mySize -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding;
- // always force 6:1 aspect
+ // always force 5:1 aspect
vector newSize;
- if(mySize_x/mySize_y > 6)
+ if(mySize_x/mySize_y > 5)
- newSize_x = 6 * mySize_y;
+ newSize_x = 5 * mySize_y;
newSize_y = mySize_y;
pos_x = pos_x + (mySize_x - newSize_x) / 2;
- newSize_y = 1/6 * mySize_x;
+ newSize_y = 1/5 * mySize_x;
newSize_x = mySize_x;
pos_y = pos_y + (mySize_y - newSize_y) / 2;
o = pos;
vector fontsize;
- fontsize = '0.25 0.25 0' * mySize_y;
+ fontsize = '0.20 0.20 0' * mySize_y;
string s;
if(spectatee_status && !intermission)
- //drawfont = hud_bigfont;
if(spectatee_status == -1)
s = "^1Observing";
- s = GetPlayerName(spectatee_status - 1);
+ s = strcat("^1Spectating: ^7", GetPlayerName(spectatee_status - 1));
- //s = textShortenToWidth(s, mySize_y, 0.5 * height, stringwidth_colors);
- //drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eY * 0.25 * height, s, 0.5 * height, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- //drawfont = hud_font;
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip)
+ o_x = pos_x + mySize_x - stringwidth(s, TRUE, fontsize);
+ drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ o += eY * fontsize_y;
- // spectator text in the upper right corner
if(spectatee_status == -1)
s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+attack"), "^1 to spectate");