// draw strafehud
if(csqcplayer && strafeplayer)
- float strafe_waterlevel;
- // check the player waterlevel without affecting the player entity, this way we can fetch waterlevel even if client prediction is disabled
- {
- // store old values
- void old_contentstransition(int, int) = strafeplayer.contentstransition;
- float old_watertype = strafeplayer.watertype;
- float old_waterlevel = strafeplayer.waterlevel;
- strafeplayer.contentstransition = func_null; // unset the contentstransition function if present
- _Movetype_CheckWater(strafeplayer);
- strafe_waterlevel = strafeplayer.waterlevel; // store the player waterlevel
- // restore old values
- strafeplayer.contentstransition = old_contentstransition;
- strafeplayer.watertype = old_watertype;
- strafeplayer.waterlevel = old_waterlevel;
- }
int keys = STAT(PRESSED_KEYS);
- // try to ignore if track_canjump is enabled, doesn't work in spectator mode if spectated player uses +jetpack or cl_movement_track_canjump
+ // try to ignore if track_canjump is enabled, does not work in spectator mode if spectated player uses +jetpack or cl_movement_track_canjump
bool jumpheld = false;
jumpheld = true;
- // persistent
- static float onground_lasttime = 0;
- static bool onslick_last = false;
- static float turn_lasttime = 0;
- static bool turn = false;
- static float turnangle;
- static float dt_update = 0;
- static int dt_time = 0;
- static float dt_sum = 0;
- static float dt = 0;
- // physics
- // doesn't get changed by ground timeout and isn't affected by jump input
- bool real_onground = islocal ? IS_ONGROUND(strafeplayer) : !(strafeplayer.anim_implicit_state & ANIMIMPLICITSTATE_INAIR);
- // doesn't get changed by ground timeout
- bool real_onslick = false;
+ // does not get changed by ground timeout and is not affected by jump input
+ bool real_onground = islocal ? IS_ONGROUND(strafeplayer) : !(strafeplayer.anim_implicit_state & ANIMIMPLICITSTATE_INAIR);
+ // does not get changed by ground timeout
+ bool real_onslick = false;
// if jump is held assume we are in air, avoids flickering of the hud when hitting the ground
- bool onground = real_onground && !jumpheld;
- bool onslick = real_onslick;
- bool onground_expired;
- bool strafekeys;
+ bool onground = real_onground && !jumpheld;
+ bool onslick = real_onslick;
// the hud will not work well while swimming
- bool swimming = strafe_waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING;
- // use local csqcmodel entity for this even when spectating, flickers too much otherwise
- float speed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? vlen(vec2(csqcplayer.velocity)) : 1337;
- // only the local csqcplayer entity contains this information even when spectating
- float maxspeed_mod = IS_DUCKED(csqcplayer) ? .5 : 1;
- float maxspeed_phys = onground ? PHYS_MAXSPEED(strafeplayer) : PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer);
- float maxspeed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxspeed_phys * maxspeed_mod : 320;
- float movespeed;
- float bestspeed;
- float maxaccel_phys = onground ? PHYS_ACCELERATE(strafeplayer) : PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer);
- float maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxaccel_phys : 1;
- // change the range from 0° - 360° to -180° - 180° to match how view_angle represents angles
- float vel_angle = vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y - (vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y > 180 ? 360 : 0);
- float view_angle = PHYS_INPUT_ANGLES(strafeplayer).y;
- float angle;
- vector movement = PHYS_INPUT_MOVEVALUES(strafeplayer);
- bool fwd;
- int keys_fwd;
- float wishangle;
- int direction;
- // HUD
- int mode;
- float speed_conversion_factor = GetSpeedUnitFactor(autocvar_hud_speed_unit);
- float length_conversion_factor = GetLengthUnitFactor(autocvar_hud_speed_unit);
- // use more decimals when displaying km or miles
- int length_decimals = autocvar_hud_speed_unit >= 3 && autocvar_hud_speed_unit <= 5 ? 6 : 2;
- float antiflicker_angle = bound(0, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_antiflicker_angle, 180);
- float minspeed;
- float shift_angle = 0;
- bool straight_overturn = false;
- bool immobile = speed <= 0;
- float hudangle;
- float neutral_startangle;
- float neutral_endangle;
- vector currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_neutral_color;
- float currentangle;
- float bestangle;
- float opposite_bestangle;
- float prebestangle;
- float changeangle;
- float opposite_changeangle = 0;
- bool opposite_direction = false;
- float bestangle_width;
- float accelzone_left_startangle;
- float accelzone_right_startangle;
- float accelzone_offsetangle;
- float preaccelzone_left_startangle;
- float preaccelzone_right_startangle;
- float preaccelzone_offsetangle;
- float overturn_startangle;
- float slickdetector_height;
- vector direction_size_vertical;
- vector direction_size_horizontal;
- float range_minangle;
- float text_offset_top = 0;
- float text_offset_bottom = 0;
- float hfov = getproperty(VF_FOVX);
+ float strafe_waterlevel = DetectWaterLevel(strafeplayer);
+ bool swimming = strafe_waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING;
- if(isnan(hfov))
- hfov = 0;
- // real_* variables which are always positive with no wishangle offset
