- /** print(), but only print if the server is not local */
- void dedicated_print(string input)
- {
- if (server_is_dedicated) print(input);
- }
- void PrintToChat(entity player, string text)
- {
- text = strcat("\{1}^7", text, "\n");
- sprint(player, text);
- }
- void DebugPrintToChat(entity player, string text)
- {
- if (autocvar_developer)
- {
- PrintToChat(player, text);
- }
- }
- void PrintToChatAll(string text)
- {
- text = strcat("\{1}^7", text, "\n");
- bprint(text);
- }
- void DebugPrintToChatAll(string text)
- {
- if (autocvar_developer)
- {
- PrintToChatAll(text);
- }
- }
- void PrintToChatTeam(int teamnum, string text)
- {
- text = strcat("\{1}^7", text, "\n");
- {
- if (it.team == teamnum)
- {
- sprint(it, text);
- }
- });
- }
- void DebugPrintToChatTeam(int teamnum, string text)
-bool MoveToTeam(entity client, int team_colour, int type)
- if (autocvar_developer)
- int lockteams_backup = lockteams; // backup any team lock
- lockteams = 0; // disable locked teams
- TeamchangeFrags(client); // move the players frags
- if (!SetPlayerTeamSimple(client, team_colour))
-- {
- PrintToChatTeam(teamnum, text);
- return false;
-- }
- Damage(client, client, client, 100000, DEATH_AUTOTEAMCHANGE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, client.origin, '0 0 0'); // kill the player
- lockteams = lockteams_backup; // restore the team lock
- LogTeamchange(client.playerid, client.team, type);
- return true;
* message "": do not say, just test flood control
* return value: