if (correct_find(table, ident))
return found;
- mem_d(found);
+ /*mem_d(found);*/
if ((e1rows = correct_size(ident))) {
e1 = correct_edit(ident);
if ((e1ident = correct_maximum(table, e1, e1rows))) {
+ mem_d(found);
found = util_strdup(e1ident);
correct_cleanup(e1, e1rows);
return found;
e2 = correct_known(table, e1, e1rows, &e2rows);
- if (e2rows && ((e2ident = correct_maximum(table, e2, e2rows))))
+ if (e2rows && ((e2ident = correct_maximum(table, e2, e2rows)))) {
+ mem_d(found);
found = util_strdup(e2ident);
+ }
correct_cleanup(e1, e1rows);
correct_cleanup(e2, e2rows);
ht htglobals;
ht *typedefs;
+ /* same as above but for the spelling corrector */
+ ht *correct_variables;
+ size_t ***correct_variables_score; /* vector of vector of size_t* */
/* not to be used directly, we use the hash table */
ast_expression **_locals;
size_t *_blocklocals;
+ size_t i;
+ char *correct = NULL;
* sometimes people use preprocessing predefs without enabling them
* i've done this thousands of times already myself. Lets check for
* it in the predef table. And diagnose it better :)
- size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ftepp_predefs)/sizeof(*ftepp_predefs); i++) {
if (!strcmp(ftepp_predefs[i].name, parser_tokval(parser))) {
parseerror(parser, "unexpected ident: %s (use -fftepp-predef to enable pre-defined macros)", parser_tokval(parser));
- parseerror(parser, "unexpected ident: %s", parser_tokval(parser));
+ /*
+ * TODO: determine the best score for the identifier: be it
+ * a variable, a field.
+ *
+ * We should also consider adding correction tables for
+ * other things as well.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < vec_size(parser->correct_variables); i++) {
+ correct = correct_str(parser->correct_variables[i], "ello");
+ if (strcmp(correct, parser_tokval(parser))) {
+ break;
+ } else if (correct) {
+ mem_d(correct);
+ }
+ }
+ if (correct) {
+ parseerror(parser, "unexpected ident: %s (did you mean %s?)", parser_tokval(parser), correct);
+ /*mem_d(correct);*/
+ } else {
+ parseerror(parser, "unexpected ident: %s", parser_tokval(parser));
+ }
goto onerr;
vec_push(parser->typedefs, util_htnew(TYPEDEF_HT_SIZE));
vec_push(parser->_blocktypedefs, vec_size(parser->_typedefs));
vec_push(parser->_block_ctx, parser_ctx(parser));
+ /* corrector */
+ vec_push(parser->correct_variables, util_htnew(PARSER_HT_SIZE));
+ vec_push(parser->correct_variables_score, NULL);
static bool parser_leaveblock(parser_t *parser)
+ util_htdel(vec_last(parser->correct_variables)); /* corrector */
+ vec_free(vec_last(parser->correct_variables_score)); /* corrector */
+ vec_pop(parser->correct_variables); /* corrector */
if (!vec_size(parser->_blocklocals)) {
parseerror(parser, "internal error: parser_leaveblock with no block (2)");
return false;
return rv;
vec_push(parser->_locals, e);
util_htset(vec_last(parser->variables), name, (void*)e);
+ /* corrector */
+ correct_add (
+ vec_last(parser->correct_variables),
+ &vec_last(parser->correct_variables_score),
+ name
+ );
static ast_expression* process_condition(parser_t *parser, ast_expression *cond, bool *_ifnot)
vec_push(parser->globals, (ast_expression*)thinkfunc);
util_htset(parser->htglobals, thinkfunc->name, thinkfunc);
nextthink = (ast_expression*)thinkfunc;
} else {
/* Add it to the local scope */
util_htset(vec_last(parser->variables), var->name, (void*)var);
+ /* corrector */
+ correct_add (
+ vec_last(parser->correct_variables),
+ &vec_last(parser->correct_variables_score),
+ var->name
+ );
/* now rename the global */
ln = strlen(var->name);
vec_append(defname, ln, var->name);
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
util_htset(vec_last(parser->variables), me[i]->name, (void*)(me[i]));
+ /* corrector */
+ correct_add(
+ vec_last(parser->correct_variables),
+ &vec_last(parser->correct_variables_score),
+ me[i]->name
+ );
vec_shrinkto(defname, prefix_len);
ln = strlen(me[i]->name);
vec_append(defname, ln, me[i]->name);
+ /* corrector */
+ for (i = 0; i < vec_size(parser->correct_variables); ++i) {
+ correct_del(parser->correct_variables[i], parser->correct_variables_score[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < vec_size(parser->correct_variables_score); ++i) {
+ vec_free(parser->correct_variables_score[i]);
+ }
+ vec_free(parser->correct_variables);
+ vec_free(parser->correct_variables_score);
for (i = 0; i < vec_size(parser->_typedefs); ++i)