font-size: 10px;
-table thead {
+table thead, table th {
background-color: #001021;
color: gray;
} {
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ a {
+ color: #CCC;
+ a:hover {
+ color: #d95f00;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ tr {
+ background-color: #000;
+ {
+ background-color: #4d0000;
+ {
+ background-color: #00004d;
+ tr.yellow {
+ background-color: #4d4d00;
+ {
+ background-color: #4d004d;
+ tr:hover {
+ background-color: #222;
+.teamscore {
+ text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #222;
+ font-weight: bold;
+.teamscore .red {
+ color: #ad0000;
+.teamscore .blue {
+ color: #0000ad;
+.teamscore .yellow {
+ color: #adad00;
+.teamscore .pink {
+ color: #ad00ad;
.tabs-content {
margin-bottom: 0;
<%namespace file="accuracy.mako" import="accuracy" />
<%block name="navigation">
+ ${nav.nav('games')}
<%block name="css">
-<link href="/static/css/sprites.css" rel="stylesheet">
+ ${parent.css()}
+ <link href="/static/css/sprites.css" rel="stylesheet">
<%block name="js">
+ ${parent.js()}
+ <script>
+ $(".collapse").collapse();
-// show accordion only when loaded to prevent rollup from being seen
-$("#acc-accordion").css('display', '');
+ // show accordion only when loaded to prevent rollup from being seen
+ $("#acc-accordion").css('display', '');
+ </script>
<%block name="title">
-Game Information
+ Game Information
% if game is None:
-<h2>Sorry, that game wasn't found!</h2>
+ <h2>Sorry, that game wasn't found!</h2>
% else:
-<div class="row">
- <h2>Game Detail</h2>
- <div class="span8 game-detail">
- <img width="64" height="64" src="/static/images/icons/48x48/${game.game_type_cd}.png" alt="${game.game_type_cd}"/>
- <p>
- Played: <span class="abstime" data-epoch="${game.epoch()}" title="${game.start_dt.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UTC')}">${game.fuzzy_date()}</span><br />
- Game Type: ${gametype.descr} (${game.game_type_cd})<br />
- Server: <a href="${request.route_url("server_info", id=server.server_id)}" name="Server info page for ${}">${}</a><br />
- Map: <a href="${request.route_url("map_info", id=map.map_id)}" name="Map info page for ${}">${}</a><br />
- % if game.duration is not None:
- Duration: ${"%s:%02d" % (game.duration.seconds/60, game.duration.seconds%60)}
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="small-12 columns">
+ <h3>Game #${game.game_id}</h3>
+ <p>
+ <img src="/static/images/icons/24x24/${game.game_type_cd}.png" alt="${game.game_type_cd}"/> ${gametype.descr} (${game.game_type_cd})<br />
+ Played ${game.fuzzy_date()} <span class="abstime" data-epoch="${game.epoch()}" title="${game.start_dt.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UTC')}"> <i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></span><br />
+ Server: <a href="${request.route_url("server_info", id=server.server_id)}" name="Server info page for ${}">${}</a><br />
+ Map: <a href="${request.route_url("map_info", id=map.map_id)}" name="Map info page for ${}">${}</a><br />
+ % if game.duration is not None:
+ Duration: ${"%s:%02d" % (game.duration.seconds/60, game.duration.seconds%60)}
+ % endif
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ % if teamscores:
+ <div class="small-3 columns">
+ <table class="table-condensed">
+ <thead>
+ <th>Team</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ % for ts in teamscores:
+ <tr class="${}"><td>${}</td><td>${ts.score}</td></tr>
+ % endfor
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
% endif
- </p>
- <span class="clear"></span>
- % if teamscores:
- <div class="span3 teamscores">
- <table class="table table-condensed">
- <thead>
- <th>Team</th>
- <th>Score</th>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- % for ts in teamscores:
- <tr class="${}"><td>${}</td><td>${ts.score}</td></tr>
+ ##### Games that have team scores push the scoreboard table to the right by
+ ##### one column.
