// ====================================
List of all notifications (including identifiers and display information)
- Format: name, strnum, flnum, args, *hudargs, *icon, *CPID, *durcnt, normal, gentle, *infargs, *hudargs, *icon, *infnor, *infgen
- Asterisked fields are not present in all notification types.
- Specifications:
- Name of notification
- Number of STRING arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive)
- Number of FLOAT arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive)
- Arguments for sprintf(string, args), if no args needed then use ""
- Hudargs: XPND2(STRING, STRING): arguments for names in notify messages
- Icon: STRING: icon string name for the hud notify panel, "" if no icon is used
- CPID: FLOAT: centerprint ID number (CPID_*), NO_CPID if no CPID is needed
- Duration/Countdown: XPND2(FLOAT, FLOAT): extra arguments for centerprint messages
- CPID: FLOAT: centerprint ID number (CPID_*), NO_CPID if no CPID is needed
- Normal message (string for sprintf when gentle messages are NOT enabled)
- Gentle message (string for sprintf when gentle messages ARE enabled)
- Infargs: notify message args for sprintf(string, args), if no args needed then use ""
- Hudargs: XPND2(STRING, STRING): arguments for names in notify messages
- Icon: STRING: icon string name for the hud notify panel, "" if no icon is used
- Infnor: STRING: normal message for info message
- Infgen: STRING: gentle message for info message
+ Possible Tokens: name, centername, infoname, strnum, flnum, args, hudargs, icon, cpid, durcnt, normal, gentle
+ Format Specifications:
+ name: VAR: Name of notification
+ strnum: FLOAT: Number of STRING arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive)
+ flnum: FLOAT: Number of FLOAT arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive)
+ args: MISC: Arguments for sprintf(string, args), if no args needed then use ""
+ hudargs: XPND2(STRING, STRING): arguments for names in notify messages
+ icon: STRING: icon string name for the hud notify panel, "" if no icon is used
+ normal: STRING: Normal message (string for sprintf when gentle messages are NOT enabled)
+ gentle: STRING: Gentle message (string for sprintf when gentle messages ARE enabled)
+ name: VAR: Name of notification
+ strnum: FLOAT: Number of STRING arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive)
+ flnum: FLOAT: Number of FLOAT arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive)
+ args: MISC: Arguments for sprintf(string, args), if no args needed then use ""
+ cpid: FLOAT: centerprint ID number (CPID_*), NO_CPID if no CPID is needed
+ durcnt: XPND2(FLOAT, FLOAT): Duration/Countdown: extra arguments for centerprint messages
+ normal: STRING: Normal message (string for sprintf when gentle messages are NOT enabled)
+ gentle: STRING: Gentle message (string for sprintf when gentle messages ARE enabled)
+ name: VAR: Name of chaining notification
+ centername: VAR: Name of centerprint notification for reference
+ infoname: VAR: Name of info notification for reference
Messages with ^F1, ^BG, ^TC, etc etc in them will replace those strings
with colors according to the cvars the user has chosen. This allows for