Con_Printf("usage: modelprecache <filename>\n");
-int Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(const int *elements, int numtriangles, int start, int end, int ignore)
+#if 1
+// fast way, using an edge hash
+void Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(int *neighbors, const int *elements, int numtriangles)
+ int i, j, p, e1, e2, *n, hashindex, count, match;
+ const int *e;
+ typedef struct edgehashentry_s
+ {
+ struct edgehashentry_s *next;
+ int triangle;
+ int element[2];
+ }
+ edgehashentry_t;
+ edgehashentry_t *edgehash[TRIANGLEEDGEHASH], *edgehashentries, edgehashentriesbuffer[TRIANGLEEDGEHASH*3], *hash;
+ memset(edgehash, 0, sizeof(edgehash));
+ edgehashentries = edgehashentriesbuffer;
+ // if there are too many triangles for the stack array, allocate larger buffer
+ if (numtriangles > TRIANGLEEDGEHASH)
+ edgehashentries = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, numtriangles * 3 * sizeof(edgehashentry_t));
+ // find neighboring triangles
+ for (i = 0, e = elements, n = neighbors;i < numtriangles;i++, e += 3, n += 3)
+ {
+ for (j = 0, p = 2;j < 3;p = j, j++)
+ {
+ e1 = e[p];
+ e2 = e[j];
+ // this hash index works for both forward and backward edges
+ hashindex = (unsigned int)(e1 + e2) % TRIANGLEEDGEHASH;
+ hash = edgehashentries + i * 3 + j;
+ hash->next = edgehash[hashindex];
+ edgehash[hashindex] = hash;
+ hash->triangle = i;
+ hash->element[0] = e1;
+ hash->element[1] = e2;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0, e = elements, n = neighbors;i < numtriangles;i++, e += 3, n += 3)
+ {
+ for (j = 0, p = 2;j < 3;p = j, j++)
+ {
+ e1 = e[p];
+ e2 = e[j];
+ // this hash index works for both forward and backward edges
+ hashindex = (unsigned int)(e1 + e2) % TRIANGLEEDGEHASH;
+ count = 0;
+ match = -1;
+ for (hash = edgehash[hashindex];hash;hash = hash->next)
+ {
+ if (hash->element[0] == e2 && hash->element[1] == e1)
+ {
+ if (hash->triangle != i)
+ match = hash->triangle;
+ count++;
+ }
+ else if ((hash->element[0] == e1 && hash->element[1] == e2))
+ count++;
+ }
+ // detect edges shared by three triangles and make them seams
+ if (count > 2)
+ match = -1;
+ n[p] = match;
+ }
+ }
+ // free the allocated buffer
+ if (edgehashentries != edgehashentriesbuffer)
+ Mem_Free(edgehashentries);
+// very slow but simple way
+static int Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(const int *elements, int numtriangles, int start, int end, int ignore)
int i, match, count;
count = 0;
n[2] = Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(elements, numtriangles, e[0], e[2], i);
void Mod_ValidateElements(const int *elements, int numtriangles, int numverts, const char *filename, int fileline)
int hashindex, vnum;
shadowmeshvertexhash_t *hash;
// this uses prime numbers intentionally
- hashindex = (int) (vertex14f[0] * 3 + vertex14f[1] * 5 + vertex14f[2] * 7) % SHADOWMESHVERTEXHASH;
+ hashindex = (unsigned int) (vertex14f[0] * 3 + vertex14f[1] * 5 + vertex14f[2] * 7) % SHADOWMESHVERTEXHASH;
for (hash = mesh->vertexhashtable[hashindex];hash;hash = hash->next)
vnum = (hash - mesh->vertexhashentries);
extern model_t *loadmodel;
extern char loadname[32]; // for hunk tags
-int Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(const int *elements, int numtriangles, int start, int end, int ignore);
void Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(int *neighbors, const int *elements, int numtriangles);
void Mod_ValidateElements(const int *elements, int numtriangles, int numverts, const char *filename, int fileline);
void Mod_BuildTextureVectorsAndNormals(int numverts, int numtriangles, const float *vertex, const float *texcoord, const int *elements, float *svectors, float *tvectors, float *normals);