#ifdef SVQC
+// enable to debug melee range
METHOD(Shotgun, m_spawnfunc_hookreplace, Weapon(Shotgun this, entity e))
if (autocvar_sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap && !Item_IsLoot(e))
WarpZone_traceline_antilag(this.realowner, this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs, targpos, false, this.realowner, ((IS_CLIENT(this.realowner)) ? ANTILAG_LATENCY(this.realowner) : 0));
// draw lightning beams for debugging
- //te_lightning2(NULL, targpos, this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs + v_forward * 5 - v_up * 5);
- //te_customflash(targpos, 40, 2, '1 1 1');
+ te_lightning2(NULL, targpos, this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs + v_forward * 5 - v_up * 5);
+ te_customflash(targpos, 40, 2, '1 1 1');
+ #endif
is_player = (IS_PLAYER(trace_ent) || trace_ent.classname == "body" || IS_MONSTER(trace_ent));
if(accuracy_isgooddamage(this.realowner, target_victim)) { accuracy_add(this.realowner, WEP_SHOTGUN, 0, swing_damage); }
// draw large red flash for debugging
- //te_customflash(targpos, 200, 2, '15 0 0');
+ te_customflash(targpos, 200, 2, '15 0 0');
+ #endif
if(WEP_CVAR_SEC(shotgun, melee_multihit)) // allow multiple hits with one swing, but not against the same player twice.