countabsolute 1
type decal
tex 47 47
-size 8 8
+size 24 24
alpha 256 256 0
originjitter 12 12 12
-//lightradius 60
-//lightradiusfade 300
+//lightradius 200
+//lightradiusfade 800
//lightcolor 3.2 0.4 4
// purple flare effect
effect crylink_impact
type static
tex 39 39
color 0x504060 0x504060
-size 8 8
+size 24 24
alpha 256 256 512
// purple sparks
effect crylink_impact
-count 10
+count 40
type spark
tex 41 41
color 0xA040C0 0xA040C0
bounce 2
-size 1 2
+size 6 6
alpha 256 256 1024
-velocityjitter 256 256 256
+velocityjitter 512 512 512
// purple splash
effect crylink_impact
count 1.5
type static
color 0xE070FF 0xE070FF
-size 8 8
+size 16 16
alpha 256 256 512
-velocityjitter 8 8 8
+velocityjitter 32 32 32
// purple splash
effect crylink_impact
-count 1.5
+count 3
type static
color 0xE070FF 0xE070FF
-size 8 8
+size 16 16
alpha 256 256 1024
-velocityjitter 32 32 32
+velocityjitter 256 256 256
velocityjitter 324 324 524
rotate -180 180 -1000 1000
// used in qcsrc/server/g_hook.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("grapple_muzzleflash"), org, '0 0 0', 1)
effect grapple_muzzleflash
lightradius 160
staintex 16 24
// flare particle and light
-// used in qcsrc/server/t_items.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("item_pickup"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1)
-effect item_pickup
-countabsolute 1
-type static
-color 0x63F2EA 0xB0C5C4
-size 8 16
-alpha 128 64 64
-// cloud of particles which expand rapidly and then slow to form a ball
-effect item_pickup
-count 32
-type spark
-tex 41 41
-color 0x63F2EA 0xB0C5C4
-size 1 1
-alpha 256 256 1280
-//originjitter 24 24 24
-velocityjitter 256 256 256
-effect bloodshower
-countabsolute 1
-type blood
-tex 24 32
-size 8 8
-color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
-alpha 256 256 64
-bounce -1
-airfriction 1
-liquidfriction 4
-velocityjitter 64 64 64
-velocitymultiplier 1
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-effect alien_bloodshower
-countabsolute 1
-type blood
-tex 24 32
-size 8 8
-color 0xC080B0 0xC080B0
-alpha 256 256 64
-bounce -1
-airfriction 1
-liquidfriction 4
-velocityjitter 64 64 64
-velocitymultiplier 1
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-effect robot_bloodshower
-countabsolute 1
-type blood
-tex 24 32
-size 8 8
-color 0xC0D890 0xC0D890
-alpha 256 256 64
-bounce -1
-airfriction 1
-liquidfriction 4
-velocityjitter 64 64 64
-velocitymultiplier 1
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
+// used in qcsrc/server/t_items
+// ---------------vechicles
-// used in qsrc/server/ctf.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("red_ground_quake"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
-effect red_ground_quake
-type smoke
-count 90
-tex 0 8
-size 20 50
-sizeincrease 100
-gravity 0.5
-time 5 10
-airfriction 3
-alpha 100 126 200
-color 0x111111 0xbbbbbb
-//originjitter 2 2 0
-velocityjitter 190 190 50
-bounce 1.1
+effect spiderbot_minigun_trail
-effect red_ground_quake
+trailspacing 10
type smoke
-count 40
+color 0xd0d0a0 0xffffff
tex 0 8
-size 10 30
-sizeincrease 60
-gravity 0.2
-time 10 15
-airfriction 4
-alpha 100 126 200
-color 0x111111 0x979797
-//originjitter 2 2 0
-velocityjitter 190 190 50
-bounce 1.2
-effect red_ground_quake
-count 16
-type smoke
+size 1 2
+alpha 20 50 100
+sizeincrease 2
+velocityjitter 5 5 5
+gravity -0.03
+airfriction 1
+effect spiderbot_minigun_muzzleflash
+count 3
+type spark
+color 0xff9c00 0xff8400
tex 48 55
-size 4 20
-time 15 25
-alpha 200 356 512
-gravity -0.5
-color 0x9E6A64 0x91302D
-bounce 6
-sizeincrease 5
-originjitter 33 33 33
-velocityjitter 22 22 50
-// smoke
-effect red_ground_quake
-type alphastatic
-count 11
-tex 0 8
-size 22 33
-sizeincrease 11
-time 25 35
-alpha 200 256 200
-color 0x000000 0xffffff
-gravity -0.3
-originjitter 44 44 44
-velocityjitter 11 11 50
-bounce 2
+size 10 15
+alpha 256 512 6280
+airfriction 10
+originjitter 2 2 2
+velocityjitter 150 150 150
+velocitymultiplier 0.35
+sizeincrease -100
+stretchfactor 1.3
+rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
+// fire
+effect spiderbot_minigun_muzzleflash
+count 6
+type spark
+color 0xff9c00 0xff8400
+tex 8 15
+size 5 7
+alpha 256 512 6280
+airfriction 12
+originjitter 2 2 2
+velocityjitter 200 200 200
+velocitymultiplier 0.2
+sizeincrease -10
+stretchfactor 0.8
+effect spiderbot_minigun_muzzleflash
+countabsolute 2
+type static
+tex 48 55
+color 0xff9c00 0xff8400
+size 32 32
+alpha 256 512 6680
+sizeincrease -100
+stretchfactor 0.1
+rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
+lightradius 120
+lightradiusfade 8000
+lightcolor 3 3 0
-// used in qsrc/server/ctf.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("blue_ground_quake"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
-effect blue_ground_quake
-type smoke
-count 90
-tex 0 8
-size 20 50
+effect spiderbot_minigun_impact
+countabsolute 1
+type static
+tex 65 65
+color 0xff9c00 0xf6ff00
+size 52 52
+alpha 50 100 1680
+sizeincrease -100
+stretchfactor 0.1
+rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
+// fire
+effect spiderbot_minigun_impact
+count 7
+type spark
+color 0xff9c00 0xff8400
+tex 48 55
+size 9 15
+alpha 256 512 6280
+airfriction 10
+originjitter 2 2 2
+velocityjitter 250 250 150
+velocitymultiplier 0.2
sizeincrease 100
-gravity 0.5
-time 5 10
-airfriction 3
-alpha 100 126 200
-color 0x111111 0xbbbbbb
-//originjitter 2 2 0
-velocityjitter 190 190 50
-bounce 1.1
-effect blue_ground_quake
-type smoke
-count 40
-tex 0 8
-size 10 30
-sizeincrease 60
-gravity 0.2
-time 10 15
-airfriction 4
-alpha 100 126 200
-color 0x111111 0x979797
-//originjitter 2 2 0
-velocityjitter 190 190 50
-bounce 1.2
-effect blue_ground_quake
-count 16
+stretchfactor 3
+airfriction 6
+rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
+// smoke
+effect spiderbot_minigun_impact
+count 6
type smoke
-tex 48 55
-size 4 20
-time 15 25
-alpha 200 356 512
-gravity -0.5
-color 0x64679E 0x2D4C91
-bounce 6
-sizeincrease 5
-originjitter 33 33 33
-velocityjitter 22 22 50
-// smoke
-effect blue_ground_quake
-type alphastatic
-count 11
+color 0xd0d0a0 0xffffff
tex 0 8
-size 22 33
-sizeincrease 11
-time 25 35
-alpha 200 256 200
-color 0x000000 0xffffff
-gravity -0.3
-originjitter 44 44 44
-velocityjitter 11 11 50
-bounce 2
-// cl_gentle impact effect indicating damage
-// maintained by morphed
-// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("damage_hit"), org, vel, amount * 16)
-effect morphed_damage_hit
-tex 43 43
-count 0.5
+size 10 20
+alpha 50 50 190
+sizeincrease 80
+velocityjitter 100 100 250
+velocitymultiplier 0.49
+gravity 1.3
+airfriction 10
+rotate -180 180 0 0
+// smoke 2
+effect spiderbot_minigun_impact
+count 7
type spark
-color 0xffffff 0x9271fb
-size 14 24
-sizeincrease -24
-alpha 128 128 292
-gravity -0.4
-airfriction 5
-liquidfriction 10
-velocityjitter 356 356 456
-effect morphed_damage_hit
-tex 0 8
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-color 0xffffff 0x9271fb
-size 24 24
-sizeincrease -24
-alpha 128 128 292
-airfriction 5
-liquidfriction 10
-originjitter 10 10 10
-// effect for removing player model
-// "teleport"
-// cl_gentle deathfx
-// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("damage_dissolve"), org, vel, amount)
-effect morphed_damage_dissolve
-tex 43 43
-count 10
-type smoke
-color 0xffffff 0x9271fb
-size 40 40
-sizeincrease -16
-alpha 456 456 1828
-gravity -1.9
-airfriction 8
-liquidfriction 6
-velocityjitter 256 256 512
-rotate -180 180 -399 -99
-effect morphed_damage_dissolve
-tex 43 43
-count 2.5
-type smoke
-color 0x7bdbff 0xbed2ff
-size 40 40
-sizeincrease -16
-alpha 256 256 628
-gravity -0.8
-airfriction 9
-liquidfriction 6
-velocityjitter 256 256 512
-rotate -180 180 0 0
-effect morphed_damage_dissolve
-tex 65 65
-count 5
-type smoke
-color 0xffffff 0x9271fb
-size 44 44
-sizeincrease -16
-alpha 156 156 128
-airfriction 3
-liquidfriction 6
-originjitter 22 22 76
-effect morphed_damage_dissolve
-tex 46 46
-count 15
-type smoke
-color 0xffffff 0x9271fb
-size 32 32
-sizeincrease -16
-alpha 56 56 128
-gravity 1
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 3
-liquidfriction 6
-velocityjitter 400 400 0
-rotate -180 180 999 -999
-// Team / hit minsta effects
-effect TE_TEI_G3RED
-countabsolute 1
-type beam
-tex 200 200
-color 0xFF0000 0xFF0000
-size 4 4
-alpha 128 128 256
-// experimental
-effect TE_TEI_G3RED
-trailspacing 8
-type static
-color 0x200000 0x400000
-size 0.3 0.3
-sizeincrease 3
-tex 46 46
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-velocityjitter 3 3 3
-type smoke
-effect TE_TEI_G3RED_HIT
-countabsolute 1
-type beam
-tex 200 200
-color 0xFF0000 0xFF0000
-size 8 8
-alpha 128 128 256
-// experimental
-effect TE_TEI_G3RED_HIT
