cvar_t scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit = {0, "scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit","0", "0 = no limit, 1 = until first edge hits screen edge, 2 = until last edge hits screen edge, 3 = until width hits screen width, 4 = until height hits screen height"};
cvar_t scr_loadingscreen_count = {0, "scr_loadingscreen_count","1", "number of loading screen files to use randomly (named loading.tga, loading2.tga, loading3.tga, ...)"};
cvar_t scr_loadingscreen_barcolor = {0, "scr_loadingscreen_barcolor", "0 0 1", "rgb color of loadingscreen progress bar"};
-cvar_t scr_loadingscreen_barheight = {0, "scr_loadingscreen_barheight", "8", "a height loadingscreen progress bar"};
+cvar_t scr_loadingscreen_barheight = {0, "scr_loadingscreen_barheight", "8", "the height of the loadingscreen progress bar"};
+cvar_t scr_infobar_height = {0, "scr_infobar_height", "8", "the height of the infobar items"};
cvar_t vid_conwidth = {CVAR_SAVE, "vid_conwidth", "640", "virtual width of 2D graphics system"};
cvar_t vid_conheight = {CVAR_SAVE, "vid_conheight", "480", "virtual height of 2D graphics system"};
cvar_t vid_pixelheight = {CVAR_SAVE, "vid_pixelheight", "1", "adjusts vertical field of vision to account for non-square pixels (1280x1024 on a CRT monitor for example)"};
// sync with SCR_InfobarHeight
int len;
float x, y;
- float size = 8;
+ float size = scr_infobar_height.value;
char temp[256];
if (!cls.qw_downloadname[0])
y = vid_conheight.integer - size - offset;
DrawQ_Fill(0, y, vid_conwidth.integer, size, 0, 0, 0, cls.signon == SIGNONS ? 0.5 : 1, 0);
DrawQ_String(x, y, temp, len, size, size, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
- return 8;
+ return size;
int len;
float x, y;
- float size = 8;
+ float size = scr_infobar_height.value;
len = (int)strlen(scr_infobarstring);
x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth(scr_infobarstring, len, size, size, false, FONT_INFOBAR)) / 2;
y = vid_conheight.integer - size - offset;
DrawQ_Fill(0, y, vid_conwidth.integer, size, 0, 0, 0, cls.signon == SIGNONS ? 0.5 : 1, 0);
DrawQ_String(x, y, scr_infobarstring, len, size, size, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, false, FONT_INFOBAR);
- return 8;
+ return size;
int nDownloads;
int i;
float x, y;
- float size = 8;
+ float size = scr_infobar_height.value;
Curl_downloadinfo_t *downinfo;
char temp[256];
const char *addinfo;
- return 8 * (nDownloads + (addinfo ? 1 : 0));
+ return size * (nDownloads + (addinfo ? 1 : 0));
static void SCR_DrawInfobar(void)
int offset = 0;
- if(scr_infobartime_off > 0)
- offset += SCR_DrawInfobarString(offset);
offset += SCR_DrawQWDownload(offset);
offset += SCR_DrawCurlDownload(offset);
+ if(scr_infobartime_off > 0)
+ offset += SCR_DrawInfobarString(offset);
if(offset != scr_con_margin_bottom)
Con_DPrintf("broken console margin calculation: %d != %d\n", offset, scr_con_margin_bottom);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_loadingscreen_count);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_loadingscreen_barcolor);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_loadingscreen_barheight);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_infobar_height);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showram);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showturtle);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showpause);