int CenterX, CenterY;
- rect.top = 0;
- rect.left = 0;
- rect.right = width;
- rect.bottom = height;
- AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, WindowStyle, false, 0);
+ rect->top = 0;
+ rect->left = 0;
+ rect->right = *width;
+ rect->bottom = *height;
+ AdjustWindowRectEx(rect, WindowStyle, false, 0);
if (fullscreen)
// if height/width matches physical screen height/width, adjust it to available desktop size
// and allow 2 pixels on top for the title bar so the window can be moved
const int titleBarPixels = 2;
- if (width == GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) && (height == GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) || height == workHeight - titleBarPixels))
+ if (*width == GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) && (*height == GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) || *height == workHeight - titleBarPixels))
- rect.right -= width - workWidth;
- width = mode->width = workWidth;
- rect.bottom -= height - (workHeight - titleBarPixels);
- height = mode->height = workHeight - titleBarPixels;
+ rect->right -= *width - workWidth;
+ *width = mode->width = workWidth;
+ rect->bottom -= *height - (workHeight - titleBarPixels);
+ *height = mode->height = workHeight - titleBarPixels;
CenterX = 0;
CenterY = titleBarPixels;
- CenterX = max(0, (workWidth - width) / 2);
- CenterY = max(0, (workHeight - height) / 2);
+ CenterX = max(0, (workWidth - *width) / 2);
+ CenterY = max(0, (workHeight - *height) / 2);
// x and y may be changed by WM_MOVE messages
window_x = CenterX;
window_y = CenterY;
- rect.left += CenterX;
- rect.right += CenterX;
- rect.top += CenterY;
- rect.bottom += CenterY;
+ rect->left += CenterX;
+ rect->right += CenterX;
+ rect->top += CenterY;
+ rect->bottom += CenterY;