-trailspacing 20
-type static
-color 0xFFFFFF 0xFF0011
-size 2 2
-sizeincrease -2
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-velocityjitter 2 2 2
-type smoke
-// rings
-effect TE_TEI_G3RED_HIT
-trailspacing 40
-type static
-color 0xFF0000 0xFF0011
-size 10 10
-sizeincrease -6
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-type smoke
-effect TE_TEI_G3BLUE
-countabsolute 1
-type beam
-tex 200 200
-color 0x0000FF 0x1100FF
-size 4 4
-alpha 128 128 256
-// experimental
-effect TE_TEI_G3BLUE
-trailspacing 8
-type static
-color 0x000020 0x000040
-size 0.3 0.3
-sizeincrease 3
-tex 46 46
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-velocityjitter 3 3 3
-type smoke
-countabsolute 1
-type beam
-tex 200 200
-color 0x0000FF 0x1100FF
-size 8 8
-alpha 128 128 256
-// experimental
-trailspacing 20
-type static
-color 0xFFFFFF 0x100FF
-size 2 2
-sizeincrease -2
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-velocityjitter 2 2 2
-type smoke
-// rings
-trailspacing 40
-type static
-color 0x0000FF 0x1100FF
-size 10 10
-sizeincrease -6
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-type smoke
-// Yellow
-countabsolute 1
-type beam
-tex 200 200
-color 0xffff00 0xffff11
-size 4 4
-alpha 128 128 256
-trailspacing 8
-type static
-color 0x202000 0x404000
-size 0.3 0.3
-sizeincrease 3
-tex 46 46
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-velocityjitter 3 3 3
-type smoke
-countabsolute 1
-type beam
-tex 200 200
-color 0xffff00 0xffff11
-size 8 8
-alpha 128 128 256
-trailspacing 20
-type static
-color 0xFFFFFF 0xffff10
-size 2 2
-sizeincrease -2
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-velocityjitter 2 2 2
-type smoke
-// rings
-trailspacing 40
-type static
-color 0xffff00 0xffff11
-size 10 10
-sizeincrease -6
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-type smoke
-// Pink
-effect TE_TEI_G3PINK
-countabsolute 1
-type beam
-tex 200 200
-color 0xFF00FF 0xFF11FF
-size 4 4
-alpha 128 128 256
-// experimental
-effect TE_TEI_G3PINK
-trailspacing 8
-type static
-color 0x200020 0x400040
-size 0.3 0.3
-sizeincrease 3
-tex 46 46
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-velocityjitter 3 3 3
-type smoke
-countabsolute 1
-type beam
-tex 200 200
-color 0xFF00FF 0xFF11FF
-size 8 8
-alpha 128 128 256
-// experimental
-trailspacing 20
-type static
-color 0xFFFFFF 0xFF10FF
-size 2 2
-sizeincrease -2
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-velocityjitter 2 2 2
-type smoke
-// rings
-trailspacing 40
-type static
-color 0xFF00FF 0xFF11FF
-size 10 10
-sizeincrease -6
-alpha 256 256 512
-airfriction -4
-//liquidfriction -4
-type smoke
-// cl_gentle impact effect indicating damage
-// maintained by particlegibs
-// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("damage_hit"), org, vel, amount * 16)
-// core decal
-effect particlegibs_damage_hit
-type blood
-count 0.5
-tex 0 8
-size 5 10
-color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
-alpha 256 256 428
-gravity 1
-bounce -1
-airfriction 3
-liquidfriction 6
-velocityjitter 156 156 212
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-// front blood
-effect particlegibs_damage_hit
-type blood
-count 0.1
-tex 24 32
-size 10 20
-color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
-sizeincrease -15
-alpha 256 256 328
-bounce -1
-gravity 0.5
-airfriction 1
-liquidfriction 3
-velocityjitter 6 6 30
-velocitymultiplier -1
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-// back blood
-effect particlegibs_damage_hit
-type blood
-count 0.1
-tex 24 32
-size 5 15
-color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
-sizeincrease 10
-alpha 256 256 328
-bounce -1
-gravity 1
-airfriction 1
-liquidfriction 3
-velocityjitter 26 26 112
-originjitter 3 3 3
-velocitymultiplier 2
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-// effect for removing player model
-// "teleport"
-// cl_gentle deathfx
-// used in qcsrc/client/gibs.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("damage_dissolve"), org, vel, amount)
-// small core blood no decals
-effect particlegibs_damage_dissolve
-type blood
-count 32
-tex 0 8
-size 15 20
-color 0x00ffff 0x82ffff
-alpha 256 256 328
-gravity 1
-airfriction 3
-liquidfriction 6
-originjitter 10 10 25
-velocityjitter 256 256 312
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-// core decal
-effect particlegibs_damage_dissolve
