float pitch, yaw, dist = 64, beamlength = 16, org[3], v[3];
static vec3_t avelocities[NUMVERTEXNORMALS];
if (!cl_particles.integer) return;
+ if (cl.time <= cl.oldtime) return; // don't spawn new entity particles while paused
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->render.matrix, org);
-void CL_MoveDecals (void)
- decal_t *decal;
- int i;
- float decalfade;
- // LordHavoc: early out condition
- if (!cl.num_decals)
- {
- cl.free_decal = 0;
- return;
- }
- decalfade = bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1) * 255 / cl_decals_fadetime.value;
- for (i = 0, decal = cl.decals;i < cl.num_decals;i++, decal++)
- {
- if (!decal->typeindex)
- continue;
- // heavily optimized decal case
- // FIXME: this has fairly wacky handling of alpha
- if (cl.time > decal->time2 + cl_decals_time.value)
- {
- decal->alpha -= decalfade;
- if (decal->alpha <= 0)
- {
- decal->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_decal > i)
- cl.free_decal = i;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (decal->owner)
- {
- if (cl.entities[decal->owner].render.model == decal->ownermodel)
- {
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&cl.entities[decal->owner].render.matrix, decal->relativeorigin, decal->org);
- Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&cl.entities[decal->owner].render.matrix, decal->relativenormal, decal->normal);
- }
- else
- {
- decal->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_decal > i)
- cl.free_decal = i;
- }
- }
- }
- // reduce cl.num_decals if possible
- while (cl.num_decals > 0 && cl.decals[cl.num_decals - 1].typeindex == 0)
- cl.num_decals--;
-void CL_MoveParticles (void)
- particle_t *p;
- int i, j, a, content;
- float gravity, dvel, decalfade, frametime, f, dist, oldorg[3];
- int hitent;
- trace_t trace;
- // LordHavoc: early out condition
- if (!cl.num_particles)
- {
- cl.free_particle = 0;
- return;
- }
- frametime = bound(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime, 0.1);
- gravity = frametime * cl.movevars_gravity;
- dvel = 1+4*frametime;
- decalfade = frametime * 255 / cl_decals_fadetime.value;
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0, p = cl.particles;i < cl.num_particles;i++, p++)
- {
- if (!p->typeindex)
- {
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- continue;
- }
- if (p->delayedspawn)
- {
- if (p->delayedspawn > cl.time)
- continue;
- p->delayedspawn = 0;
- }
- content = 0;
- p->size += p->sizeincrease * frametime;
- p->alpha -= p->alphafade * frametime;
- if (p->alpha <= 0 || p->die <= cl.time)
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- continue;
- }
- if (particletype[p->typeindex].orientation != PARTICLE_BEAM && frametime > 0)
- {
- if (p->liquidfriction && (CL_PointSuperContents(p->org) & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK))
- {
- if (p->typeindex == pt_blood)
- p->size += frametime * 8;
- else
- p->vel[2] -= p->gravity * gravity;
- f = 1.0f - min(p->liquidfriction * frametime, 1);
- VectorScale(p->vel, f, p->vel);
- }
- else
- {
- p->vel[2] -= p->gravity * gravity;
- if (p->airfriction)
- {
- f = 1.0f - min(p->airfriction * frametime, 1);
- VectorScale(p->vel, f, p->vel);
- }
- }
- VectorCopy(p->org, oldorg);
- VectorMA(p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org);
- if (p->bounce && cl.time >= p->delayedcollisions)
- {
- trace = CL_Move(oldorg, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, p->org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | ((p->typeindex == pt_rain || p->typeindex == pt_snow) ? SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK : 0), true, false, &hitent, false);
- // if the trace started in or hit something of SUPERCONTENTS_NODROP
- // or if the trace hit something flagged as NOIMPACT
- // then remove the particle
- if (trace.hitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT || ((trace.startsupercontents | trace.hitsupercontents) & SUPERCONTENTS_NODROP) || (trace.startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID))
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- continue;
- }
- VectorCopy(trace.endpos, p->org);
- // react if the particle hit something
- if (trace.fraction < 1)
- {
- VectorCopy(trace.endpos, p->org);
- if (p->typeindex == pt_rain)
- {
- // raindrop - splash on solid/water/slime/lava
- int count;
- // convert from a raindrop particle to a rainsplash decal
- VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, p->vel);
- VectorAdd(p->org, p->vel, p->org);
- p->typeindex = pt_raindecal;
- p->texnum = tex_rainsplash;
- p->time2 = cl.time;
- p->alphafade = p->alpha / 0.4;
- p->bounce = 0;
- p->airfriction = 0;
- p->liquidfriction = 0;
- p->gravity = 0;
- p->size *= 1.0f;
- p->sizeincrease = p->size * 20;
- count = (int)lhrandom(1, 10);
- while(count--)
- CL_NewParticle(pt_spark, 0x000000, 0x707070, tex_particle, 0.25f, 0, lhrandom(64, 255), 512, 1, 0, p->org[0], p->org[1], p->org[2], p->vel[0]*16, p->vel[1]*16, cl.movevars_gravity * 0.04 + p->vel[2]*16, 0, 0, 0, 32);
- continue;
- }
- else if (p->typeindex == pt_blood)
- {
- // blood - splash on solid
- if (trace.hitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOMARKS)
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if (cl_stainmaps.integer)
- R_Stain(p->org, 32, 32, 16, 16, (int)(p->alpha * p->size * (1.0f / 40.0f)), 192, 48, 48, (int)(p->alpha * p->size * (1.0f / 40.0f)));
- if (!cl_decals.integer)
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- continue;
- }
- // create a decal for the blood splat
- CL_SpawnDecalParticleForSurface(hitent, p->org, trace.plane.normal, p->color[0] * 65536 + p->color[1] * 256 + p->color[2], p->color[0] * 65536 + p->color[1] * 256 + p->color[2], tex_blooddecal[rand()&7], p->size * 2, p->alpha);
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- continue;
- }
- else if (p->bounce < 0)
- {
- // bounce -1 means remove on impact
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- // anything else - bounce off solid
- dist = DotProduct(p->vel, trace.plane.normal) * -p->bounce;
- VectorMA(p->vel, dist, trace.plane.normal, p->vel);
- if (DotProduct(p->vel, p->vel) < 0.03)
- VectorClear(p->vel);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (p->typeindex != pt_static)
- {
- switch (p->typeindex)
- {
- case pt_entityparticle:
- // particle that removes itself after one rendered frame
- if (p->time2)
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- }
- else
- p->time2 = 1;
- break;
- case pt_blood:
- a = CL_PointSuperContents(p->org);
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- }
- break;
- case pt_bubble:
- a = CL_PointSuperContents(p->org);
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- }
- break;
- case pt_rain:
- a = CL_PointSuperContents(p->org);
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- }
- break;
- case pt_snow:
- if (cl.time > p->time2)
- {
- // snow flutter
- p->time2 = cl.time + (rand() & 3) * 0.1;
- p->vel[0] = p->vel[0] * 0.9f + lhrandom(-32, 32);
- p->vel[1] = p->vel[0] * 0.9f + lhrandom(-32, 32);
- }
- a = CL_PointSuperContents(p->org);
- {
- p->typeindex = 0;
- if (cl.free_particle > i)
- cl.free_particle = i;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // reduce cl.num_particles if possible
- while (cl.num_particles > 0 && cl.particles[cl.num_particles - 1].typeindex == 0)
- cl.num_particles--;
// particletexture_t is a rectangle in the particlefonttexture
typedef struct particletexture_s
#define BATCHSIZE 256
int particle_element3i[BATCHSIZE*6];
-float particle_vertex3f[BATCHSIZE*12], particle_texcoord2f[BATCHSIZE*8], particle_color4f[BATCHSIZE*16];
void R_Particles_Init (void)
void R_DrawDecal_TransparentCallback(const entity_render_t *ent, const rtlight_t *rtlight, int numsurfaces, int *surfacelist)
int surfacelistindex;
- int batchstart, batchcount;
const decal_t *d;
