--- /dev/null
- entity e;
- {
- if (me.infectioncolor == e.infectioncolor_original)
- {
- color_owner_green = sprintf("%s^2's", e.netname);
- color_owner_red = sprintf("%s^1's", e.netname);
- break;
- }
- }
+float autocvar_g_infection_round_timelimit;
+float autocvar_g_infection_warmup;
+int autocvar_g_infection_teams;
+bool autocvar_g_infection_conversions;
+int infection_players_count;
+.int infectioncolor;
+.int infectioncolor_original;
+const int INFECTIONTEAM_NONE = -1;
+// safe team comparisons
+#define INF_SAMETEAM(a, b) (a.infectioncolor == b.infectioncolor)
+#define INF_DIFFTEAM(a, b) (a.infectioncolor != b.infectioncolor)
+void infection_SetColor(entity e, int _color)
+ e.infectioncolor = _color;
+ setcolor(e, (_color << 4) | _color);
+string color_owner_green, color_owner_red;
+// find whose color a player is carrying, true if it's his own, otherwise set color_owner_* to the other owner
+void infection_GetColorOwner(entity me)
+ if (me.infectioncolor == me.infectioncolor_original)
+ {
+ color_owner_green = "^2your own";
+ color_owner_red = "^1their own";
+ return;
+ }
- entity e;
- {
++ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && me.infectioncolor == it.infectioncolor_original, {
++ color_owner_green = sprintf("%s^2's", it.netname);
++ color_owner_red = sprintf("%s^1's", it.netname);
++ break;
++ });
+void infection_Assign(bool late)
+ if (!late)
+ {
+ int infection_coloridx = 0;
- e.infectioncolor_original = infection_coloridx;
- infection_SetColor(e, infection_coloridx++ % bound(0, autocvar_g_infection_teams, 15));
- }
+ if (infection_coloridx < autocvar_g_infection_teams) // Limit alphas
- entity e;
- {
- if (e == self || IS_OBSERVER(e)) continue;
- if (!skip-- > 0) break;
- }
- dprintf("[INFECTION] copying %s's color\n", e.netname);
++ it.infectioncolor_original = infection_coloridx;
++ infection_SetColor(it, infection_coloridx++ % bound(0, autocvar_g_infection_teams, 15));
++ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Spawn too late, give player a random color
+ int color = 15;
+ int skip = rint(random() * (infection_players_count - 1)); // Ignore self
- self.infectioncolor_original = INFECTIONTEAM_NONE; // Can't win if player didn't spawn during the round delay
- infection_SetColor(self, color);
++ entity e = NULL;
++ if (it == this || IS_OBSERVER(it)) continue;
++ if (!skip-- > 0) {
++ e = it;
++ break;
++ }
++ });
++ LOG_DEBUGF("[INFECTION] copying %s's color", e.netname);
+ color = e.infectioncolor;
- entity e;
- {
++ this.infectioncolor_original = INFECTIONTEAM_NONE; // Can't win if player didn't spawn during the round delay
++ infection_SetColor(this, color);
+ }
+bool infection_CheckTeams()
+ return infection_players_count > 1;
+bool infection_CheckWinner()
+ if (infection_players_count <= 1) return false; // There can be no winner
+ if (0 < round_handler_GetEndTime() && round_handler_GetEndTime() <= time) // Round over
+ {
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ROUND_OVER);
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_INFO, INFO_ROUND_OVER);
+ round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_infection_warmup, autocvar_g_infection_round_timelimit);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Check if only one color remains
+ int previnfectioncolor = -1;
+ bool we_have_a_winner = true; // until loop below proves us wrong
- if (previnfectioncolor != -1 && previnfectioncolor != e.infectioncolor)
+ // All infection colors are the same if we have a winner
- previnfectioncolor = e.infectioncolor;
- }
++ if (previnfectioncolor != -1 && previnfectioncolor != it.infectioncolor)
+ {
+ // In this case we still have more than one color alive
+ we_have_a_winner = false;
+ break;
+ }
- {
- if (e.infectioncolor == e.infectioncolor_original)
- {
- UpdateFrags(e, 10); // Bonus points
- Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ROUND_PLAYER_WIN, e.netname);
- Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_INFO, INFO_ROUND_PLAYER_WIN, e.netname);
- }
- }
++ previnfectioncolor = it.infectioncolor;
++ });
+ if (!we_have_a_winner) return false;
+ // Who is it?