- float real_bestangle;
- float real_prebestangle;
- if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode >= 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode <= 1)
- mode = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode;
- else
- // there's only one size cvar for the arrows, they will always have a 45° angle to ensure proper rendering without antialiasing
- float arrow_size = max(panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow_size, 10), 1);
+ static float onground_lasttime = 0;
+ static bool onslick_last = false;
onslick = true;
- else // don't use IS_ONSLICK(), it only works for the local player and only if client prediction is enabled
+ else // do not use IS_ONSLICK(), it only works for the local player and only if client prediction is enabled
trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = 0;
tracebox(strafeplayer.origin, strafeplayer.mins, strafeplayer.maxs, strafeplayer.origin - '0 0 1', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, strafeplayer);
onground_lasttime = 0;
+ bool onground_expired;
if(onground_lasttime == 0)
onground_expired = true;
onground_expired = (time - onground_lasttime) >= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_timeout_ground; // timeout for slick ramps
- if(!onground && !onground_expired) // if ground timeout hasn't expired yet use ground physics
+ // only the local csqcplayer entity contains this information even when spectating
+ float maxspeed_mod = IS_DUCKED(csqcplayer) ? .5 : 1;
+ float maxspeed_phys = onground ? PHYS_MAXSPEED(strafeplayer) : PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer);
+ float maxspeed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxspeed_phys * maxspeed_mod : 320;
+ float maxaccel_phys = onground ? PHYS_ACCELERATE(strafeplayer) : PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer);
+ float maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxaccel_phys : 1;
+ if(!onground && !onground_expired) // if ground timeout has not expired yet use ground physics
onground = true;
onslick = onslick_last;
- movespeed = vlen(vec2(movement));
+ vector movement = PHYS_INPUT_MOVEVALUES(strafeplayer);
+ float movespeed = vlen(vec2(movement));
if(movespeed == 0)
movespeed = maxspeed;
movespeed = min(movespeed, maxspeed);
// determine frametime
+ static float dt_update = 0;
+ static int dt_time = 0;
+ static float dt_sum = 0;
+ static float dt = 0;
if((csqcplayer_status == CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_PREDICTED) && (input_timelength > 0))
float dt_client = input_timelength;
if(dt_client > .05) // server splits frames longer than 50 ms into two moves
- dt_client /= 2; // doesn't ensure frames are smaller than 50 ms, just splits large frames in half, matches server behaviour
+ dt_client /= 2; // does not ensure frames are smaller than 50 ms, just splits large frames in half, matches server behaviour
// calculate average frametime
dt_sum += dt_client * dt_client;
// determine whether the player is pressing forwards or backwards keys
+ int keys_fwd;
if(islocal) // if entity is local player
if(movement.x > 0)
// determine player wishdir
+ float wishangle;
if(islocal) // if entity is local player
if(movement.x == 0)
wishangle = 0; // wraps at 180°
- strafekeys = fabs(wishangle) > 45;
+ bool strafekeys = fabs(wishangle) > 45;
// determine minimum required angle to display full strafe range
- range_minangle = fabs(wishangle) % 90; // maximum range is 90 degree
+ float range_minangle = fabs(wishangle) % 90; // maximum range is 90 degree
if(range_minangle > 45) range_minangle = 45 - fabs(wishangle) % 45; // minimum angle range is 45
range_minangle = 90 - range_minangle; // calculate value which is never >90 or <45
range_minangle *= 2; // multiply to accommodate for both sides of the hud
+ float hudangle;
hudangle = 0;
else if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_range < 0)
+ float hfov = getproperty(VF_FOVX);
+ if(isnan(hfov)) hfov = 0;
hudangle = hfov;
- hudangle = bound(0, fabs(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_range), 360); // limit HUD range to 360 degrees, higher values don't make sense
+ hudangle = bound(0, fabs(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_range), 360); // limit HUD range to 360 degrees, higher values do not make sense
// limit strafe-meter angle to values suitable for the current projection mode
+ static bool turn = false;
// detect air strafe turning
if((!strafekeys && vlen(vec2(movement)) > 0) || onground || autocvar__hud_configure)
else // air strafe only
+ static float turn_lasttime = 0;
+ static float turnangle;
bool turn_expired = (time - turn_lasttime) >= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_timeout_turn; // timeout for jumping with strafe keys only
maxaccel *= dt * movespeed;
- bestspeed = max(movespeed - maxaccel, 0); // target speed to gain maximum acceleration
+ float bestspeed = max(movespeed - maxaccel, 0); // target speed to gain maximum acceleration
+ // use local csqcmodel entity for this even when spectating, flickers too much otherwise
+ float speed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? vlen(vec2(csqcplayer.velocity)) : 1337;
float frictionspeed; // speed lost from friction