- pblend_t blendmode;
- rtexture_t *texture;
float *v3f, *t2f, *c4f;
+ particletexture_t *tex;
+ float right[3], up[3], size, ca;
+ float alphascale = (1.0f / 65536.0f) * cl_particles_alpha.value * r_refdef.view.colorscale;
+ float particle_vertex3f[BATCHSIZE*12], particle_texcoord2f[BATCHSIZE*8], particle_color4f[BATCHSIZE*16];
r_refdef.stats.decals += numsurfaces;
- // first generate all the vertices at once
- for (surfacelistindex = 0, v3f = particle_vertex3f, t2f = particle_texcoord2f, c4f = particle_color4f;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++, v3f += 3*4, t2f += 2*4, c4f += 4*4)
+ // generate all the vertices at once
+ for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
- particletexture_t *tex;
- const float *org;
- float right[3], up[3], fog, cr, cg, cb, ca, size;
d = cl.decals + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
- //blendmode = particletype[d->typeindex].blendmode;
- cr = d->color[0] * (1.0f / 255.0f) * r_refdef.view.colorscale;
- cg = d->color[1] * (1.0f / 255.0f) * r_refdef.view.colorscale;
- cb = d->color[2] * (1.0f / 255.0f) * r_refdef.view.colorscale;
- ca = d->alpha * (1.0f / 255.0f);
- //if (blendmode == PBLEND_MOD)
- {
- cr *= ca;
- cg *= ca;
- cb *= ca;
- cr = min(cr, 1);
- cg = min(cg, 1);
- cb = min(cb, 1);
- ca = 1;
- }
- ca *= cl_particles_alpha.value;
+ // calculate color
+ c4f = particle_color4f + 16*surfacelistindex;
+ ca = d->alpha * alphascale;
if (r_refdef.fogenabled)
- {
- fog = FogPoint_World(d->org);
- cr = cr * fog;
- cg = cg * fog;
- cb = cb * fog;
- //if (blendmode == PBLEND_ALPHA)
- //{
- // fog = 1 - fog;
- // cr += r_refdef.fogcolor[0] * fog;
- // cg += r_refdef.fogcolor[1] * fog;
- // cb += r_refdef.fogcolor[2] * fog;
- //}
- }
- c4f[0] = c4f[4] = c4f[8] = c4f[12] = cr;
- c4f[1] = c4f[5] = c4f[9] = c4f[13] = cg;
- c4f[2] = c4f[6] = c4f[10] = c4f[14] = cb;
- c4f[3] = c4f[7] = c4f[11] = c4f[15] = ca;
+ ca *= FogPoint_World(d->org);
+ Vector4Set(c4f, d->color[0] * ca, d->color[1] * ca, d->color[2] * ca, 1);
+ Vector4Copy(c4f, c4f + 4);
+ Vector4Copy(c4f, c4f + 8);
+ Vector4Copy(c4f, c4f + 12);
+ // calculate vertex positions
size = d->size * cl_particles_size.value;
- org = d->org;
- tex = &particletexture[d->texnum];
VectorVectors(d->normal, right, up);
VectorScale(right, size, right);
VectorScale(up, size, up);
- v3f[ 0] = org[0] - right[0] - up[0];
- v3f[ 1] = org[1] - right[1] - up[1];
- v3f[ 2] = org[2] - right[2] - up[2];
- v3f[ 3] = org[0] - right[0] + up[0];
- v3f[ 4] = org[1] - right[1] + up[1];
- v3f[ 5] = org[2] - right[2] + up[2];
- v3f[ 6] = org[0] + right[0] + up[0];
- v3f[ 7] = org[1] + right[1] + up[1];
- v3f[ 8] = org[2] + right[2] + up[2];
- v3f[ 9] = org[0] + right[0] - up[0];
- v3f[10] = org[1] + right[1] - up[1];
- v3f[11] = org[2] + right[2] - up[2];
+ v3f = particle_vertex3f + 12*surfacelistindex;
+ v3f[ 0] = d->org[0] - right[0] - up[0];
+ v3f[ 1] = d->org[1] - right[1] - up[1];
+ v3f[ 2] = d->org[2] - right[2] - up[2];
+ v3f[ 3] = d->org[0] - right[0] + up[0];
+ v3f[ 4] = d->org[1] - right[1] + up[1];
+ v3f[ 5] = d->org[2] - right[2] + up[2];
+ v3f[ 6] = d->org[0] + right[0] + up[0];
+ v3f[ 7] = d->org[1] + right[1] + up[1];
+ v3f[ 8] = d->org[2] + right[2] + up[2];
+ v3f[ 9] = d->org[0] + right[0] - up[0];
+ v3f[10] = d->org[1] + right[1] - up[1];
+ v3f[11] = d->org[2] + right[2] - up[2];
+ // calculate texcoords
+ tex = &particletexture[d->texnum];
+ t2f = particle_texcoord2f + 8*surfacelistindex;
t2f[0] = tex->s1;t2f[1] = tex->t2;
t2f[2] = tex->s1;t2f[3] = tex->t1;
t2f[4] = tex->s2;t2f[5] = tex->t1;
t2f[6] = tex->s2;t2f[7] = tex->t2;
- // now render batches of particles based on blendmode and texture
- blendmode = PBLEND_ADD;
- texture = particletexture[63].texture;
- R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(texture));
+ // now render the decals all at once
+ // (this assumes they all use one particle font texture!)