- if (!IS_PLAYER(self)) return true; // Wasn't playing
++ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it.infectioncolor == it.infectioncolor_original, {
++ UpdateFrags(it, 10); // Bonus points
++ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ROUND_PLAYER_WIN, it.netname);
++ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_INFO, INFO_ROUND_PLAYER_WIN, it.netname);
++ });
+ round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_infection_warmup, autocvar_g_infection_round_timelimit);
+ return true;
+void infection_RoundStart()
+ infection_Assign(false);
+ infection_CheckWinner();
+ infection_CheckWinner();
+ return true;
+bool inf_RemovePlayer();
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inf, MakePlayerObserver)
+ return inf_RemovePlayer();
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inf, ClientDisconnect)
+ return inf_RemovePlayer();
+bool inf_RemovePlayer()
- self.infectioncolor_original = INFECTIONTEAM_UNDEFINED;
++ if (!IS_PLAYER(this)) return true; // Wasn't playing
+ infection_players_count--;
- entity e;
- {
- if (e.infectioncolor == self.infectioncolor_original)
- {
- e.infectioncolor_original = self.infectioncolor;
- centerprint(e, "^2You are now an alpha.\n");
- break;
- }
- }
++ this.infectioncolor_original = INFECTIONTEAM_UNDEFINED;
+ // Grant alpha status to next of kin
- if (self.infectioncolor_original != INFECTIONTEAM_UNDEFINED) return true; // Wasn't observing
++ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it.infectioncolor == this.infectioncolor_original, {
++ it.infectioncolor_original = this.infectioncolor;
++ centerprint(it, "^2You are now an alpha.\n");
++ break;
++ });
+ infection_CheckWinner();
+ return true;
- entity e;
- FOR_EACH_PLAYER(e) // check other players...
- {
- if (INF_SAMETEAM(e, frag_target)) // And see if they have our original infection color
- { // If so, remove it, our infection color has now "died out" from this round and we can not win anymore.
- // The attacker will "summon" all of our previously fragged targets, and also us.
- centerprint(e, sprintf("^1Your alpha ^7%s^1 was infected by ^7%s^1 with ^7%s^1 color.\n",
- frag_target.netname, frag_attacker.netname, color_owner_red));
- infection_SetColor(e, frag_attacker.infectioncolor);
- frag_score++;
- }
- }
++ if (this.infectioncolor_original != INFECTIONTEAM_UNDEFINED) return true; // Wasn't observing
+ infection_players_count++;
+ infection_Assign(true);
+ return true;
+ frag_score = 0;
+ infection_GetColorOwner(frag_attacker);
+ // If this is the first time we die... (our infectioncolor remained unchanged)
+ if (autocvar_g_infection_conversions && frag_target.infectioncolor == frag_target.infectioncolor_original)
+ {
- if (IS_PLAYER(self))
++ // check other players and see if they have our original infection color
++ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && INF_SAMETEAM(it, frag_target), {
++ // If so, remove it, our infection color has now "died out" from this round and we can not win anymore.
++ // The attacker will "summon" all of our previously fragged targets, and also us.
++ centerprint(it, sprintf("^1Your alpha ^7%s^1 was infected by ^7%s^1 with ^7%s^1 color.\n",
++ frag_target.netname, frag_attacker.netname, color_owner_red));
++ infection_SetColor(it, frag_attacker.infectioncolor);
++ frag_score++;
++ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ infection_SetColor(frag_target, frag_attacker.infectioncolor);
+ frag_score++;
+ }
+ string target = frag_target.netname, attacker = frag_attacker.netname;
+ centerprint(frag_attacker, sprintf("^2You infected ^7%s^2 with ^7%s^2 color.\n", target, color_owner_green));
+ centerprint(frag_target, sprintf("^1You were infected by ^7%s^1 with ^7%s^1 color.\n", attacker, color_owner_red));
+ bprint(sprintf("^7%s^1 was infected by ^7%s^1 with ^7%s^1 color.\n", frag_target.netname, attacker,
+ color_owner_red));
+ return true;
- infection_SetColor(self, round_handler_IsRoundStarted()
- ? self.infectioncolor : 15
- );
++ if (IS_PLAYER(this))
+ {
+ // Prevent cheating by changing player colors
- return INF_SAMETEAM(checkentity, self);
++ infection_SetColor(this, round_handler_IsRoundStarted()
++ ? this.infectioncolor
++ : 15);
+ }
+ return true;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inf, PlayerDamage_Calculate)
+ if (IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker) // Allow environment damage
+ && frag_attacker != frag_target // Allow self damage
+ && INF_SAMETEAM(frag_attacker, frag_target) // Block friendly fire
+ )
+ {
+ frag_damage = 0;
+ frag_force = '0 0 0';
+ }
+ return false;
- self.infectioncolor_original = INFECTIONTEAM_UNDEFINED;
- stuffcmd(self, "settemp cl_forceplayercolors 0\n");
++ return INF_SAMETEAM(checkentity, this);
++ this.infectioncolor_original = INFECTIONTEAM_UNDEFINED;
++ stuffcmd(this, "settemp cl_forceplayercolors 0\n");
+ return false;
+ {
+ if (time > 1) // game loads at time 1
+ error("This is a game type and it cannot be added at runtime.");
+ infection_players_count = 0;
+ round_handler_Spawn(infection_CheckTeams, infection_CheckWinner, infection_RoundStart);
+ round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_infection_warmup, autocvar_g_infection_round_timelimit);
+ }
+ {
+ // we actually cannot roll back inf_Initialize here
+ // BUT: we don't need to! If this gets called, adding always
+ // succeeds.
+ }
+ {
+ print("This is a game type and it cannot be removed at runtime.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;