#ifdef GAMEQC
REPLICATE(cvar_cl_nade_type, int, "cl_nade_type");
-REPLICATE(cvar_cl_pokenade_type, string, "cl_pokenade_type");
REPLICATE(cvar_cl_tandemnade_type, int, "cl_tandemnade_type");
+REPLICATE(cvar_cl_pokenade_type, string, "cl_pokenade_type");
entity Nade_TrailEffect(int proj, int nade_team)
//LegendGuard adds vehicle spawn option for emerald nade 20-06-2021
-void nade_emerald_SpawnVehicle(entity ent, vector org, entity veh)
+entity spawnvehicle (entity e, string vehicle, Vehicle veh, entity spawnedby, entity own, vector orig, bool respwn, bool removeifinvalid, int moveflag)
- ent.noalign = true; // don't drop to floor
- ent.angles = '0 0 0';
- ent.gravity = 1;
- setorigin(ent, org);
- ent.velocity = randomvec() * 150 + '0 0 325';
- ent.spawnfunc_checked = true;
- time = 0.5;
- vehicle_initialize(ent, veh, 1);
+ e.spawnflags = VHF_MULTISLOT;
-//LegendGuard adds random vehicle spawn selection function for emerald nade 20-06-2021
-void nade_emerald_randomvehicles(entity e, vector org)
- RandomSelection_Init();
- FOREACH(Vehicles, it != VEH_Null && (!((it.spawnflags & VHF_MULTISLOT))),
- {
- if(it.spawnflags & VHF_MULTISLOT || it.classname == "Bumblebee") //No Bumblebee, please
- continue;
- float chanceveh = 1;
- if(it.spawnflags & VHF_MOVE_FLY)
- chanceveh = 0;
- RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, chanceveh, 1);
- });
- nade_emerald_SpawnVehicle(e, org, RandomSelection_chosen_ent);
+ if(!respwn) { e.spawnflags |= VHF_ISVEHICLE; }
+ //if(invincible) { e.spawnflags |= MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE; }
-//LegendGuard adds turret spawn option for emerald nade 22-06-2021
-//TODO: turrets must be spawned by owner team, cannot be spawned to attack owner team or both
-void nade_emerald_SpawnTurret(entity ent, vector org, entity tur)
- //{
- if (turspawncount < autocvar_g_nades_emerald_turretspawnlimit)
+ setorigin(e, orig);
+ bool allow_any = boolean(vehicle == "anyrandom");
+ if(vehicle == "random" || allow_any)
+ {
+ RandomSelection_Init();
+ FOREACH(Vehicles, it != VEH_Null && (allow_any || !(it.spawnflags & VHF_MULTISLOT)),
- //ent = spawn();
- //ent.owner = it.owner;
- //ent.realowner = it.realowner;
- //ent.team = ent.realowner.team;
- //FOREACH_CLIENT(!IS_OBSERVER(it.realowner), ent.team = it.team;);
- ent.noalign = true; // don't drop to floor
- //ent.angles = '0 0 0';
- //ent.gravity = 1;
- setorigin(ent, org);
- //ent.velocity = randomvec() * 150 + '0 0 325';
- ent.spawnfunc_checked = true;
- //ent.solid = SOLID_CORPSE;
- //setthink(ent, turrets_respawn);
- // fading handled globally
- //bool turret_initialize(entity this, Turret tur)
- //turret_validate_target(ent.realowner, ent.enemy, ent.target_validate_flags);
- turret_initialize(ent, tur);
- //turspawncount++;
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1AFTER^7 turspawncount: ^3%f", turspawncount));
- //if (!IS_ONGROUND(ent))
- // ent.gravity = 1; setorigin(ent, org);
- }
- else
+ RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, 1, 1);
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("it.classname: ^1%s", it.classname));
+ });
+ /*FOREACH(Vehicles, it != VEH_Null && (!((it.spawnflags & VHF_MULTISLOT))),
- //centerprint(it, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, "^1You cannot spawn more turrets!"));
- PrintToChatAll("^1Someone tried to spawn more turrets than the maximum allowed! Sorry, cannot be spawned, spawn limit has been reached!");
+ if(it.spawnflags & VHF_MULTISLOT || it.classname == "Bumblebee") //No Bumblebee, please
+ continue;
+ float chanceveh = 1;
+ if(it.spawnflags & VHF_MOVE_FLY)
+ chanceveh = 0;
+ RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, chanceveh, 1);
+ });*/
+ veh = RandomSelection_chosen_ent;
+ }
+ else if(vehicle != "")
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ FOREACH(Vehicles, it != VEH_Null,
+ {
+ if(it.netname == vehicle)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ veh = it; // we have the vehicle, old vehicle id is no longer required
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if(!found && veh == VEH_Null)