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(particletexture[63].texture));
GL_LockArrays(0, numsurfaces*4);
- batchstart = 0;
- batchcount = 0;
- for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
+ R_Mesh_Draw(0, numsurfaces * 4, numsurfaces * 2, particle_element3i, 0, 0);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+void R_DrawDecals (void)
+ int i;
+ decal_t *decal;
+ float frametime;
+ float decalfade;
+ frametime = bound(0, cl.time - cl.decals_updatetime, 1);
+ cl.decals_updatetime += frametime;
+ // LordHavoc: early out conditions
+ if ((!cl.num_decals) || (!r_drawdecals.integer))
+ return;
+ decalfade = frametime * 256 / cl_decals_fadetime.value;
+ for (i = 0, decal = cl.decals;i < cl.num_decals;i++, decal++)
- d = cl.decals + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
+ if (!decal->typeindex)
+ continue;
- if (blendmode != particletype[d->typeindex].blendmode)
+ if (cl.time > decal->time2 + cl_decals_time.value)
- if (batchcount > 0)
- R_Mesh_Draw(batchstart * 4, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, particle_element3i + batchstart * 6, 0, 0);
- batchcount = 0;
- batchstart = surfacelistindex;
- blendmode = particletype[d->typeindex].blendmode;
- if (blendmode == PBLEND_ALPHA)
- else if (blendmode == PBLEND_ADD)
- else //if (blendmode == PBLEND_MOD)
+ decal->alpha -= decalfade;
+ if (decal->alpha <= 0)
+ goto killdecal;
- if (texture != particletexture[d->texnum].texture)
+ if (decal->owner)
- if (batchcount > 0)
- R_Mesh_Draw(batchstart * 4, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, particle_element3i + batchstart * 6, 0, 0);
- batchcount = 0;
- batchstart = surfacelistindex;
- texture = particletexture[d->texnum].texture;
- R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(texture));
+ if (cl.entities[decal->owner].render.model == decal->ownermodel)
+ {
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&cl.entities[decal->owner].render.matrix, decal->relativeorigin, decal->org);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&cl.entities[decal->owner].render.matrix, decal->relativenormal, decal->normal);
+ }
+ else
+ goto killdecal;
- batchcount++;
+ R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(decal->org, R_DrawDecal_TransparentCallback, NULL, i, NULL);
+ continue;
+ decal->typeindex = 0;
+ if (cl.free_decal > i)
+ cl.free_decal = i;
- if (batchcount > 0)
- R_Mesh_Draw(batchstart * 4, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, particle_element3i + batchstart * 6, 0, 0);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
+ // reduce cl.num_decals if possible
+ while (cl.num_decals > 0 && cl.decals[cl.num_decals - 1].typeindex == 0)
+ cl.num_decals--;
void R_DrawParticle_TransparentCallback(const entity_render_t *ent, const rtlight_t *rtlight, int numsurfaces, int *surfacelist)
pblend_t blendmode;
rtexture_t *texture;
float *v3f, *t2f, *c4f;
+ particletexture_t *tex;
+ float up2[3], v[3], right[3], up[3], fog, ifog, size;
+ float ambient[3], diffuse[3], diffusenormal[3];
+ vec4_t colormultiplier;
+ float particle_vertex3f[BATCHSIZE*12], particle_texcoord2f[BATCHSIZE*8], particle_color4f[BATCHSIZE*16];
+ Vector4Set(colormultiplier, r_refdef.view.colorscale * (1.0 / 256.0f), r_refdef.view.colorscale * (1.0 / 256.0f), r_refdef.view.colorscale * (1.0 / 256.0f), cl_particles_alpha.value * (1.0 / 256.0f));
r_refdef.stats.particles += numsurfaces;
// first generate all the vertices at once
for (surfacelistindex = 0, v3f = particle_vertex3f, t2f = particle_texcoord2f, c4f = particle_color4f;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++, v3f += 3*4, t2f += 2*4, c4f += 4*4)
