{ GAME_DARSANA, GAME_DARSANA, "darsana", "-darsana", "Darsana", "ddata", NULL, "darsana", "darsana" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -darsana runs the game Darsana
{ GAME_CONTAGIONTHEORY, GAME_CONTAGIONTHEORY, "contagiontheory", "-contagiontheory", "Contagion Theory", "ctdata", NULL, "ct", "contagiontheory" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -contagiontheory runs the game Contagion Theory
{ GAME_EDU2P, GAME_EDU2P, "edu2p", "-edu2p", "EDU2 Prototype", "id1", "edu2", "edu2_p", "edu2prototype" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -edu2p runs the game Edu2 prototype
-{ GAME_PROPHECY, GAME_PROPHECY, "prophecy", "-prophecy", "Prophecy", "data", NULL, "prophecy", "prophecy" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -prophecy runs the game Prophecy
+{ GAME_PROPHECY, GAME_PROPHECY, "prophecy", "-prophecy", "Prophecy", "gamedata", NULL, "phcy", "prophecy" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -prophecy runs the game Prophecy
{ GAME_BLOODOMNICIDE, GAME_BLOODOMNICIDE, "omnicide", "-omnicide", "Blood Omnicide", "kain", NULL, "omnicide", "omnicide" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -omnicide runs the game Blood Omnicide
{ GAME_STEELSTORM, GAME_STEELSTORM, "steelstorm", "-steelstorm", "Steel-Storm", "gamedata", NULL, "ss", "steelstorm" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -steelstorm runs the game Steel Storm
+{ GAME_STEELSTORM2, GAME_STEELSTORM2, "steelstorm2", "-steelstorm2", "Steel Storm 2", "gamedata", NULL, "ss2", "steelstorm2" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -steelstorm runs the game Steel Storm
+{ GAME_TOMESOFMEPHISTOPHELES, GAME_TOMESOFMEPHISTOPHELES, "tomesofmephistopheles", "-tomesofmephistopheles", "Tomes of Mephistopheles", "gamedata", NULL, "tom", "tomesofmephistopheles" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -steelstorm runs the game Steel Storm
{ GAME_STRAPBOMB, GAME_STRAPBOMB, "strapbomb", "-strapbomb", "Strap-on-bomb Car", "id1", NULL, "strap", "strapbomb" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -strapbomb runs the game Strap-on-bomb Car
{ GAME_MOONHELM, GAME_MOONHELM, "moonhelm", "-moonhelm", "MoonHelm", "data", NULL, "mh", "moonhelm" }, // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Game: -moonhelm runs the game MoonHelm