if_dedicated alias who "sv_cmd who"
alias w who
+if_client alias vote "cmd vote ${* ?}"
+if_dedicated alias vote "sv_cmd vote ${* ?}"
alias g_hitplots_add "qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals ${1 !} union def"
alias g_hitplots_remove "qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals ${1 !} difference def"
alias scoreboard_columns_help "cl_cmd scoreboard_columns_help ${* ?}"
-// ===========================================================
+// =========================================================== // TODO: FIGURE OUT ANY CONFLICTS WITH NORMAL COMMANDS
// cmd (client-to-server command) - server/clientcommands.qc
// ===========================================================
set sv_clientcommand_antispam_time 1 "Amount of seconds after a command before another command can be called again without being considered spam. (Use -1 for no antispam limit)"
seta cl_autoswitch 1 "automatically switch to newly picked up weapons if they are better than what you are carrying"
-alias autoswitch "set cl_autoswitch ${1 ?} ; cmd autoswitch ${1 ?}"
-alias records "cmd records"
-alias rankings "cmd rankings"
+alias autoswitch "cmd autoswitch ${* ?}"
+alias checkfail "cmd checkfail ${* ?}"
+alias clientversion "cmd clientversion ${* ?}"
+alias cvar_changes "cmd cvar_changes"
+alias cvar_purechanges "cmd cvar_purechanges"
+alias getmapvotepic "cmd getmapvotepic ${* ?}"
+alias info "cmd info ${* ?}"
+alias join "cmd join"
alias ladder "cmd ladder"
+alias lsmaps "cmd lsmaps"
+alias lsnewmaps "cmd lsnewmaps"
+alias maplist "cmd maplist"
+alias rankings "cmd rankings"
alias ready "cmd ready"
-alias cointoss "sv_cmd cointoss"
-alias timeout "cmd timeout" //use this command to call a timeout
-alias timein "cmd timein" //use this command to resume the game before timeout is finished
-alias lsmaps "cmd lsmaps" // lists all maps on server (for vmap, suggestmap, vnextmap)
-alias lsnewmaps "cmd lsnewmaps" // lists all maps on server that do not yet have a record set (race/cts)
+alias records "cmd records"
+alias reportcvar "cmd reportcvar ${* ?}"
+alias say "cmd say ${* ?}"
+alias say_team "cmd say_team ${* ?}"
+alias selectteam "cmd selectteam ${* ?}"
+alias sentcvar "cmd sentcvar ${* ?}"
+alias spectate "cmd spectate"
+alias suggestmap "cmd suggestmap ${* ?}"
+alias teamstatus "cmd teamstatus"
+alias tell "cmd tell ${* ?}"
+alias timein "cmd timein"
+alias timeout "cmd timeout"
+alias voice "cmd voice ${* ?}"
+alias vote "cmd vote ${* ?}"
+alias who "cmd who"
+// other aliases for client-to-server commands
+alias autoswitch "set cl_autoswitch ${1 ?} ; cmd autoswitch ${1 ?}" // todo
alias team_red "cmd selectteam red; cmd join"
alias team_blue "cmd selectteam blue; cmd join"
alias team_yellow "cmd selectteam yellow; cmd join"
alias team_auto "cmd selectteam auto; cmd join"
-alias sandbox "cmd g_sandbox ${* ?}"
alias spec "cmd spectate"
-alias suggestmap "cmd suggestmap ${1 ?}"
+// mutator aliases
+alias sandbox "cmd g_sandbox ${* ?}"
// =========================================================
alias trace "sv_cmd trace ${* ?}"
alias unlockteams "sv_cmd unlockteams"
alias warp "sv_cmd warp ${* ?}"
-alias vote "sv_cmd vote ${* ?}"
// other aliases for server commands
alias endmatch "timelimit -1"