pausable 0
seta g_spawnshieldtime 1.000000 "number of seconds you are invincible after you spawned, this shield is lost after you fire"
seta g_antilag 2 "AntiLag (0 = no AntiLag, 1 = verified client side hit scan, 2 = server side hit scan in the past, 3 = unverified client side hit scan)"
-set g_trueaim_minrange 128 "TrueAim minimum range (TrueAim adjusts shots so they hit the crosshair point even though the gun is not at the screen center)"
+set g_trueaim_minrange 48 "TrueAim minimum range (TrueAim adjusts shots so they hit the crosshair point even though the gun is not at the screen center)"
set g_antilag_nudge 0 "don't touch"
set g_antilag_bullets 1 "Bullets AntiLag (0 = no AntiLag, 1 = server side hit scan in the past) - DO NOT TOUCH (severely changes weapon balance)"
set g_shootfromclient 1 "let client decide if it has the gun left or right; if set to 2, center handedness is allowed, and defaulted to, too; see also cl_gunalign"