cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_value = {0, "r_hdr_irisadaptation_value", "1", "current value as scenebrightness multiplier, changes continuously when irisadaptation is active"};
cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_up = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_up", "0.1", "fade rate at which value adjusts to darkness"};
cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_down = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade_down", "0.5", "fade rate at which value adjusts to brightness"};
+cvar_t r_hdr_irisadaptation_radius = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_hdr_irisadaptation_radius", "15", "lighting within this many units of the eye is averaged"};
cvar_t r_smoothnormals_areaweighting = {0, "r_smoothnormals_areaweighting", "1", "uses significantly faster (and supposedly higher quality) area-weighted vertex normals and tangent vectors rather than summing normalized triangle normals and tangents"};
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_hdr_irisadaptation_radius);
+static float irisvecs[7][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, -1}, {0, 0, 1}};
void R_HDR_UpdateIrisAdaptation(const vec3_t point)
if (r_hdr_irisadaptation.integer)
+ vec3_t p;
vec3_t ambient;
vec3_t diffuse;
vec3_t diffusenormal;
- vec_t brightness;
+ vec3_t forward;
+ vec_t brightness = 0.0f;
vec_t goal;
vec_t current;
- R_CompleteLightPoint(ambient, diffuse, diffusenormal, point, LP_LIGHTMAP | LP_RTWORLD | LP_DYNLIGHT);
- brightness = (ambient[0] + ambient[1] + ambient[2] + diffuse[0] + diffuse[1] + diffuse[2]) * (1.0f / 3.0f);
- brightness = max(0.0000001f, brightness);
+ vec_t d;
+ int c;
+ VectorCopy(r_refdef.view.forward, forward);
+ for (c = 0;c < (int)(sizeof(irisvecs)/sizeof(irisvecs[0]));c++)
+ {
+ p[0] = point[0] + irisvecs[c][0] * r_hdr_irisadaptation_radius.value;
+ p[1] = point[1] + irisvecs[c][1] * r_hdr_irisadaptation_radius.value;
+ p[2] = point[2] + irisvecs[c][2] * r_hdr_irisadaptation_radius.value;
+ R_CompleteLightPoint(ambient, diffuse, diffusenormal, p, LP_LIGHTMAP | LP_RTWORLD | LP_DYNLIGHT);
+ d = DotProduct(forward, diffusenormal);
+ brightness += VectorLength(ambient);
+ if (d > 0)
+ brightness += d * VectorLength(diffuse);
+ }
+ brightness *= 1.0f / c;
+ brightness += 0.00001f; // make sure it's never zero
goal = r_hdr_irisadaptation_multiplier.value / brightness;
goal = bound(r_hdr_irisadaptation_minvalue.value, goal, r_hdr_irisadaptation_maxvalue.value);
current = r_hdr_irisadaptation_value.value;