+ {
+ if(removeifinvalid)
+ {
+ delete(e);
+ return NULL; // no good
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // select a random valid vehicle type if no valid vehicle was provided
+ return spawnvehicle(e, "random", VEH_Null, spawnedby, own, orig, respwn, removeifinvalid, moveflag);
+ }
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^4tur- ^2it.netname: %s", it.netname));
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^4tur- ^1tur.classname: %s", tur.classname));
- // return;
- //});
+ }
+ e.realowner = spawnedby;
+ // TODO : Create a vehicle .entity moveflag
+ //if(moveflag && e.vehicle_flags == VEH_FLAG_MOVE)
+ // e.monster_moveflags = moveflag;
+ if(IS_PLAYER(spawnedby))
+ {
+ if(teamplay && autocvar_g_monsters_teams)
+ e.team = spawnedby.team; // colors handled in spawn code
+ // TODO : Create a vehicle .entity moveflag
+ //if(autocvar_g_monsters_owners)
+ // e.monster_follow = own; // using .owner makes the monster non-solid for its master
+ e.angles_y = spawnedby.angles_y;
+ }
+ // TODO: Remove or or not?
+ //if(!(e.spawnflags & VHF_ISVEHICLE)) { delete(e); return NULL; } // remove even if told not to, as we didn't spawn any kind of vehicle
+ e.effects &= EF_DIMLIGHT;
+ // e.angles = '0 0 0';
+ e.gravity = 1;
+ e.velocity = randomvec() * 150 + '0 0 325';
+ e.spawnfunc_checked = true;
+ time = 0.4;
+ vehicle_initialize(e, veh, true);
+ return e;
-//LegendGuard adds random turret spawn function for emerald nade 22-06-2021
-void nade_emerald_randomturrets(entity e, vector org)
+//LegendGuard adds turret spawn option for emerald nade 22-06-2021
+entity spawnturret (entity e, string turret, Turret tur, entity spawnedby, entity own, vector orig, bool respwn, bool removeifinvalid, int moveflag)
- //in: qcsrc/common/turrets/turret.qh , look constants
- RandomSelection_Init();
- FOREACH(Turrets, it != TUR_Null && (!((it.spawnflags & TSF_SUSPENDED))),
- {
- if(it.spawnflags & TSF_SUSPENDED)
- continue;
- float chancetur = 1;
- if(it.spawnflags & TSF_NO_PATHBREAK)
- chancetur = 0;
- RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, chancetur, 1);
- });
- nade_emerald_SpawnTurret(e, org, RandomSelection_chosen_ent);
+ if(!respwn) { e.spawnflags |= TSL_NO_RESPAWN; }
+ //if(invincible) { e.spawnflags |= MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE; }
+ setorigin(e, orig);
+ bool allow_any = boolean(turret == "anyrandom");
+ if(turret == "random" || allow_any)
+ {
+ RandomSelection_Init();
+ //FOREACH(Turrets, it != MON_Null && (allow_any || !(it.spawnflags & MON_FLAG_HIDDEN)) && !(it.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_PASSIVE),
+ FOREACH(Turrets, it != TUR_Null && (allow_any || !(it.spawnflags & TSF_SUSPENDED)),
+ {
+ RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, 1, 1);
+ });
+ tur = RandomSelection_chosen_ent;
+ }
+ else if(turret != "")
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ FOREACH(Turrets, it != TUR_Null,
+ {
+ if(it.netname == turret)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ tur = it; // we have the turret, old turret id is no longer required
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if(!found && tur == TUR_Null)
+ {
+ if(removeifinvalid)
+ {
+ delete(e);
+ return NULL; // no good
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // select a random valid turret type if no valid turret was provided
+ return spawnturret(e, "random", TUR_Null, spawnedby, own, orig, respwn, removeifinvalid, moveflag);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ e.realowner = spawnedby;
+ // TODO : Create a turret .entity moveflag
+ //if(moveflag && e.turret_flags == TUR_FLAG_MOVE)
+ // e.monster_moveflags = moveflag;
+ if(IS_PLAYER(spawnedby))
+ {
+ if(teamplay && autocvar_g_monsters_teams)
+ e.team = spawnedby.team; // colors handled in spawn code
+ // TODO : Create a turret .entity moveflag
+ //if(autocvar_g_monsters_owners)
+ // e.monster_follow = own; // using .owner makes the monster non-solid for its master
+ e.angles_y = spawnedby.angles_y;
+ }
+ // TODO: Remove or or not?