-type blood
-count 12
-tex 0 8
-size 20 40
-color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
-alpha 256 256 528
-gravity 2
-bounce -1
-airfriction 2
-liquidfriction 6
-originjitter 10 10 25
-velocityjitter 356 356 412
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-// front blood
-effect particlegibs_damage_dissolve
-type blood
-count 32
-tex 24 32
-size 10 20
-color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
-sizeincrease -15
-alpha 256 256 328
-bounce -1
-gravity 0.5
-airfriction 1
-liquidfriction 3
-velocityjitter 56 56 212
-originjitter 5 5 10
-velocitymultiplier -0.3
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-// back blood
-effect particlegibs_damage_dissolve
-type blood
-count 32
-tex 24 32
-size 5 15
-color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
-sizeincrease 10
-alpha 256 256 328
-bounce -1
-gravity 1
-airfriction 1
-liquidfriction 3
-velocityjitter 56 56 212
-originjitter 5 5 10
-velocitymultiplier 0.5
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-// small bits
-effect particlegibs_damage_dissolve
-type blood
-count 75
-tex 24 32
-size 1 1
-color 0xA8FFFF 0xA8FFFFF
-sizeincrease 10
-alpha 256 256 328
-gravity 1
-airfriction 1.5
-liquidfriction 3
-originjitter 10 10 25
-velocityjitter 656 656 912
-staincolor 0x808080 0x808080
-staintex 16 24
-// fire effect which expands then slows
-effect onslaught_generator_gib_explode
-count 17
-type static
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 20 26
-sizeincrease 45
-alpha 128 256 356
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 5
-liquidfriction 8
-originjitter 8 8 8
-velocityjitter 286 286 286
-// smoke
-effect onslaught_generator_gib_explode
-type alphastatic
-tex 0 8
-count 6
-size 1 10
-sizeincrease 90
-gravity -0.3
-alpha 200 500 600
-velocityjitter 244 244 244
-airfriction 5
-color 0x000000 0x111111
-bounce 2
-// underwater bubbles
-effect onslaught_generator_gib_explode
-count 16
-type bubble
-tex 62 62
-color 0x404040 0x808080
-size 3 3
-alpha 128 256 64
-gravity -0.125
-bounce 1.5
-liquidfriction 0.25
-originjitter 16 16 16
-velocityjitter 96 96 96
-// fire effect which expands then slows
-effect onslaught_generator_gib_flame
-count 15
-type static
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 5 10
-sizeincrease 25
-alpha 128 256 356
-gravity -0.5
-airfriction 5
-liquidfriction 8
-originjitter 3 3 3
-velocityjitter 86 86 86
-// smoke
-effect onslaught_generator_gib_flame
-type alphastatic
-tex 0 8
-count 1
-size 10 20
-sizeincrease 30
-gravity -0.8
-alpha 200 500 600
-velocityjitter 44 44 44
-airfriction 5
-color 0x000000 0x111111
-bounce 2
-// underwater bubbles
-effect onslaught_generator_gib_flame
-count 16
-type bubble
-tex 62 62
-color 0x404040 0x808080
-size 3 3
-alpha 128 256 64
-gravity -0.125
-bounce 1.5
-liquidfriction 0.25
-originjitter 16 16 16
-velocityjitter 96 96 96
-// used nowhere in code
-effect firemine
-trailspacing 2
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 1 1
-sizeincrease 5
-gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 250
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 10 10 2
-airfriction 1.2
-effect firemine
-trailspacing 2
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 1 1
-sizeincrease 5
-gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 10 10 10
-airfriction 1.2
-// very slow and small fire
-effect firemine
-trailspacing 4
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 1 1
-sizeincrease 2
-gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 8 8 8
-airfriction 0.3
-//decreasing fire
-effect firemine
-trailspacing 4
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 5 7
-sizeincrease -3
-gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 3 3 3
-airfriction 0.3
-effect firemine
-trailspacing 8
-count 0.5
-type alphastatic
-tex 0 8
-size 1 4
-sizeincrease 1
-color 0x000000 0x111111
-alpha 256 256 90
-//gravity -0.2
-originjitter 2 2 2
-velocityoffset 0 0 3
-airfriction 1
-effect firemine
-trailspacing 1
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 12 12
-sizeincrease 0
-gravity 0
-alpha 50 256 1600
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 0 0 0
-airfriction 1.2
-// light only
-effect firemine
-trailspacing 16
-lightradius 50
-lightradiusfade 50000
-lightcolor 2.7 2.7 0.6
-// used nowhere in code
-effect fireball
-trailspacing 2
