// all the results are correct (impactpoint, impactnormal, and fraction)
float Collision_ClipTrace_Line_Sphere(double *linestart, double *lineend, double *sphereorigin, double sphereradius, double *impactpoint, double *impactnormal)
- double dir[3], scale, v[3], deviationdist, impactdist, linelength;
+ double dir[3], scale, v[3], deviationdist2, impactdist, linelength;
// make sure the impactpoint and impactnormal are valid even if there is
// no collision
VectorCopy(lineend, impactpoint);
// of the line from the sphereorigin (deviation, how off-center it is)
VectorMA(linestart, impactdist, dir, v);
VectorSubtract(v, sphereorigin, v);
- deviationdist = VectorLength2(v);
- // if outside the radius, it's a miss for sure
- // (we do this comparison using squared radius to avoid a sqrt)
- if (deviationdist > sphereradius*sphereradius)
+ deviationdist2 = sphereradius * sphereradius - VectorLength2(v);
+ // if squared offset length is outside the squared sphere radius, miss
+ if (deviationdist2 < 0)
return 1; // miss (off to the side)
// nudge back to find the correct impact distance
- impactdist -= sphereradius - deviationdist/sphereradius;
+ impactdist -= sqrt(deviationdist2);
if (impactdist >= linelength)
return 1; // miss (not close enough)
if (impactdist < 0)