--- /dev/null
+#include "quakedef.h"
+#include "thread.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+int Thread_Init(void)
+ return 0;
+void Thread_Shutdown(void)
+qboolean Thread_HasThreads(void)
+ return true;
+void *Thread_CreateMutex(void)
+ pthread_mutex_t *mutexp = (pthread_mutex_t *) Z_Malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
+ pthread_mutex_init(mutexp, NULL);
+ return mutexp;
+void Thread_DestroyMutex(void *mutex)
+ pthread_mutex_t *mutexp = (pthread_mutex_t *) mutex;
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(mutexp);
+ Z_Free(mutexp);
+int Thread_LockMutex(void *mutex)
+ pthread_mutex_t *mutexp = (pthread_mutex_t *) mutex;
+ return pthread_mutex_lock(mutexp);
+int Thread_UnlockMutex(void *mutex)
+ pthread_mutex_t *mutexp = (pthread_mutex_t *) mutex;
+ return pthread_mutex_unlock(mutexp);
+void *Thread_CreateCond(void)
+ pthread_cond_t *condp = (pthread_cond_t *) Z_Malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
+ pthread_cond_init(condp, NULL);
+ return condp;
+void Thread_DestroyCond(void *cond)
+ pthread_cond_t *condp = (pthread_cond_t *) cond;
+ pthread_cond_destroy(condp);
+ Z_Free(condp);
+int Thread_CondSignal(void *cond)
+ pthread_cond_t *condp = (pthread_cond_t *) cond;
+ return pthread_cond_signal(condp);
+int Thread_CondBroadcast(void *cond)
+ pthread_cond_t *condp = (pthread_cond_t *) cond;
+ return pthread_cond_broadcast(condp);
+int Thread_CondWait(void *cond, void *mutex)
+ pthread_cond_t *condp = (pthread_cond_t *) cond;
+ pthread_mutex_t *mutexp = (pthread_mutex_t *) mutex;
+ return pthread_cond_wait(condp, mutexp);
+void *Thread_CreateThread(int (*fn)(void *), void *data)
+ pthread_t *threadp = (pthread_t *) Z_Malloc(sizeof(pthread_t));
+ int r = pthread_create(threadp, NULL, (void * (*) (void *)) fn, data);
+ if(r)
+ {
+ Z_Free(threadp);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return threadp;
+int Thread_WaitThread(void *thread, int retval)
+ pthread_t *threadp = (pthread_t *) thread;
+ void *status = (void *) (intptr_t) retval;
+ pthread_join(*threadp, &status);
+ Z_Free(threadp);
+ return (int) (intptr_t) status;
#include <X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h>
+#include <sys/ipc.h>
+#include <sys/shm.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
// get the Uchar type
#include "utf8lib.h"
#include "image.h"
static Window win, root;
static GLXContext ctx = NULL;
static GC vidx11_gc = NULL;
-static XImage *vidx11_ximage = NULL;
+static XImage *vidx11_ximage[2] = { NULL, NULL };
+static int vidx11_ximage_pos;
+static XShmSegmentInfo vidx11_shminfo[2];
+static int vidx11_shmevent = -1;
+static int vidx11_shmwait = 0; // number of frames outstanding
Atom wm_delete_window_atom;
Atom net_wm_state_atom;
+static qboolean BuildXImages(int w, int h)
+ int i;
+ if(vidx11_shmevent >= 0)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ {
+ vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid = -1;
+ vidx11_ximage[i] = XShmCreateImage(vidx11_display, vidx11_visual, DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen), ZPixmap, NULL, &vidx11_shminfo[i], w, h);
+ if(!vidx11_ximage[i])
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Failed to get an XImage segment\n");
+ VID_Shutdown();
+ return false;
+ }
+ vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, vidx11_ximage[i]->bytes_per_line * vidx11_ximage[i]->height, IPC_CREAT|0777);
+ if(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid < 0)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Failed to get a shm segment\n");
+ VID_Shutdown();
+ return false;
+ }
+ vidx11_shminfo[i].shmaddr = vidx11_ximage[i]->data = shmat(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid, NULL, 0);
+ if(!vidx11_shminfo[i].shmaddr)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Failed to get a shm segment addresst\n");
+ VID_Shutdown();
+ return false;
+ }
+ vidx11_shminfo[i].readOnly = True;
+ XShmAttach(vidx11_display, &vidx11_shminfo[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ {
+ char *p = calloc(4, w * h);
+ vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid = -1;
+ vidx11_ximage[i] = XCreateImage(vidx11_display, vidx11_visual, DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen), ZPixmap, 0, (char*)p, w, h, 8, 0);
+ if(!vidx11_ximage[i])
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Failed to get an XImage segment\n");
+ VID_Shutdown();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+static void DestroyXImages(void)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ {
+ if(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid >= 0)
+ {
+ XShmDetach(vidx11_display, &vidx11_shminfo[i]);
+ XDestroyImage(vidx11_ximage[i]);
+ vidx11_ximage[i] = NULL;
+ shmdt(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmaddr);
+ shmctl(vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
+ vidx11_shminfo[i].shmid = -1;
+ }
+ if(vidx11_ximage[i])
+ XDestroyImage(vidx11_ximage[i]);
+ vidx11_ximage[i] = 0;
+ }
+static int in_mouse_x_save = 0, in_mouse_y_save = 0;
static void HandleEvents(void)
XEvent event;
if (!vidx11_display)
+ in_mouse_x += in_mouse_x_save;
+ in_mouse_y += in_mouse_y_save;
+ in_mouse_x_save = 0;
+ in_mouse_y_save = 0;
while (XPending(vidx11_display))
XNextEvent(vidx11_display, &event);
// window changed size/location
win_x = event.xconfigure.x;
win_y = event.xconfigure.y;
- if(vid_resizable.integer < 2 || vid_isnetwmfullscreen)
+ if((vid_resizable.integer < 2 || vid_isnetwmfullscreen) && (vid.width != event.xconfigure.width || vid.height != event.xconfigure.height))
vid.width = event.xconfigure.width;
vid.height = event.xconfigure.height;
Con_DPrintf("Updating to ConfigureNotify resolution %dx%d\n", vid.width, vid.height);
- if (vidx11_ximage)
- {
- XDestroyImage(vidx11_ximage);
- if(vid.softdepthpixels)
- free(vid.softdepthpixels);
- vid.softpixels = (unsigned int *)calloc(1, vid.width * vid.height * 4);
- vid.softdepthpixels = (unsigned int *)calloc(1, vid.width * vid.height * 4);
- vidx11_ximage = XCreateImage(vidx11_display, vidx11_visual, DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen), ZPixmap, 0, (char*)vid.softpixels, vid.width, vid.height, 8, 0);
- // FIXME inform softrast!