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 5 5
-sizeincrease 20
-gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 250
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 40 40 11
-airfriction 1.2
-effect fireball
-trailspacing 2
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 5 5
-sizeincrease 20
-gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 40 40 40
-airfriction 1.2
-// very slow and small fire
-effect fireball
-trailspacing 4
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 5 5
-sizeincrease 10
-gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 30 30 30
-airfriction 0.3
-//decreasing fire
-effect fireball
-trailspacing 4
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 20 30
-sizeincrease -10
-gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 10 10 10
-airfriction 0.3
-effect fireball
-trailspacing 8
-count 0.5
-type alphastatic
-tex 0 8
-size 5 15
-sizeincrease 7
-color 0x000000 0x111111
-alpha 256 256 90
-//gravity -0.2
-originjitter 10 10 10
-velocityoffset 0 0 10
-airfriction 1
-effect fireball
-trailspacing 1
-count 0.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 48 48
-sizeincrease 0
-gravity 0
-alpha 50 256 1600
-bounce 1.5
-velocityjitter 0 0 0
-airfriction 1.2
-// light only
-effect fireball
-trailspacing 16
-lightradius 300
-lightradiusfade 3000
-lightcolor 2.7 2.7 0.6
-// fireball
-effect fireball_laser
-count 10
-type spark
-color 0x800000 0xFF8020
-alpha 192 256 2560
-size 1 1
-velocityjitter 1 1 1
-velocitymultiplier 10
-stretchfactor 0.7
-// rocket explosion (bigger than mortar and hagar)
-// decal
-// used nowhere in code
-effect fireball_explode
-countabsolute 1
-type decal
-tex 8 16
-size 72 72
-alpha 256 256 0
-originjitter 56 56 56
-lightradius 500
-lightradiusfade 500
-lightcolor 4 2 0.5
-// flare effect
-effect fireball_explode
-countabsolute 1
-type static
-tex 35 37
-color 0x404040 0x404040
-size 72 72
-alpha 192 192 64
-// fire effect
-effect fireball_explode
-count 128
-type static
-tex 48 55
-color 0x902010 0xFFD080
-size 16 16
-alpha 128 128 256
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 4
-liquidfriction 4
-originjitter 8 8 8
-velocityjitter 512 512 512
-// underwater bubbles
-effect fireball_explode
-count 32
-type bubble
-tex 62 62
-color 0x404040 0x808080
-size 3 3
-alpha 128 256 64
-gravity -0.125
-bounce 1.5
-liquidfriction 0.25
-originjitter 16 16 16
-velocityjitter 144 144 144
-// bouncing sparks
-effect fireball_explode
-count 64
-type spark
-color 0x903010 0xFFD030
-size 2 2
-alpha 256 256 384
-gravity 1
-airfriction 0.2
-bounce 1.5
-liquidfriction 0.8
-velocityoffset 0 0 80
-velocityjitter 384 384 384
-effect fireball_muzzleflash
-count 2
-type smoke
-color 0x202020 0x404040
-tex 0 8
-size 5 5
-alpha 256 256 512
-originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
-velocityjitter 6 6 6
-velocitymultiplier 0.01
-lightradius 200
-lightradiusfade 2000
-lightcolor 2 1.5 0.2
-effect fireball_muzzleflash
-count 15
-type spark
-tex 40 40
-color 0xFFFDD9 0xFFFDD9
-size 3 3
-alpha 0 128 1024
-originjitter 1 1 1
-velocityjitter 300 300 300
-velocitymultiplier 0.5
-airfriction 12
-effect fireball_preattack_muzzleflash
-count 2
-type smoke
-color 0x202020 0x404040
-tex 0 8
-size 5 5
-alpha 256 256 512
-originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
-velocityjitter 6 6 6
-velocitymultiplier 0.01
-lightradius 200
-lightradiusfade 2000
-lightcolor 2 1.5 0.2
-effect fireball_preattack_muzzleflash
-count 15
-type spark
-tex 40 40
-color 0xFFFDD9 0xFFFDD9
-size 3 3
-alpha 0 128 1024
-originjitter 1 1 1
-velocityjitter 300 300 300
-velocitymultiplier 0.5
-airfriction 12
-effect fireball_bfgdamage
-count 2
-type smoke
-color 0x202020 0x404040
-tex 0 8
-size 5 5
-alpha 256 256 512
-originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
-velocityjitter 6 6 6
-velocitymultiplier 0.01
-lightradius 200
-lightradiusfade 2000
-lightcolor 2 1.5 0.2
-effect fireball_bfgdamage
-count 15
-type spark
-tex 40 40
-color 0xFFFDD9 0xFFFDD9
-size 3 3
-alpha 0 128 1024
-originjitter 1 1 1
-velocityjitter 300 300 300
-velocitymultiplier 0.5
-airfriction 12
-// used nowhere in code
-effect EF_FLAME
-count 100
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-size 5 21
-alpha 200 356 512
-gravity -0.5
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-bounce 2
-sizeincrease -1