+ if(!(e.spawnflags & TSF_SUSPENDED)) { delete(e); return NULL; } // remove even if told not to, as we didn't spawn any kind of turret
+ e.effects &= EF_DIMLIGHT;
+ turret_initialize(e, tur);
+ return e;
void nade_emerald_randomitem(entity e, vector org)
e.spawnfunc_checked = true;
if(!IS_GAMETYPE(CA) && !autocvar_g_instagib)
- //int cvar which manages the ONLY dropping per each type of item 14-03-2021
+ //int cvar which manages the ONLY dropping per each item type 14-03-2021
switch (autocvar_g_nades_emerald_dropitemselect)
case 0: for(int j = 0; j < itemcount; ++j){ nade_emerald_randomitem(e, org); return;}
proj.bot_dodge = true;
set_movetype(proj, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE);
setmodel(proj, MDL_Null);
- proj.scale = 1;//0.5;
+ proj.scale = 1; //0.5;
setsize(proj, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4');
setorigin(proj, this.origin);
setthink(proj, emerald_ball_think);
void nade_emerald_boom(entity this)
entity e = spawn();
- bool spawnlimited = false;
switch (this.tandemnade_type)
case 1:
+ if (vehspawncount < autocvar_g_nades_emerald_vehiclespawnlimit)
- if (vehspawncount < autocvar_g_nades_emerald_vehiclespawnlimit)
- {
- spawnlimited = false;
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^2BEFORE^7 vehspawncount: ^3%f", vehspawncount));
- vehspawncount++;
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1AFTER^7 vehspawncount: ^3%f", vehspawncount));
- }
- else
- spawnlimited = true;
- });
- if(spawnlimited == true)
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^2BEFORE^7 vehspawncount: ^3%f", vehspawncount));
+ vehspawncount++;
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1AFTER^7 vehspawncount: ^3%f", vehspawncount));
+ e = spawnvehicle(
+ e,
+ "random", //this.tandemnade_type,
+ VEH_Null,
+ this.realowner,
+ this.realowner,
+ this.origin,
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ else
PrintToChatAll("^1Someone tried to spawn more vehicles than the maximum allowed! Sorry, cannot be spawned, spawn limit has been reached!");
- else
- nade_emerald_randomvehicles(e, this.origin);
- /*case 2:
+ case 2:
- nade_emerald_randomturrets(e, this.origin);
- return; //EXPERIMENTAL
- }*/
+ e.noalign = true; // don't drop to floor
+ e.gravity = 1;
+ if (turspawncount < autocvar_g_nades_emerald_turretspawnlimit)
+ {
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^2BEFORE^7 turspawncount: ^3%f", turspawncount));
+ turspawncount++;
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1AFTER^7 turspawncount: ^3%f", turspawncount));
+ e = spawnturret(
+ e,
+ "random", //this.tandemnade_type,
+ TUR_Null,
+ this.realowner,
+ this.realowner,
+ this.origin,
+ false,
+ false,
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ PrintToChatAll("^1Someone tried to spawn more vehicles than the maximum allowed! Sorry, cannot be spawned, spawn limit has been reached!");
+ return;
+ }
for (int c = 0; c < autocvar_g_nades_emerald_ball_count; c++)