cvar_t cl_sidespeed = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_sidespeed","350","strafe movement speed"};
cvar_t cl_movespeedkey = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_movespeedkey","2.0","how much +speed multiplies keyboard movement speed"};
+cvar_t cl_movecliptokeyboard = {0, "cl_movecliptokeyboard", "0", "if set to 1, any move is clipped to the nine keyboard states; if set to 2, only the direction is clipped, not the amount"};
cvar_t cl_yawspeed = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_yawspeed","140","keyboard yaw turning speed"};
cvar_t cl_pitchspeed = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_pitchspeed","150","keyboard pitch turning speed"};
// clamp after the move to prevent rendering with bad angles
CL_AdjustAngles ();
+ if(cl_movecliptokeyboard.integer)
+ {
+ vec_t f = 1;
+ if (in_speed.state & 1)
+ f *= cl_movespeedkey.value;
+ if(cl_movecliptokeyboard.integer == 2)
+ {
+ // digital direction, analog amount
+ vec_t wishvel_x, wishvel_y;
+ f *= max(cl_sidespeed.value, max(cl_forwardspeed.value, cl_backspeed.value));
+ wishvel_x = fabs(cl.cmd.forwardmove);
+ wishvel_y = fabs(cl.cmd.sidemove);
+ if(wishvel_x != 0 && wishvel_y != 0 && wishvel_x != wishvel_y)
+ {
+ vec_t wishspeed = sqrt(wishvel_x * wishvel_x + wishvel_y * wishvel_y);
+ if(wishvel_x >= 2 * wishvel_y)
+ {
+ // pure X motion
+ if(cl.cmd.forwardmove > 0)
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove = wishspeed;
+ else
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove = -wishspeed;
+ cl.cmd.sidemove = 0;
+ }
+ else if(wishvel_y >= 2 * wishvel_x)
+ {
+ // pure Y motion
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove = 0;
+ if(cl.cmd.sidemove > 0)
+ cl.cmd.sidemove = wishspeed;
+ else
+ cl.cmd.sidemove = -wishspeed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // diagonal
+ if(cl.cmd.forwardmove > 0)
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove = 0.70710678118654752440 * wishspeed;
+ else
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove = -0.70710678118654752440 * wishspeed;
+ if(cl.cmd.sidemove > 0)
+ cl.cmd.sidemove = 0.70710678118654752440 * wishspeed;
+ else
+ cl.cmd.sidemove = -0.70710678118654752440 * wishspeed;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(cl_movecliptokeyboard.integer)
+ {
+ // digital direction, digital amount
+ if(cl.cmd.sidemove >= cl_sidespeed.value * f * 0.5)
+ cl.cmd.sidemove = cl_sidespeed.value * f;
+ else if(cl.cmd.sidemove <= -cl_sidespeed.value * f * 0.5)
+ cl.cmd.sidemove = -cl_sidespeed.value * f;
+ else
+ cl.cmd.sidemove = 0;
+ if(cl.cmd.forwardmove >= cl_forwardspeed.value * f * 0.5)
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove = cl_forwardspeed.value * f;
+ else if(cl.cmd.forwardmove <= -cl_backspeed.value * f * 0.5)
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove = -cl_backspeed.value * f;
+ else
+ cl.cmd.forwardmove = 0;
+ }
+ }
#include "cl_collision.h"
Cmd_AddCommand ("cycleweapon", IN_CycleWeapon, "send an impulse number to server to select the next usable weapon out of several (example: 9 4 8) if you are holding one of these, and choose the first one if you are holding none of these");
Cmd_AddCommand ("register_bestweapon", IN_BestWeapon_Register_f, "(for QC usage only) change weapon parameters to be used by bestweapon; stuffcmd this in ClientConnect");
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&cl_movecliptokeyboard);