-originoffset 0 0 10
-originjitter 12 12 34
-velocityjitter 22 22 50
-// smoke
-effect EF_FLAME
-type alphastatic
-count 50
-tex 0 8
-size 11 15
-sizeincrease 6
-alpha 200 256 200
-color 0x000000 0x111111
-gravity -0.3
-originoffset 0 0 10
-originjitter 12 12 34
-velocityjitter 11 11 50
-bounce 2
-effect EF_FLAME
-count 0.5
-lightradius 200
-lightradiusfade 10000
-lightcolor 0.9 0.9 0.2
-// rifle bullet trail (somewhat like a tracer)
-// used in qcsrc/server/w_common.qc: zcurveparticles_from_tracetoss(particleeffectnum("tr_bullet"), self.origin, trace_endpos, self.velocity)
-// used in qcsrc/client/projectile.qc: trailparticles(self, particleeffectnum("tr_bullet"), from, to)
-effect tr_rifle
-trailspacing 128
-type spark
-color 0x800000 0xFF8020
-alpha 256 256 2560
-size 1.5 1.5
-stretchfactor 1
-velocitymultiplier 0.7
-effect tr_rifle
-tex 0 8
-trailspacing 8
-type static
-color 0x202020 0x404040
-size 4 4
-sizeincrease 0.4
-alpha 256 256 256
-airfriction -4
-velocityjitter 4 4 4
-type smoke
-effect tr_rifle
-trailspacing 32
-type bubble
-tex 62 62
-color 0x404040 0x808080
-size 2 2
-alpha 256 256 128
-gravity -0.125
-bounce 1.5
-liquidfriction 4
-velocityjitter 16 16 16
-// rocket guiding start
-// underwater bubbles
-effect rocket_guide
-count 2
-type bubble
-tex 62 62
-color 0x404040 0x808080
-size 1.5 1.5
-alpha 128 256 64
-gravity -0.125
-bounce 1.5
-liquidfriction 0.25
-originjitter 8 8 8
-velocityjitter 48 48 48
-velocitymultiplier -0.1
-// bouncing sparks
-effect rocket_guide
-count 8
-type spark
-color 0x903010 0xFFD030
-size 0.3 0.7
-tex 40 40
-alpha 256 256 984
-gravity 1
-airfriction 0.2
-bounce 1.5
-liquidfriction 0.8
-velocityoffset 0 0 80
-velocityjitter 156 156 156
-velocitymultiplier -0.3
-stretchfactor 0.4
-effect rocket_guide
-countabsolute 1
-type smoke
-tex 65 65
-color 0x903010 0xFFD030
-size 10 10
-sizeincrease 300
-alpha 100 100 500
-// gauntlet laser
-// based off morphed's cl_gentle
-// used in qcsrc/server/w_laser.qc
-effect laser_gauntlet
-count 3
-type spark
-color 0xb44215 0x880000
-tex 43 43
-size 7 10
-alpha 128 512 6280
-airfriction 10
-originjitter 2 2 2
-velocityjitter 150 150 150
-velocitymultiplier 0.2
-sizeincrease -100
-stretchfactor 2.3
-rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
-effect laser_gauntlet
-count 6
-type spark
-color 0xff4200 0xff0000
-tex 8 15
-size 7 9
-alpha 256 512 6280
-airfriction 12
-originjitter 2 2 2
-velocityjitter 100 100 100
-velocitymultiplier 0.2
-sizeincrease -100
-stretchfactor 2
-// muzzle flash
-effect laser_gauntletmuzzleflash
-// glow and light
-countabsolute 1
-type smoke
-color 0x220000 0x880000
-tex 65 65
-size 10 15
-alpha 256 512 6280
-airfriction 10
-sizeincrease -100
-stretchfactor 2
-lightradius 150
-lightradiusfade 500
-lightcolor 3 0.1 0.1
-// electricity
-effect laser_gauntletmuzzleflash
-count 3
-type spark
-color 0xb44215 0x880000
-tex 43 43
-size 7 10
-alpha 128 512 6280
-airfriction 10
-originjitter 2 2 2
-velocityjitter 150 150 150
-velocitymultiplier 0.2
-sizeincrease -100
-stretchfactor 2.3
-rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
-// fire
-effect laser_gauntletmuzzleflash
-count 6
-type spark
-color 0xff4200 0xff0000
-tex 8 15
-size 7 9
-alpha 256 512 6280
-airfriction 12
-originjitter 2 2 2
-velocityjitter 100 100 100
-velocitymultiplier 0.2
-sizeincrease -100
-stretchfactor 2
-//torch flame, spawn it as fast as you can 20 times per second or more, supports direction but not required
-//fast fire
-// used nowhere in code, meant for maps
-effect torchflame
-count 3
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 5 5
-sizeincrease 20
- gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 250
-velocityjitter 40 40 11
-velocitymultiplier 30
-airfriction 1.2
-effect torchflame
-count 2.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 5 5
-sizeincrease 20
- gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-velocityjitter 40 40 40
-velocitymultiplier 20
-airfriction 1.2
-// very slow and small fire
-effect torchflame
-count 1.5
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 5 5
-sizeincrease 10
- gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-velocityjitter 30 30 30
-velocitymultiplier 10
-airfriction 0.3
-//decreasing fire
-effect torchflame
-count 2
-type smoke
-tex 48 55
-color 0x8f0d00 0xff5a00
-size 20 30
-sizeincrease -10
