seta scoreboard_border_thickness 1 "scoreboard border thickness"
seta scoreboard_accuracy_border_thickness 1 "accuracy stats border thickness"
seta scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows 0 "use two rows instead of one"
- seta scoreboard_accuracy 1 "show accuracy stats panel on scoreboard"
-seta scoreboard_accuracy 1 "0 = no weapon accuracy stats panel on scoreboard"
-seta scoreboard_color_bg_r 0 "red color component of the HUD background"
-seta scoreboard_color_bg_g 0.4 "green color component of the HUD background"
-seta scoreboard_color_bg_b 0.6 "blue color component of the HUD background"
-seta scoreboard_color_bg_team 0.5 "team color multiplier of the HUD background"
++seta scoreboard_accuracy 1 "show weapon accuracy stats panel on scoreboard"
+seta scoreboard_color_bg_r 0 "red color component of the scoreboard background"
- seta scoreboard_color_bg_g 0.25 "green color component of the scoreboard background"
- seta scoreboard_color_bg_b 0.17 "blue color component of the scoreboard background"
++seta scoreboard_color_bg_g 0.4 "green color component of the scoreboard background"
++seta scoreboard_color_bg_b 0.6 "blue color component of the scoreboard background"
+seta scoreboard_color_bg_team 0.5 "team color multiplier of the scoreboard background"
seta scoreboard_alpha_bg 0.6 "scoreboard background alpha"
seta scoreboard_alpha_fg 1 "scoreboard foreground alpha"
seta scoreboard_alpha_name 0.9 "alpha of player text in scoreboard list other than self"