- particletexture_t *tex;
- const float *org;
- float up2[3], v[3], right[3], up[3], fog, cr, cg, cb, ca, size;
p = cl.particles + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
blendmode = particletype[p->typeindex].blendmode;
- cr = p->color[0] * (1.0f / 255.0f) * r_refdef.view.colorscale;
- cg = p->color[1] * (1.0f / 255.0f) * r_refdef.view.colorscale;
- cb = p->color[2] * (1.0f / 255.0f) * r_refdef.view.colorscale;
- ca = p->alpha * (1.0f / 255.0f);
- if (blendmode == PBLEND_MOD)
- {
- cr *= ca;
- cg *= ca;
- cb *= ca;
- cr = min(cr, 1);
- cg = min(cg, 1);
- cb = min(cb, 1);
- ca = 1;
- }
- ca *= cl_particles_alpha.value;
- if (particletype[p->typeindex].lighting)
+ c4f[0] = p->color[0] * colormultiplier[0];
+ c4f[1] = p->color[1] * colormultiplier[1];
+ c4f[2] = p->color[2] * colormultiplier[2];
+ c4f[3] = p->alpha * colormultiplier[3];
+ switch (blendmode)
- float ambient[3], diffuse[3], diffusenormal[3];
- R_CompleteLightPoint(ambient, diffuse, diffusenormal, p->org, true);
- cr *= (ambient[0] + 0.5 * diffuse[0]);
- cg *= (ambient[1] + 0.5 * diffuse[1]);
- cb *= (ambient[2] + 0.5 * diffuse[2]);
- }
- if (r_refdef.fogenabled)
- {
- fog = FogPoint_World(p->org);
- cr = cr * fog;
- cg = cg * fog;
- cb = cb * fog;
- if (blendmode == PBLEND_ALPHA)
+ case PBLEND_MOD:
+ case PBLEND_ADD:
+ // additive and modulate can just fade out in fog (this is correct)
+ if (r_refdef.fogenabled)
+ c4f[3] *= FogPoint_World(p->org);
+ // collapse alpha into color for these blends (so that the particlefont does not need alpha on most textures)
+ c4f[0] *= c4f[3];
+ c4f[1] *= c4f[3];
+ c4f[2] *= c4f[3];
+ c4f[3] = 1;
+ break;
+ // note: lighting is not cheap!
+ if (particletype[p->typeindex].lighting)
- fog = 1 - fog;
- cr += r_refdef.fogcolor[0] * fog;
- cg += r_refdef.fogcolor[1] * fog;
- cb += r_refdef.fogcolor[2] * fog;
+ R_CompleteLightPoint(ambient, diffuse, diffusenormal, p->org, true);
+ c4f[0] *= (ambient[0] + 0.5 * diffuse[0]);
+ c4f[1] *= (ambient[1] + 0.5 * diffuse[1]);
+ c4f[2] *= (ambient[2] + 0.5 * diffuse[2]);
+ // mix in the fog color
+ if (r_refdef.fogenabled)
+ {
+ fog = FogPoint_World(p->org);
+ ifog = 1 - fog;
+ c4f[0] = c4f[0] * fog + r_refdef.fogcolor[0] * ifog;
+ c4f[1] = c4f[1] * fog + r_refdef.fogcolor[1] * ifog;
+ c4f[2] = c4f[2] * fog + r_refdef.fogcolor[2] * ifog;
+ }
+ break;
- c4f[0] = c4f[4] = c4f[8] = c4f[12] = cr;
- c4f[1] = c4f[5] = c4f[9] = c4f[13] = cg;
- c4f[2] = c4f[6] = c4f[10] = c4f[14] = cb;
- c4f[3] = c4f[7] = c4f[11] = c4f[15] = ca;
+ // copy the color into the other three vertices
+ Vector4Copy(c4f, c4f + 4);
+ Vector4Copy(c4f, c4f + 8);
+ Vector4Copy(c4f, c4f + 12);
size = p->size * cl_particles_size.value;
- org = p->org;
tex = &particletexture[p->texnum];
VectorScale(r_refdef.view.left, -size, right);
VectorScale(r_refdef.view.up, size, up);
- v3f[ 0] = org[0] - right[0] - up[0];
- v3f[ 1] = org[1] - right[1] - up[1];
- v3f[ 2] = org[2] - right[2] - up[2];
- v3f[ 3] = org[0] - right[0] + up[0];
- v3f[ 4] = org[1] - right[1] + up[1];
- v3f[ 5] = org[2] - right[2] + up[2];
- v3f[ 6] = org[0] + right[0] + up[0];
- v3f[ 7] = org[1] + right[1] + up[1];
- v3f[ 8] = org[2] + right[2] + up[2];
- v3f[ 9] = org[0] + right[0] - up[0];
- v3f[10] = org[1] + right[1] - up[1];
- v3f[11] = org[2] + right[2] - up[2];
+ v3f[ 0] = p->org[0] - right[0] - up[0];
+ v3f[ 1] = p->org[1] - right[1] - up[1];
+ v3f[ 2] = p->org[2] - right[2] - up[2];
+ v3f[ 3] = p->org[0] - right[0] + up[0];
+ v3f[ 4] = p->org[1] - right[1] + up[1];
+ v3f[ 5] = p->org[2] - right[2] + up[2];
+ v3f[ 6] = p->org[0] + right[0] + up[0];
+ v3f[ 7] = p->org[1] + right[1] + up[1];
+ v3f[ 8] = p->org[2] + right[2] + up[2];
