set sv_vote_command_restriction_movetopink "1;"
set sv_vote_command_restriction_movetospec "1;"
+// help messages for votes that aren't implemeneted in the game code
+// examples used here are based on the usage output of implemented votes
+set sv_vote_command_help_restart "\nUsage:^3 vcall restart\n^7 No arguments required."
+set sv_vote_command_help_gotomap "\nUsage:^3 vcall gotomap mapname\n^7 Where 'mapname' is the name of the map to go to.\n Type ^3lsmaps^7 to get a list of available maps to vote for."
// =================================
// voting - server/command/vote.qc
// =================================
+ string cvarname = strcat("sv_vote_command_help_", argv(2));
+ if(cvar_type(cvarname) & CVAR_TYPEFLAG_EXISTS)
+ wordwrap_sprint(caller, cvar_string(cvarname), 1000);
+ else
+ print_to(caller, "No documentation exists for this vote");