float strafespeed; // speed minus friction
strafespeed = speed;
- minspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed;
+ float minspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed;
if(minspeed < 0)
minspeed = bestspeed + frictionspeed;
// get current strafing angle ranging from -180° to +180°
+ float angle;
+ bool fwd;
+ bool straight_overturn = false;
+ float antiflicker_angle = bound(0, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_antiflicker_angle, 180);
if(speed > 0)
+ // change the range from 0° - 360° to -180° - 180° to match how view_angle represents angles
+ float vel_angle = vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y - (vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y > 180 ? 360 : 0);
+ float view_angle = PHYS_INPUT_ANGLES(strafeplayer).y;
// calculate view angle relative to the players current velocity direction
angle = vel_angle - view_angle;
angle += 360;
// determine whether the player is strafing forwards or backwards
- // if the player isn't strafe turning use forwards/backwards keys to determine direction
+ // if the player is not strafe turning use forwards/backwards keys to determine direction
if(fabs(wishangle) != 90)
angle -= 180;
- // don't make the angle indicator switch side too much at ±180° if anti flicker is turned on
+ // do not make the angle indicator switch side too much at ±180° if anti flicker is turned on
if(angle > (180 - antiflicker_angle) || angle < (-180 + antiflicker_angle))
straight_overturn = true;
// determine whether the player is strafing left or right
+ int direction;
if(wishangle > 0)
// best angle to strafe at
// in case of ground friction we may decelerate if the acceleration is smaller than the speed loss from friction
- real_bestangle = bestangle = (strafespeed > bestspeed ? acos(bestspeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG : 0);
- opposite_bestangle = -bestangle;
- real_prebestangle = prebestangle = (strafespeed > movespeed ? acos(movespeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG : 0);
+ float bestangle = (strafespeed > bestspeed ? acos(bestspeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG : 0);
+ float opposite_bestangle = -bestangle;
+ float prebestangle = (strafespeed > movespeed ? acos(movespeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG : 0);
+ // real_* variables which are always positive with no wishangle offset
+ float real_bestangle = bestangle;
+ float real_prebestangle = prebestangle;
if(direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_LEFT) // the angle becomes negative in case we strafe left
bestangle *= -1;
opposite_bestangle -= wishangle;
prebestangle -= wishangle;
- // various offsets and size calculations of hud indicator elements
- // current angle
- vector currentangle_size;
- currentangle_size.x = max(panel_size.x * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_width, 10), 1);
- currentangle_size.y = max(panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_height, 10), 1);
- currentangle_size.z = 0;
+ int mode;
+ if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode >= 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode <= 1)
+ mode = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode;
+ else
- currentangle = angle;
+ float currentangle = angle;
currentangle = bound(-hudangle / 2, currentangle, hudangle / 2);
// best strafe acceleration angle
- changeangle = -bestangle;
- bestangle_width = max(panel_size.x * autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_width, 1);
+ float changeangle = -bestangle;
+ float bestangle_width = max(panel_size.x * autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_width, 1);
+ bool opposite_direction = false;
+ float opposite_changeangle = 0;
if((angle > -wishangle && direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_LEFT) || (angle < -wishangle && direction == STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_RIGHT))
opposite_direction = true;
opposite_changeangle = opposite_bestangle + bestangle * 2;
- // direction indicator
- direction_size_vertical.x = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_width;
- direction_size_vertical.x = max(panel_size.y * min(direction_size_vertical.x, 1), 1);
- direction_size_vertical.y = panel_size.y + direction_size_vertical.x * 2;
- direction_size_vertical.z = 0;
- direction_size_horizontal.x = panel_size.x * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_length, .5);
- direction_size_horizontal.y = direction_size_vertical.x;
- direction_size_horizontal.z = 0;
+ bool immobile = speed <= 0;
// the neutral zone fills the whole strafe bar
+ float accelzone_left_startangle;
+ float accelzone_right_startangle;
+ float accelzone_offsetangle;
+ float preaccelzone_left_startangle;
+ float preaccelzone_right_startangle;
+ float preaccelzone_offsetangle;
+ float overturn_startangle;
// calculate various zones of the strafe-o-meter
preaccelzone_offsetangle = fabs(bestangle - prebestangle);
preaccelzone_offsetangle = 0;
accelzone_offsetangle = 90 - fabs(bestangle + wishangle);
- neutral_endangle = 180 - accelzone_offsetangle * 2 - preaccelzone_offsetangle * 2;
+ float neutral_startangle;
+ float neutral_endangle = 180 - accelzone_offsetangle * 2 - preaccelzone_offsetangle * 2;
float current_offsetangle = 0;
