vid_sRGB_fallback 2
r_hdr_glowintensity 1
+cl_orthoview 0 "WARNING: WILL BREAK CONFIG!!! enable top-down view of the map- meant to be used for radar map images"
+cl_orthoview_nofog 1 "disable fog while in orthoview"
+cl_orthoview_distanceoverride 0 "set to a value other than 0 to force a different distance offset when in orthoview"
// these settings determine how much the view is affected by movement/damage
cl_smoothviewheight 0.05 // time of the averaging to the viewheight value so that it creates a smooth transition for crouching and such. 0 for instant transition
cl_deathfade 0 // fade screen to dark red when dead, value represents how fast the fade is (higher is faster)
float autocvar_cl_hidewaypoints;
float autocvar_cl_lockview;
float autocvar_cl_nogibs;
-var float autocvar_cl_orthoview = TRUE;
-var float autocvar_cl_orthoview_nofog = TRUE;
+float autocvar_cl_orthoview;
+float autocvar_cl_orthoview_nofog;
float autocvar_cl_orthoview_distanceoverride;
float autocvar_cl_particlegibs;
float autocvar_cl_particles_oldnexbeam;