unsigned int d_8to24table[256];
//qbyte d_15to8table[32768];
qbyte host_basepal[768];
-qbyte texgamma[256];
cvar_t v_gamma = {CVAR_SAVE, "v_gamma", "1"};
cvar_t v_contrast = {CVAR_SAVE, "v_contrast", "1"};
void Palette_Init(void)
+ int i;
+ float gamma, scale, base;
qbyte *pal;
+ qbyte temp[256];
pal = (qbyte *)COM_LoadFile ("gfx/palette.lmp", false);
if (!pal)
Sys_Error ("Couldn't load gfx/palette.lmp");
memcpy(host_basepal, pal, 765);
host_basepal[765] = host_basepal[766] = host_basepal[767] = 0; // LordHavoc: force the transparent color to black
+ gamma = 1;
+ scale = 1;
+ base = 0;
+ i = COM_CheckParm("-texgamma");
+ if (i)
+ gamma = atof(com_argv[i + 1]);
+ i = COM_CheckParm("-texcontrast");
+ if (i)
+ scale = atof(com_argv[i + 1]);
+ i = COM_CheckParm("-texbrightness");
+ if (i)
+ base = atof(com_argv[i + 1]);
+ gamma = bound(0.01, gamma, 10.0);
+ scale = bound(0.01, scale, 10.0);
+ base = bound(0, base, 0.95);
+ BuildGammaTable8(1.0f, gamma, scale, base, temp);
+ for (i = 3;i < 765;i++)
+ host_basepal[i] = temp[host_basepal[i]];
// Palette_Setup15to8();