- gravity -0.06
-alpha 50 256 200
-velocityjitter 10 10 10
-velocitymultiplier 15
-airfriction 0.3
-effect torchflame
-count 0.5
-type alphastatic
-tex 0 8
-size 5 15
-sizeincrease 7
-color 0x000000 0x111111
-alpha 256 256 90
-//gravity -0.2
-originjitter 10 10 10
-velocitymultiplier 20
-velocityoffset 0 0 10
-airfriction 1
-//happy death fx for cl_gentle
-effect happy_damage_dissolve
-tex 69 69
-count 15
-type alphastatic
-color 0x00FFFF 0xFF00FF
-size 32 32
-sizeincrease -10
-alpha 256 256 228
-gravity -0.4
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 3
-liquidfriction 6
-velocityjitter 312 312 312
-effect happy_damage_dissolve
-tex 69 69
-count 15
-type alphastatic
-color 0xFF00FF 0xFFFF00
-size 32 32
-sizeincrease -10
-alpha 256 256 228
-gravity -0.4
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 3
-liquidfriction 6
-velocityjitter 312 312 312
-effect happy_damage_dissolve
-tex 69 69
-count 15
-type alphastatic
-color 0xFFFF00 0x00FFFF
-size 32 32
-sizeincrease -10
-alpha 256 256 228
-gravity -0.4
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 3
-liquidfriction 6
-velocityjitter 312 312 312
-//happy damage fx for cl_gentle
-effect happy_damage_hit
-tex 69 69
-count 0.1
-type alphastatic
-color 0x00FFFF 0xFF00FF
-size 26 26
-sizeincrease -28
-alpha 128 128 192
-gravity -0.4
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 5
-liquidfriction 10
-velocityjitter 156 156 156
-effect happy_damage_hit
-tex 69 69
-count 0.1
-type alphastatic
-color 0xFF00FF 0xFFFF00
-size 26 26
-sizeincrease -28
-alpha 128 128 192
-gravity -0.4
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 5
-liquidfriction 10
-velocityjitter 156 156 156
-effect happy_damage_hit
-tex 69 69
-count 0.1
-type alphastatic
-color 0xFFFF00 0x00FFFF
-size 26 26
-sizeincrease -28
-alpha 128 128 192
-gravity -0.4
-bounce 1.5
-airfriction 5
-liquidfriction 10
-velocityjitter 156 156 156
-// used in qcsrc/server/w_electro.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("electro_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1)
-// used in qcsrc/server/w_electro.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("electro_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1)
-effect electro_lightning
-countabsolute 1
-type decal
-tex 59 59
-size 16 16
-alpha 256 256 0
-originjitter 2 2 2
-lightradius 50
-lightradiusfade 500
-lightcolor 3.125 4.375 10
-effect electro_lightning
-count 300
-type spark
-// color 0x501860 0x501860 // 0x202020 0x404040
-color 0x2030FF 0x80C0FF
-tex 65 65
-size 6 6
-alpha 100 206 1724
-originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
-velocityjitter 6 6 6
-sizeincrease 10
-velocitymultiplier 2000
-effect electro_lightning
-count 30
-type spark
-tex 8 15
-color 0xDDFDFF 0xFDFDFF
-size 2 5
-alpha 110 170 1500
-originjitter 1 1 1
-velocityjitter 150 150 150
-velocitymultiplier 0.5
-airfriction 2
-stretchfactor 1.5
-effect electro_lightning
-count 50
-type spark
-tex 41 41
-color 0xFDFDFF 0xF9FDFF
-size 2 3
-alpha 110 170 1500
-originjitter 1 1 1
-velocityjitter 350 350 350
-velocitymultiplier 2.5
-airfriction 8
-gravity 1.3
-stretchfactor 0.1
-// used in qcsrc/server/w_gauntlet.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("electro_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1)
-effect gauntlet_lightning
-count 300
-type spark
-color 0x280000 0x280000 // 0x202020 0x404040
-tex 65 65
-size 3 3
-alpha 256 256 1024
-originjitter 1.5 1.5 1.5
-velocityjitter 6 6 6
-sizeincrease 15
-velocitymultiplier 2000
-effect gauntlet_lightning
-count 30
-type spark
-tex 8 15
-color 0xDD0000 0xFD0000
-size 2 5
-alpha 110 228 1024
-originjitter 1 1 1
-velocityjitter 150 150 150
-velocitymultiplier 0.5
-airfriction 2
-stretchfactor 1.5
-effect gauntlet_lightning
-count 50
-type spark
-tex 41 41
-color 0xFD0000 0xF90000
-size 2 3
-alpha 110 228 600
-originjitter 1 1 1
-velocityjitter 350 350 350
-velocitymultiplier 2.5
-airfriction 8
-gravity 1.3
-stretchfactor 0.1
-// crylink joinexplode effect
-// decal
-// used in qcsrc/client/damage.qc: pointparticles(particleeffectnum("crylink_joinexplode"), org2, '0 0 0', 1)
-effect crylink_joinexplode
-countabsolute 1
-type decal
-tex 47 47
-size 24 24
-alpha 256 256 0
-originjitter 12 12 12
-//lightradius 200
-//lightradiusfade 800
-//lightcolor 3.2 0.4 4
-// purple flare effect
-effect crylink_joinexplode
