// Info messages panel (#14)
+#define drawInfoMessage(s)\
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)\
+ o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);\
+ drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\
+ o_y += fontsize_y;
void HUD_InfoMessages(void)
if(!autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages && !autocvar__hud_configure)
s = "^1Observing";
s = strcat("^1Spectating: ^7", GetPlayerName(spectatee_status - 1));
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
if(spectatee_status == -1)
s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+fire"), "^1 to spectate");
s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+fire"), "^1 for another player");
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
if(spectatee_status == -1)
s = strcat("^1Use ^3", getcommandkey("next weapon", "weapnext"), "^1 or ^3", getcommandkey("previous weapon", "weapprev"), "^1 to change the speed");
s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("secondary fire", "+fire2"), "^1 to observe");
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("server info", "+show_info"), "^1 for gamemode info");
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
if(gametype == GAME_ARENA)
s = "^1Wait for your turn to join";
s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join");
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
//show restart countdown:
if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) {
countdown = ceil(getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
s = strcat("^1Game starts in ^3", ftos(countdown), "^1 seconds");
drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ o_y += fontsize_y;
if(warmup_stage && !intermission)
s = "^2Currently in ^1warmup^2 stage!";
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
string blinkcolor;
s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up...");
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
else if(warmup_stage && !intermission && !spectatee_status)
s = strcat("^2Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), "^2 to end warmup");
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
if(teamplay && !intermission && !spectatee_status && gametype != GAME_CA && teamnagger)
if (tm.team != COLOR_SPECTATOR)
if (tm.team_size == ts_max)
s = strcat(s, " Press ^3", getcommandkey("team menu", "menu_showteamselect"), blinkcolor, " to adjust");
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
s = "^7Press ^3ESC ^7to show HUD options.";
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
s = "^3Doubleclick ^7a panel for panel-specific options.";
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
s = "^3CTRL ^7to disable collision testing, ^3SHIFT ^7and";
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)
s = "^3ALT ^7+ ^3ARROW KEYS ^7for fine adjustments.";
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
- o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
- drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- o += eY * fontsize_y;
+ drawInfoMessage(s)