
+ # Verify the assertion and get the email of the user
+ persona_email = verify_login(request)
+ # Check that the email exists in the players table
+ player_email = DBSession.query(Player).\
+ filter(Player.email_addr == persona_email).one()
+ #log.debug("Verified email address: %s" % persona_email)
+ #log.debug("Corresponding player is %s" % player_email)
+ if player_email is not None:
+ # Add the headers required to remember the user to the response
+ request.response.headers.extend(remember(request, persona_email))
+ else:
+ url = request.route_url("forbidden")
+ return HTTPFound(location=url)
+ # Return a json message containing the address or path to redirect to.
+ return {'redirect': request.POST['came_from'], 'success': True}