-countabsolute 1
-type static
-tex 39 39
-color 0x504060 0x504060
-size 24 24
-alpha 256 256 512
-// purple sparks
-effect crylink_joinexplode
-count 40
-type spark
-tex 41 41
-color 0xA040C0 0xA040C0
-bounce 2
-size 6 6
-alpha 256 256 1024
-velocityjitter 512 512 512
-// purple splash
-effect crylink_joinexplode
-count 1.5
-type static
-color 0xE070FF 0xE070FF
-size 16 16
-alpha 256 256 512
-velocityjitter 32 32 32
-// purple splash
-effect crylink_joinexplode
-count 3
-type static
-color 0xE070FF 0xE070FF
-size 16 16
-alpha 256 256 1024
-velocityjitter 256 256 256
-//sparks for keepaway ball touch
-// used nowhere in code
-effect kaball_sparks
-count 35
-type spark
-tex 40 40
-color 0xa9cacf 0x0054ff
-size 1 3
-alpha 0 256 556
-gravity 1
-bounce 1.5
-originjitter 1 1 1
-velocityjitter 300 300 300
-velocitymultiplier 0.5
-airfriction 3
-// weak rifle bullet trail (somewhat like a tracer)
-// used in qcsrc/server/w_common.qc: zcurveparticles_from_tracetoss(particleeffectnum("tr_bullet"), self.origin, trace_endpos, self.velocity)
-// used in qcsrc/client/projectile.qc: trailparticles(self, particleeffectnum("tr_bullet"), from, to)
-effect tr_rifle_weak
-trailspacing 128
-type spark
-color 0x800000 0xFF8020
-alpha 256 256 2560
-size 1.5 1.5
-stretchfactor 1
-velocitymultiplier 0.7
-effect tr_rifle_weak
-tex 0 8
-trailspacing 48
-type static
-color 0x202020 0x404040
-size 4 4
-sizeincrease 0.4
-alpha 256 256 256
-airfriction -4
-velocityjitter 4 4 4
-type smoke
-effect tr_rifle_weak
-trailspacing 192
-type bubble
-tex 62 62
-color 0x404040 0x808080
-size 2 2
-alpha 256 256 128
-gravity -0.125
-bounce 1.5
-liquidfriction 4
-velocityjitter 16 16 16
-// red smoke emiter
-// used nowhere in code
-effect red_smoke
-count 2
-type smoke
-tex 0 8
-color 0xff8866 0x331100
-size 60 120
-sizeincrease 0
-alpha 32 64 32
-gravity -0.007
-originjitter 0 0 0
-velocityjitter 0 0 0
-velocitymultiplier 5
-airfriction -1
-rotate 0 360 -30 30
-// pipe smoke emiter
-// used nowhere in code
-effect pipe_smoke
-count 2
-type smoke
-tex 0 8
-color 0x999999 0x555555
-size 5 10
-sizeincrease 35
-alpha 32 64 48
-gravity -0.015
-originjitter 0 0 0
-velocityjitter 0 0 5
-velocitymultiplier 15
-airfriction -1
-rotate 0 360 -180 180
-// ---------------vechicles
-effect spiderbot_minigun_trail
-trailspacing 10
-type smoke
-color 0xd0d0a0 0xffffff
-tex 0 8
-size 1 2
-alpha 20 50 100
-sizeincrease 2
-velocityjitter 5 5 5
-gravity -0.03
-airfriction 1
-effect spiderbot_minigun_muzzleflash
-count 3
-type spark
-color 0xff9c00 0xff8400
-tex 48 55
-size 10 15
-alpha 256 512 6280
-airfriction 10
-originjitter 2 2 2
-velocityjitter 150 150 150
-velocitymultiplier 0.35
-sizeincrease -100
-stretchfactor 1.3
-rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
-// fire
-effect spiderbot_minigun_muzzleflash
-count 6
-type spark
-color 0xff9c00 0xff8400
-tex 8 15
-size 5 7
-alpha 256 512 6280
-airfriction 12
-originjitter 2 2 2
-velocityjitter 200 200 200
-velocitymultiplier 0.2
-sizeincrease -10
-stretchfactor 0.8
-effect spiderbot_minigun_muzzleflash
-countabsolute 2
-type static
-tex 48 55
-color 0xff9c00 0xff8400
-size 32 32
-alpha 256 512 6680
-sizeincrease -100
-stretchfactor 0.1
-rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
-lightradius 120
-lightradiusfade 8000
-lightcolor 3 3 0
-effect spiderbot_minigun_impact
-countabsolute 1
-type static
-tex 65 65
-color 0xff9c00 0xf6ff00
-size 52 52
-alpha 50 100 1680
-sizeincrease -100
-stretchfactor 0.1
-rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
-// fire
-effect spiderbot_minigun_impact
-count 7
-type spark
-color 0xff9c00 0xff8400
-tex 48 55
-size 9 15
-alpha 256 512 6280
-airfriction 10
-originjitter 2 2 2
-velocityjitter 250 250 150
-velocitymultiplier 0.2
-sizeincrease 100
-stretchfactor 3
-airfriction 6
-rotate -180 180 4000 -4000
-// smoke
-effect spiderbot_minigun_impact
-count 6
-type smoke
-color 0xd0d0a0 0xffffff
-tex 0 8
-size 10 20
-alpha 50 50 190
-sizeincrease 80
-velocityjitter 100 100 250
-velocitymultiplier 0.49
-gravity 1.3
-airfriction 10
-rotate -180 180 0 0
-// smoke 2
-effect spiderbot_minigun_impact
-count 7
-type spark
-color 0xd0d0a0 0xffffff
+color 0xd0d0a0 0xffffff
tex 0 8
size 15 19
alpha 25 51 128
velocityoffset 0 0 200
airfriction 4
color 0x4F4B46 0x000000
-rotate -180 180 -20 20
\ No newline at end of file
+rotate -180 180 -20 20