VectorAdd(vieworg, gunorg, gunorg);
VectorAdd(viewangles, gunangles, gunangles);
- // bounded XY speed calculation, used by several effects below
+ // bounded XY speed, used by several effects below
xyspeed = bound (0, sqrt(cl.velocity[0]*cl.velocity[0] + cl.velocity[1]*cl.velocity[1]), 400);
// vertical view bobbing code
// this value slowly decreases from 1 to 0 when we stop touching the ground.
// The cycle is later multiplied with it so the view smooths back to normal
- if (cl.onground && !cl.cmd.jump) // also block while the jump button is pressed, to avoid twitches when bunny-hopping
+ if (cl.onground && !cl.cmd.jump) // also block the effect while the jump button is pressed, to avoid twitches when bunny-hopping
cl.bob2_smooth = 1;
cl.bob2_smooth = 0;
- // calculate the side and front of the player between the X and Y axes
+ // calculate the front and side of the player between the X and Y axes
AngleVectors(viewangles, forward, right, up);
- // now get the speed based on those angles. The division is for mathing vertical bobbing intensity
+ // now get the speed based on those angles. The division is for mathing vertical bob intensity
side = DotProduct (cl.velocity, right) / 1000 * cl.bob2_smooth;
front = DotProduct (cl.velocity, forward) / 1000 * cl.bob2_smooth;
VectorScale(forward, bob, forward);