+ v3f[ 9] = p->org[0] + right[0] - up[0];
+ v3f[10] = p->org[1] + right[1] - up[1];
+ v3f[11] = p->org[2] + right[2] - up[2];
t2f[0] = tex->s1;t2f[1] = tex->t2;
t2f[2] = tex->s1;t2f[3] = tex->t1;
t2f[4] = tex->s2;t2f[5] = tex->t1;
VectorVectors(p->vel, right, up);
VectorScale(right, size, right);
VectorScale(up, size, up);
- v3f[ 0] = org[0] - right[0] - up[0];
- v3f[ 1] = org[1] - right[1] - up[1];
- v3f[ 2] = org[2] - right[2] - up[2];
- v3f[ 3] = org[0] - right[0] + up[0];
- v3f[ 4] = org[1] - right[1] + up[1];
- v3f[ 5] = org[2] - right[2] + up[2];
- v3f[ 6] = org[0] + right[0] + up[0];
- v3f[ 7] = org[1] + right[1] + up[1];
- v3f[ 8] = org[2] + right[2] + up[2];
- v3f[ 9] = org[0] + right[0] - up[0];
- v3f[10] = org[1] + right[1] - up[1];
- v3f[11] = org[2] + right[2] - up[2];
+ v3f[ 0] = p->org[0] - right[0] - up[0];
+ v3f[ 1] = p->org[1] - right[1] - up[1];
+ v3f[ 2] = p->org[2] - right[2] - up[2];
+ v3f[ 3] = p->org[0] - right[0] + up[0];
+ v3f[ 4] = p->org[1] - right[1] + up[1];
+ v3f[ 5] = p->org[2] - right[2] + up[2];
+ v3f[ 6] = p->org[0] + right[0] + up[0];
+ v3f[ 7] = p->org[1] + right[1] + up[1];
+ v3f[ 8] = p->org[2] + right[2] + up[2];
+ v3f[ 9] = p->org[0] + right[0] - up[0];
+ v3f[10] = p->org[1] + right[1] - up[1];
+ v3f[11] = p->org[2] + right[2] - up[2];
t2f[0] = tex->s1;t2f[1] = tex->t2;
t2f[2] = tex->s1;t2f[3] = tex->t1;
t2f[4] = tex->s2;t2f[5] = tex->t1;
t2f[6] = tex->s2;t2f[7] = tex->t2;
- VectorMA(org, -0.02, p->vel, v);
- VectorMA(org, 0.02, p->vel, up2);
+ VectorMA(p->org, -0.02, p->vel, v);
+ VectorMA(p->org, 0.02, p->vel, up2);
R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f(v3f, v, up2, size);
t2f[0] = tex->s1;t2f[1] = tex->t2;
t2f[2] = tex->s1;t2f[3] = tex->t1;
t2f[6] = tex->s2;t2f[7] = tex->t2;
- R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f(v3f, org, p->vel, size);
- VectorSubtract(p->vel, org, up);
+ R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f(v3f, p->org, p->vel, size);
+ VectorSubtract(p->vel, p->org, up);
- v[0] = DotProduct(org, up) * (1.0f / 64.0f);
+ v[0] = DotProduct(p->org, up) * (1.0f / 64.0f);
v[1] = DotProduct(p->vel, up) * (1.0f / 64.0f);
t2f[0] = 1;t2f[1] = v[0];
t2f[2] = 0;t2f[3] = v[0];
// now render batches of particles based on blendmode and texture
- blendmode = PBLEND_ADD;
- texture = particletexture[63].texture;
- R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(texture));
+ blendmode = -1;
+ texture = NULL;
GL_LockArrays(0, numsurfaces*4);
batchstart = 0;
batchcount = 0;
- for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
+ for (surfacelistindex = 0;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;)
p = cl.particles + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
if (blendmode != particletype[p->typeindex].blendmode)
- if (batchcount > 0)
- R_Mesh_Draw(batchstart * 4, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, particle_element3i + batchstart * 6, 0, 0);
- batchcount = 0;
- batchstart = surfacelistindex;
blendmode = particletype[p->typeindex].blendmode;
- if (blendmode == PBLEND_ALPHA)
+ switch(blendmode)
+ {
- else if (blendmode == PBLEND_ADD)
+ break;
+ case PBLEND_ADD:
- else //if (blendmode == PBLEND_MOD)
+ break;
+ case PBLEND_MOD:
+ break;
+ }
if (texture != particletexture[p->texnum].texture)
- if (batchcount > 0)
- R_Mesh_Draw(batchstart * 4, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, particle_element3i + batchstart * 6, 0, 0);
- batchcount = 0;
- batchstart = surfacelistindex;
texture = particletexture[p->texnum].texture;
R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(texture));
- batchcount++;
- }
- if (batchcount > 0)