// shift hud if operating in view angle centered mode
+ float shift_angle = 0;
shift_angle = -currentangle;
+ float text_offset_top = 0;
+ float text_offset_bottom = 0;
// slick detector
- slickdetector_height = bound(0, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_slickdetector_height, 1);
+ float slickdetector_height = bound(0, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_slickdetector_height, 1);
slickdetector_height *= panel_size.y;
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_slickdetector &&
autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_slickdetector_range > 0 &&
slicksteps = 90 / 2 ** slicksteps;
- slickdetected = real_onslick; // don't need to traceline if already touching slick
+ slickdetected = real_onslick; // do not need to traceline if already touching slick
// traceline into every direction
trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = 0;
text_offset_top = text_offset_bottom = slickdetector_height;
+ // direction indicator
+ vector direction_size_vertical;
+ direction_size_vertical.x = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_width;
+ direction_size_vertical.x = max(panel_size.y * min(direction_size_vertical.x, 1), 1);
+ direction_size_vertical.y = panel_size.y + direction_size_vertical.x * 2;
+ direction_size_vertical.z = 0;
+ vector direction_size_horizontal;
+ direction_size_horizontal.x = panel_size.x * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_length, .5);
+ direction_size_horizontal.y = direction_size_vertical.x;
+ direction_size_horizontal.z = 0;
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction &&
direction_size_vertical.x > 0 &&
// draw the actual strafe angle
+ vector currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_neutral_color;
float strafe_ratio = 0;
if(mode == STRAFEHUD_MODE_VIEW_CENTERED || straight_overturn)
currentangle = 0;
+ // current angle size calculation
+ vector currentangle_size;
+ currentangle_size.x = max(panel_size.x * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_width, 10), 1);
+ currentangle_size.y = max(panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_height, 10), 1);
+ currentangle_size.z = 0;
float angleheight_offset = currentangle_size.y;
float ghost_angle = 0;
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bestangle && direction != STRAFEHUD_DIRECTION_NONE)
- // don't offset text and arrows if the angle indicator line isn't drawn
+ // do not offset text and arrows if the angle indicator line is not drawn
angleheight_offset = panel_size.y;
currentangle_size = '0 0 0';
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow > 0)
+ // there's only one size cvar for the arrows, they will always have a 45° angle to ensure proper rendering without antialiasing
+ float arrow_size = max(panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow_size, 10), 1);
if(arrow_size > 0)
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow == 1 || autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow >= 3)
- // make sure text doesn't draw inside the strafehud bar
+ // make sure text does not draw inside the strafehud bar
text_offset_top = max(angle_offset_top, text_offset_top);
text_offset_bottom = max(angle_offset_bottom, text_offset_bottom);
+ float speed_conversion_factor = GetSpeedUnitFactor(autocvar_hud_speed_unit);
float startspeed_height = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_size * panel_size.y;
string startspeed_text = ftos_decimals(startspeed * speed_conversion_factor, 2);
// show height achieved by a single jump
// FIXME: checking z position differences is unreliable (warpzones, teleporter, kill, etc) but using velocity to calculate jump height would be
- // inaccurate in hud code (possibly different tick rate than physics, doesn't run when hud isn't drawn, rounding errors)
+ // inaccurate in hud code (possibly different tick rate than physics, does not run when hud is not drawn, rounding errors)
+ float length_conversion_factor = GetLengthUnitFactor(autocvar_hud_speed_unit);
static float height_min = 0, height_max = 0; // ground and peak of jump z coordinates
static float jumpheight = 0, jumptime = 0; // displayed value and timestamp for fade out
+ // use more decimals when displaying km or miles
+ int length_decimals = autocvar_hud_speed_unit >= 3 && autocvar_hud_speed_unit <= 5 ? 6 : 2;
float jumpheight_height = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_size * panel_size.y;
string jumpheight_text = ftos_decimals(jumpheight * length_conversion_factor, length_decimals);
case 5: return strcat(" ", _("nmi"));
+// check the player waterlevel without affecting the player entity, this way we can fetch waterlevel even if client prediction is disabled
+float DetectWaterLevel(entity e)
+ // store old values
+ void old_contentstransition(int, int) = e.contentstransition;
+ float old_watertype = e.watertype;
+ float old_waterlevel = e.waterlevel;
+ e.contentstransition = func_null; // unset the contentstransition function if present
+ _Movetype_CheckWater(e);
+ float new_waterlevel = e.waterlevel; // store the player waterlevel
+ // restore old values
+ e.contentstransition = old_contentstransition;
+ e.watertype = old_watertype;
+ e.waterlevel = old_waterlevel;
+ return new_waterlevel;