- }
+ if(vid.softdepthpixels)
+ free(vid.softdepthpixels);
+ DestroyXImages();
+ XSync(vidx11_display, False);
+ if(!BuildXImages(vid.width, vid.height))
+ return;
+ XSync(vidx11_display, False);
+ vid.softpixels = (unsigned int *) vidx11_ximage[vidx11_ximage_pos]->data;
+ vid.softdepthpixels = (unsigned int *)calloc(4, vid.width * vid.height);
case DestroyNotify:
case LeaveNotify:
// mouse left window
+ default:
+ if(vidx11_shmevent >= 0 && event.type == vidx11_shmevent)
+ --vidx11_shmwait;
+ break;
XFreeGC(vidx11_display, vidx11_gc);
vidx11_gc = NULL;
- if(vidx11_ximage)
- XDestroyImage(vidx11_ximage);
- vidx11_ximage = 0;
+ DestroyXImages();
+ vidx11_shmevent = -1;
vid.softpixels = NULL;
if (vid.softdepthpixels)
- XPutImage(vidx11_display, win, vidx11_gc, vidx11_ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height);
+ vidx11_ximage_pos = !vidx11_ximage_pos;
+ vid.softpixels = (unsigned int *) vidx11_ximage[vidx11_ximage_pos]->data;
+ DPSOFTRAST_SetRenderTargets(vid.width, vid.height, vid.softdepthpixels, vid.softpixels, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if(vidx11_shmevent >= 0) {
+ // save mouse motion so we can deal with it later
+ in_mouse_x = 0;
+ in_mouse_y = 0;
+ while(vidx11_shmwait)
+ HandleEvents();
+ in_mouse_x_save += in_mouse_x;
+ in_mouse_y_save += in_mouse_y;
+ in_mouse_x = 0;
+ in_mouse_y = 0;
+ ++vidx11_shmwait;
+ XShmPutImage(vidx11_display, win, vidx11_gc, vidx11_ximage[!vidx11_ximage_pos], 0, 0, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, True);
+ } else {
+ XPutImage(vidx11_display, win, vidx11_gc, vidx11_ximage[!vidx11_ximage_pos], 0, 0, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height);
+ }
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Input: -nomouse disables mouse support (see also vid_mouse cvar)
if (COM_CheckParm ("-nomouse"))
mouse_avail = false;
+ vidx11_shminfo[0].shmid = -1;
+ vidx11_shminfo[1].shmid = -1;
void VID_BuildGLXAttrib(int *attrib, qboolean stencil, qboolean stereobuffer, int samples)
char **idata;
unsigned char *data;
XGCValues gcval;
+ const char *dpyname;
vid_isfullscreen = false;
vid_isnetwmfullscreen = false;
Con_Print("Couldn't open the X display\n");
return false;
+ dpyname = XDisplayName(NULL);
// LordHavoc: making the close button on a window do the right thing
// seems to involve this mess, sigh...
//XSync(vidx11_display, False);
- // TODO XShm
- vid.softpixels = (unsigned int *)calloc(1, mode->width * mode->height * 4);
- vid.softdepthpixels = (unsigned int *)calloc(1, mode->width * mode->height * 4);
- vidx11_ximage = XCreateImage(vidx11_display, vidx11_visual, DefaultDepth(vidx11_display, vidx11_screen), ZPixmap, 0, (char*)vid.softpixels, mode->width, mode->height, 8, 0);
- if(!vidx11_ximage)
+ // COMMANDLINEOPTION: Unix GLX: -noshm disables XShm extensioon
+ if(dpyname && dpyname[0] == ':' && dpyname[1] && (dpyname[2] < '0' || dpyname[2] > '9') && !COM_CheckParm("-noshm") && XShmQueryExtension(vidx11_display))
- Con_Printf("Failed to initialize an XImage\n");
- VID_Shutdown();
- return false;
+ Con_Printf("Using XShm\n");
+ vidx11_shmevent = XShmGetEventBase(vidx11_display) + ShmCompletion;
+ else
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Not using XShm\n");
+ vidx11_shmevent = -1;
+ }
+ BuildXImages(mode->width, mode->height);
+ vidx11_ximage_pos = 0;
+ vid.softpixels = (unsigned int *) vidx11_ximage[vidx11_ximage_pos]->data;
+ vidx11_shmwait = 0;
+ vid.softdepthpixels = (unsigned int *)calloc(1, mode->width * mode->height * 4);
memset(&gcval, 0, sizeof(gcval));
vidx11_gc = XCreateGC(vidx11_display, win, 0, &gcval);