life = bound(autocvar_cl_damageeffect_lifetime_min, dmg * autocvar_cl_damageeffect_lifetime, autocvar_cl_damageeffect_lifetime_max);
- specstr = species_prefix(specnum);
- type = DEATH_WEAPONOF(type);
- e = get_weaponinfo(type);
- effectname = strcat("damage_", e.netname);
+ effectname = get_weaponinfo(DEATH_WEAPONOF(type)).netname;
- // if damage was dealt with a bullet weapon, our effect is blood
- // since blood is species dependent, include the species tag
- if(type == WEP_SHOTGUN || type == WEP_MACHINEGUN || type == WEP_RIFLE) // WEAPONTODO: when we kill shells and bullets, what happens to this?
+ if(substring(effectname, strlen(effectname) - 5, 5) == "BLOOD")
- effectname = strcat(effectname, "_", specstr);
- effectname = substring(effectname, 0, strlen(effectname) - 1); // remove the _ symbol at the end of the species tag
+ specstr = species_prefix(specnum);
+ specstr = substring(specstr, 0, strlen(specstr) - 1);
+ effectname = strreplace("BLOOD", specstr, effectname);
- else
- return; // objects don't bleed
+ else { return; } // objects don't bleed
e = spawn();