+ % if len(tgstats) == len(stats_by_team):
+ % for tgstat in tgstats:
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="small-1 columns teamscore">
+ <div class="teamname ${tgstat.team_html_color()}">
+ ${tgstat.team_html_color().capitalize()}
+ </div>
+ <div class="${tgstat.team_html_color()}">
+ % if game.game_type_cd == 'ctf':
+ ${tgstat.caps}
+ % elif game.game_type_cd == 'ca':
+ ${tgstat.rounds}
+ % else:
+ ${tgstat.score}
+ % endif
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="small-11 columns game">
+ ${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, stats_by_team[], show_elo, show_latency)}
+ </div>
+ </div>
% endfor
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- % endif
-% if len(tgstats) == len(stats_by_team):
-## if we have teamscores in the db
-% for tgstat in tgstats:
-<div class="row">
- <div class="span1 teamscore">
- <div class="teamname ${tgstat.team_html_color()}">
- ${tgstat.team_html_color().capitalize()}
- </div>
- <div class="${tgstat.team_html_color()}">
- % if game.game_type_cd == 'ctf':
- ${tgstat.caps}
- % elif game.game_type_cd == 'ca':
- ${tgstat.rounds}
-## dom -> ticks, rc -> laps, nb -> goals, as -> objectives
+ ##### Games that do not have team scores use the full width
% else:
- ${tgstat.score}
+ % for team in stats_by_team.keys():
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="small-12 columns game">
+ ${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, stats_by_team[team], show_elo, show_latency)}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ % endfor
% endif
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="span10 game">
- ${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, stats_by_team[], show_elo, show_latency)}
- </div>
-% endfor
-% else:
-% for team in stats_by_team.keys():
-<div class="row">
- <div class="span12 game">
- ${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, stats_by_team[team], show_elo, show_latency)}
- </div>
-% endfor
-% endif
-% if len(captimes) > 0:
-<div class="row">
- <div class="span6">
- <h3>Best Flag Capture Times</h3>
- <table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
- <thead>
+ % if len(captimes) > 0:
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="small-6 columns">
+ <h3>Best Flag Capture Times</h3>
+ <table class="table-hover table-condensed">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Nick</th>
+ <th>Captime</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ % for pgs in captimes:
- <th>Nick</th>
- <th>Captime</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- % for pgs in captimes:
- <tr>
- <td>
- % if pgs.player_id > 2:
- <a href="${request.route_url("player_info", id=pgs.player_id)}"
- title="Go to the info page for this player">
+ <td>
+ % if pgs.player_id > 2:
+ <a href="${request.route_url("player_info", id=pgs.player_id)}"
+ title="Go to the info page for this player">
+ <span class="nick">${pgs.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
+ </a>
+ % else:
<span class="nick">${pgs.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
- </a>
- % else:
- <span class="nick">${pgs.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
- % endif
- </td>
- <td>${round(float(pgs.fastest.seconds) + (pgs.fastest.microseconds/1000000.0), 2)}</td>
- </tr>
- % endfor
- </tbody>
- </table>
+ % endif
+ </td>
+ <td>${round(float(pgs.fastest.seconds) + (pgs.fastest.microseconds/1000000.0), 2)}</td>
+ </tr>
+ % endfor
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
% endif
% if len(pgstats) > 0 and len(pwstats) > 0:
-<div class="row">
- <div class="span12">
- <h3>Accuracy Information</h3>
- <div class="accordion" id="acc-accordion" style="display:none;">
- % for pgstat in pgstats:
- % if pgstat.player_game_stat_id in pwstats:
- <div class="accordion-group">
- <div class="accordion-heading">
- <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc-accordion" href="#accuracy-${pgstat.player_game_stat_id}">
- Accuracy for ${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}
- </a>
- </div>
- <div id="accuracy-${pgstat.player_game_stat_id}" class="accordion-body collapse in">
- <div class="accordion-inner">
- ${accuracy(pwstats[pgstat.player_game_stat_id])}
- </div>
- </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="small-12 columns">
+ <h3>Accuracy Information</h3>
+ <div class="accordion" id="acc-accordion" style="display:none;">
+ % for pgstat in pgstats:
+ % if pgstat.player_game_stat_id in pwstats:
+ <div class="accordion-group">
+ <div class="accordion-heading">
+ <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#acc-accordion" href="#accuracy-${pgstat.player_game_stat_id}">
