-#if 0
-// used if start and end are the same
-static void RecursiveHullCheckPoint (RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t *t, int num)
- // If you can read this, you understand BSP trees
- while (num >= 0)
- num = t->hull->clipnodes[num].children[((t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].type < 3) ? (t->start[t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].type]) : (DotProduct(t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].normal, t->start))) < t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].dist];
- // check for empty
- t->trace->endcontents = num;
- if (t->trace->thiscontents)
- {
- if (num == t->trace->thiscontents)
- t->trace->allsolid = false;
- else
- {
- // if the first leaf is solid, set startsolid
- if (t->trace->allsolid)
- t->trace->startsolid = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (num != CONTENTS_SOLID)
- {
- t->trace->allsolid = false;
- if (num == CONTENTS_EMPTY)
- t->trace->inopen = true;
- else
- t->trace->inwater = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // if the first leaf is solid, set startsolid
- if (t->trace->allsolid)
- t->trace->startsolid = true;
- }
- }
static hull_t box_hull;
static dclipnode_t box_clipnodes[6];
static mplane_t box_planes[6];