cvar_t scr_viewsize = {CVAR_SAVE, "viewsize","100", "how large the view should be, 110 disables inventory bar, 120 disables status bar"};
cvar_t scr_fov = {CVAR_SAVE, "fov","90", "field of vision, 1-170 degrees, default 90, some players use 110-130"}; // 1 - 170
-cvar_t scr_conspeed = {CVAR_SAVE, "scr_conspeed","900", "speed of console open/close"}; // LordHavoc: quake used 300
cvar_t scr_conalpha = {CVAR_SAVE, "scr_conalpha", "1", "opacity of console background"};
cvar_t scr_conbrightness = {CVAR_SAVE, "scr_conbrightness", "0.2", "brightness of console background (0 = black, 1 = image)"};
cvar_t scr_conforcewhiledisconnected = {0, "scr_conforcewhiledisconnected", "1", "forces fullscreen console while disconnected"};
conlines = 0; // none visible
- if (scr_conspeed.value)
- {
- if (scr_con_current > conlines)
- {
- scr_con_current -= scr_conspeed.value*cl.realframetime;
- if (scr_con_current < conlines)
- scr_con_current = conlines;
- }
- else if (scr_con_current < conlines)
- {
- scr_con_current += scr_conspeed.value*cl.realframetime;
- if (scr_con_current > conlines)
- scr_con_current = conlines;
- }
- }
- else
- scr_con_current = conlines;
+ scr_con_current = conlines;
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_fov);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_viewsize);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_conspeed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_conalpha);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_conbrightness);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_conforcewhiledisconnected);
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_conwidth, bound(320, vid_conwidth.value + dir * 64, 2048));
else if (options_cursor == optnum++)
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_conheight, bound(240, vid_conheight.value + dir * 48, 1536));
- else if (options_cursor == optnum++)
- Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_conspeed, bound(0, scr_conspeed.value + dir * 100, 1000));
else if (options_cursor == optnum++)
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&scr_conalpha, bound(0, scr_conalpha.value + dir * 0.2, 1));
else if (options_cursor == optnum++)
M_Options_PrintCommand( " Color Control", true);
M_Options_PrintSlider( " 2D Screen Width ", true, vid_conwidth.value, 320, 2048);
M_Options_PrintSlider( " 2D Screen Height", true, vid_conheight.value, 240, 1536);
- M_Options_PrintSlider( " Console Speed", true, scr_conspeed.value, 0, 1000);
M_Options_PrintSlider( " Console Alpha", true, scr_conalpha.value, 0, 1);
M_Options_PrintSlider( "Conback Brightness", true, scr_conbrightness.value, 0, 1);
M_Options_PrintSlider( " Sbar Alpha BG", true, sbar_alpha_bg.value, 0, 1);
extern cvar_t crosshair_size;
extern cvar_t crosshair_static;
-extern cvar_t scr_conspeed;
extern cvar_t scr_conalpha;
extern cvar_t scr_conbrightness;
extern cvar_t r_letterbox;