Known bugs:\r
-- Weapon stay mutator: When picking up a weapon, it gets picked up infinitely until your ammo is full, rather than only once\r
- Prey bots don't kick in the stomach in Arena and Clan Arena gametypes\r
- If you go spectating with someone in your belly, they are released at the spawnpoint you are teleported to once you become an observer
\ No newline at end of file
self.flags |= FL_NO_WEAPON_STAY;\r
+ if(g_weapon_stay == 2 && self.classname != "droppedweapon")\r
+ {\r
+ self.ammo_fuel = 0;\r
+ // weapon stay 2: don't use ammo on weapon pickups; instead\r
+ // initialize all ammo types to the pickup ammo unless set by g_start_ammo_*\r
+ }\r
StartItem(e.model, "weapons/weaponpickup.wav", self.respawntime, self.respawntimejitter, e.message, 0, e.weapons, FL_WEAPON, weapon_pickupevalfunc, e.bot_pickupbasevalue);\r
if (self.modelindex) // don't precache if self was removed\r
weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE);\r