- R_Mesh_Draw(batchstart * 4, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, particle_element3i + batchstart * 6, 0, 0);
- GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
-void R_DrawDecals (void)
- int i;
- const decal_t *d;
- // LordHavoc: early out conditions
- if ((!cl.num_decals) || (!r_drawdecals.integer))
- return;
- // LordHavoc: only render if not too close
- for (i = 0, d = cl.decals;i < cl.num_decals;i++, d++)
- {
- if (d->typeindex)
+ // iterate until we find a change in settings
+ batchstart = surfacelistindex++;
+ for (;surfacelistindex < numsurfaces;surfacelistindex++)
- r_refdef.stats.decals++;
- R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(d->org, R_DrawDecal_TransparentCallback, NULL, i, NULL);
+ p = cl.particles + surfacelist[surfacelistindex];
+ if (blendmode != particletype[p->typeindex].blendmode || texture != particletexture[p->texnum].texture)
+ break;
+ batchcount = surfacelistindex - batchstart;
+ R_Mesh_Draw(batchstart * 4, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, particle_element3i + batchstart * 6, 0, 0);
+ GL_LockArrays(0, 0);
void R_DrawParticles (void)
- int i;
+ int i, j, a, content;
float minparticledist;
particle_t *p;
+ float gravity, dvel, decalfade, frametime, f, dist, oldorg[3];
+ int hitent;
+ trace_t trace;
+ qboolean update;
+ frametime = bound(0, cl.time - cl.particles_updatetime, 1);
+ cl.particles_updatetime += frametime;
// LordHavoc: early out conditions
if ((!cl.num_particles) || (!r_drawparticles.integer))
minparticledist = DotProduct(r_refdef.view.origin, r_refdef.view.forward) + 4.0f;
+ gravity = frametime * cl.movevars_gravity;
+ dvel = 1+4*frametime;
+ decalfade = frametime * 255 / cl_decals_fadetime.value;
+ update = frametime > 0;
- // LordHavoc: only render if not too close
+ j = 0;
for (i = 0, p = cl.particles;i < cl.num_particles;i++, p++)
- if (p->typeindex && !p->delayedspawn && (DotProduct(p->org, r_refdef.view.forward) >= minparticledist || particletype[p->typeindex].orientation == PARTICLE_BEAM))
+ {
+ if (!p->typeindex)
+ continue;
+ if (update)
+ {
+ if (p->delayedspawn > cl.time)
+ continue;
+ p->delayedspawn = 0;
+ content = 0;
+ p->size += p->sizeincrease * frametime;
+ p->alpha -= p->alphafade * frametime;
+ if (p->alpha <= 0 || p->die <= cl.time)
+ goto killparticle;
+ if (particletype[p->typeindex].orientation != PARTICLE_BEAM && frametime > 0)
+ {
+ if (p->liquidfriction && (CL_PointSuperContents(p->org) & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK))
+ {
+ if (p->typeindex == pt_blood)
+ p->size += frametime * 8;
+ else
+ p->vel[2] -= p->gravity * gravity;
+ f = 1.0f - min(p->liquidfriction * frametime, 1);
+ VectorScale(p->vel, f, p->vel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p->vel[2] -= p->gravity * gravity;
+ if (p->airfriction)
+ {
+ f = 1.0f - min(p->airfriction * frametime, 1);
+ VectorScale(p->vel, f, p->vel);
+ }
+ }
+ VectorCopy(p->org, oldorg);
+ VectorMA(p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org);
+ if (p->bounce && cl.time >= p->delayedcollisions)
+ {
+ trace = CL_Move(oldorg, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, p->org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | ((p->typeindex == pt_rain || p->typeindex == pt_snow) ? SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK : 0), true, false, &hitent, false);
+ // if the trace started in or hit something of SUPERCONTENTS_NODROP
+ // or if the trace hit something flagged as NOIMPACT
+ // then remove the particle
+ if (trace.hitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT || ((trace.startsupercontents | trace.hitsupercontents) & SUPERCONTENTS_NODROP) || (trace.startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID))