+ Accuracy for ${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ <div id="accuracy-${pgstat.player_game_stat_id}" class="accordion-body collapse in">
+ <div class="accordion-inner">
+ ${accuracy(pwstats[pgstat.player_game_stat_id])}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ % endif
+ % endfor
- % endif
- % endfor
+ % endif
- % endif
% endif
<%def name="scoreboard(game_type_cd, pgstats, show_elo=False, show_latency=False)">
-<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
+<table class="table-hover table-condensed">
${scoreboard_header(game_type_cd, pgstats[0])}
% for pgstat in pgstats:
<tr class="${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
% if show_latency and pgstat.avg_latency is not None:
- <td class="tdcenter">
+ <td class="text-center">
% elif show_latency:
- <td class="tdcenter">-</td>
+ <td class="text-center">-</td>
% endif
- <td class="player-nick">
+ <td class="no-stretch">
% if pgstat.player_id > 2:
<a href="${request.route_url("player_info", id=pgstat.player_id)}"
title="Go to the info page for this player">
- <span class="nick">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
+ <span class="small-2">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
% else:
- <span class="nick">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
+ <span class="small-2">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
% endif
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="suicides">Suicides</th>
- <th class="objectives">Objectives</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Kills</th>
+ <th>Deaths</th>
+ <th>Suicides</th>
+ <th>Objectives</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="suicides">Suicides</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Kills</th>
+ <th>Deaths</th>
+ <th>Suicides</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="captured">Captured</th>
- <th class="released">Released</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Kills</th>
+ <th>Deaths</th>
+ <th>Captured</th>
+ <th>Released</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="fastest">Fastest Time</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Fastest Time</th>
+ <th>Deaths</th>
% endif
<thead class="ctf ${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="captures">Captures</th>
- <th class="pickups">Pickups</th>
- <th class="fck" title="Flag Carrier Kill">FCK</th>
- <th class="returns">Returns</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th>Nick</th>
+ <th>Kills</th>
+ <th>Captures</th>
+ <th>Pickups</th>
+ <th title="Flag Carrier Kill">FCK</th>
+ <th>Returns</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
<thead class="dom ${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="takes">Takes</th>
- <th class="ticks">Ticks</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Kills</th>
+ <th>Deaths</th>
+ <th>Takes</th>
+ <th>Ticks</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
<thead class="freezetag ${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="revivals">Revivals</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Kills</th>
+ <th>Deaths</th>
+ <th>Revivals</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="pickups">Pickups</th>
- <th class="bctime">BC Time</th>
- <th class="bckills">BC Kills</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Kills</th>
+ <th>Deaths</th>
+ <th>Pickups</th>
+ <th>BC Time</th>
+ <th>BC Kills</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
<thead class="kh ${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="pickups">Pickups</th>
- <th class="caps">Captures</th>
- <th class="losses">Losses</th>
- <th class="pushes">Pushes</th>
- <th class="destroys">Destroys</th>
- <th class="kckills">KC Kills</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Kills</th>
+ <th>Deaths</th>
+ <th>Pickups</th>
+ <th>Captures</th>
+ <th>Losses</th>
+ <th>KC Kills</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
<thead class="nb ${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="goals">Goals</th>
- <th class="faults">Faults</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Goals</th>
+ <th>Faults</th>
+ <th>Score</th>
% if show_elo:
- <th>Elo Change</th>
+ <th>Elo Change</th>
% endif
% if show_latency:
- <th class="ping">Ping</th>
+ <th class="small-1">Ping</th>
% endif
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="laps">Laps</th>
- <th class="fastest">Fastest Lap</th>
- <th class="time">Time</th>
+ <th class="small-2">Nick</th>
+ <th>Laps</th>
+ <th>Fastest Lap</th>
+ <th>Time</th>
% endif
- <td>${pgstat.pushes}</td>
- <td>${pgstat.destroys}</td>
% endif