+ goto killparticle;
+ VectorCopy(trace.endpos, p->org);
+ // react if the particle hit something
+ if (trace.fraction < 1)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(trace.endpos, p->org);
+ if (p->typeindex == pt_rain)
+ {
+ // raindrop - splash on solid/water/slime/lava
+ int count;
+ // convert from a raindrop particle to a rainsplash decal
+ VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, p->vel);
+ VectorAdd(p->org, p->vel, p->org);
+ p->typeindex = pt_raindecal;
+ p->texnum = tex_rainsplash;
+ p->time2 = cl.time;
+ p->alphafade = p->alpha / 0.4;
+ p->bounce = 0;
+ p->airfriction = 0;
+ p->liquidfriction = 0;
+ p->gravity = 0;
+ p->size *= 1.0f;
+ p->sizeincrease = p->size * 20;
+ count = (int)lhrandom(1, 10);
+ while(count--)
+ CL_NewParticle(pt_spark, 0x000000, 0x707070, tex_particle, 0.25f, 0, lhrandom(64, 255), 512, 1, 0, p->org[0], p->org[1], p->org[2], p->vel[0]*16, p->vel[1]*16, cl.movevars_gravity * 0.04 + p->vel[2]*16, 0, 0, 0, 32);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (p->typeindex == pt_blood)
+ {
+ // blood - splash on solid
+ if (trace.hitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOMARKS)
+ goto killparticle;
+ if (cl_stainmaps.integer)
+ R_Stain(p->org, 32, 32, 16, 16, (int)(p->alpha * p->size * (1.0f / 40.0f)), 192, 48, 48, (int)(p->alpha * p->size * (1.0f / 40.0f)));
+ if (cl_decals.integer)
+ {
+ // create a decal for the blood splat
+ CL_SpawnDecalParticleForSurface(hitent, p->org, trace.plane.normal, p->color[0] * 65536 + p->color[1] * 256 + p->color[2], p->color[0] * 65536 + p->color[1] * 256 + p->color[2], tex_blooddecal[rand()&7], p->size * 2, p->alpha);
+ }
+ goto killparticle;
+ }
+ else if (p->bounce < 0)
+ {
+ // bounce -1 means remove on impact
+ goto killparticle;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // anything else - bounce off solid
+ dist = DotProduct(p->vel, trace.plane.normal) * -p->bounce;
+ VectorMA(p->vel, dist, trace.plane.normal, p->vel);
+ if (DotProduct(p->vel, p->vel) < 0.03)
+ VectorClear(p->vel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (p->typeindex != pt_static)
+ {
+ switch (p->typeindex)
+ {
+ case pt_entityparticle:
+ // particle that removes itself after one rendered frame
+ if (p->time2)
+ goto killparticle;
+ else
+ p->time2 = 1;
+ break;
+ case pt_blood:
+ a = CL_PointSuperContents(p->org);
+ goto killparticle;
+ break;
+ case pt_bubble:
+ a = CL_PointSuperContents(p->org);
+ goto killparticle;
+ break;
+ case pt_rain:
+ a = CL_PointSuperContents(p->org);
+ goto killparticle;
+ break;
+ case pt_snow:
+ if (cl.time > p->time2)
+ {
+ // snow flutter
+ p->time2 = cl.time + (rand() & 3) * 0.1;
+ p->vel[0] = p->vel[0] * 0.9f + lhrandom(-32, 32);
+ p->vel[1] = p->vel[0] * 0.9f + lhrandom(-32, 32);
+ }
+ a = CL_PointSuperContents(p->org);
+ goto killparticle;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (p->delayedspawn)
+ continue;
+ // don't render particles too close to the view (they chew fillrate)
+ // also don't render particles behind the view (useless)
+ // further checks to cull to the frustum would be too slow here
+ if (DotProduct(p->org, r_refdef.view.forward) >= minparticledist || particletype[p->typeindex].orientation == PARTICLE_BEAM)
R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(p->org, R_DrawParticle_TransparentCallback, NULL, i, NULL);
+ continue;
+ p->typeindex = 0;
+ if (cl.free_particle > i)
+ cl.free_particle = i;
+ }
+ // reduce cl.num_particles if possible
+ while (cl.num_particles > 0 && cl.particles[cl.num_particles - 1].typeindex == 0)
+ cl.num_particles--;